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Article: Somalia at 50: bullets in the south, ballots in the north.

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registered voters ku lahaa :D . Waraa adi waa ciyaaraysaaye, you think you are conversing with a white man :D .



SSC is qabiil who largely refused to be part of Somaliland for historical reasons. At least accept that simple fact.

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The observers only went within the Bebera, Burco, Hargeysa and Riyaale's base of Borama. Therefor yes the elections were fair in only those 4 places.


They did not go to Sool or Sanaag, which makes up the majority of their supposed land mass, nor did the president campaign in those area's. They want to provide pics from the triangle and video's but when it comes to Sool and Sanaag they want us to take their word that campaigning took place there and that there was higher voter turn out as well.


So no, I think the PR War was completely won. The the NW Somalia enclave was finally proven to be only in control of a small particular area.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:



The international observer did went into all regions of Somaliland; and when they finally produced their tabulated reality, you will see the lies you are peddling in here, indeed,
dear lad
. But, then, again, I am not surprised that you are acting in this way.


IRI link



Seriously Oodweyne even though I have evidence that contradicts what you say, I will not call you a liar.


However, will you continue to say things you know for a fact are not true? Do you actually think you can convince people something when there is clear evidence contradicting what you say? For instance you said this "International" observers did went into all regions of Somaliland??


Well let me quote a thread that YOU started. Which clearly shows that what you are saying is not correct.


IRI also partnered with the local nongovernmental organization Social Research and Development Institute to train and deploy
six domestic observer teams that gave IRI a broader coverage in areas where INTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS COULD NOT MONITOR. The DOMESTIC teams monitored voting and ballot counting at more than 70 polling stations in Ainaba, Baligubadle, Las Anod, Lug-haya, Odweine, Salaxley and Zeila.

As you see, only domestic teams went to these cities and towns, according to your article.


The Foreign teams according to YOUR article ONLY WENT TO:


The delegation also included representatives from the Czech Republic, Kenya, Nigeria, Norway, Sierra Leone, Serbia, Spain and the United States.
The group observed voting and ballot counting at more than 70 polling stations in four cities – Berbera, Borama, Burao and Hargeisa.


So again, 1) you tried to paint me as peddling lies, however I have used your own articles against you from the IRI that cleary shows that what you said about international observers going to all regions of NW Somalia as incorrect. 2) When those numbers do come out from Sool and Sanaag from your local observers, I assure you that they will be favorable towards your enclave. We both know they are not neutral and have their motives for presenting a favorable view of the elections.


So next time you want to accuse people of lying, you need to make sure your evidence is solid. Which I have clearly proved is not.

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Che, the positive news of people voting in peace in Somaliland is something all Somalis (reasonable ones) would have repeated in the media day out and day in. Even I participate in the propagation of that narrative, that Somalia is not all doom and gloom, and in some parts of it people govern themselves and vote for their leaders...


Where I bring profitable commentary is to deflate buufinka qabyaaladu ka buuxdo in the form of Oodweyne, which ruins the whole experience with the lies he continues to feed on SOL readership awoowe. That is what this running, back and forth, tussle between the separatist squad and me is all about. They sweeten, and beautify a limited political progress with a load of lies and baseless claims. Some parts of the Somaliland voted in peace (voters lining up and in queue, getting ready to vote was beautiful political imagery that a sick, or xaasid would take issue with), and one hopes their efforts come to fruition. On the other hand, there are other parts where secessionists would have us believe that election took place and people voted in peace, when realities on the ground depicts a state of war and instability. And that is where a little dose of truth would be needed to put things in context …

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Xiin...I think deflating Oodweyne's is futile exercise in that it carries no weight and it plays into his hands. It also puts you in the defense. What is needed is well-thought counter message that poke holes in the secessionist project and the way they present to the wider world.

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^^That has been achieved quite effectively. Separatism is a local issue for Somalis, and upto this point there is no goverment far or near that has openly supported this nonsense of dismembering a poor, failed nation in a volitile region, Che.


What is left is handling Oodweyne and his apprentice, ngonge :D

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Xiin..Other nations and organizations see no geopolitical advantage (now) in recognizing Somaliland as long as Somalia's problems are contained within its borders.Nothing is set on stone and political realities can change.Legitimate opposition is needed to oppose secession.This has twofold effect. It shows the international community not everyone in the Former British Protectorate is on board and in practical terms, it will silence Oodweyne and his little gang.Rhetoric without any action is not option.

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This has twofold effect. It shows the international community not everyone in the Former British Protectorate is on board and in practical terms,

Have you been sleeping the last 20 years.

This so called term "disputed area" does not capture the reality on the ground. The people of much of Sanaag are in total control of their territories although there are ocassional disruption of peace whenever a band of "Somaliland" militia venture outside their clan border.


It's well documented and well-known that the Sanaag region has always been in the hands of its owners and there are local Distric governments and regional administration. Recently, NATO hold a private meeting with the governor of Sanaag on the coast of LaasQoray along with the elders of the region.

You would think that NATO would ignore the political reality and instead meet with fiery tales of men "Somaliland" set up in the region as their appointees.

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Btw, read the UNISOM I & II missions in Somalia. Awad Ahmed Ashara, current MP of Somalia, was the politician from the main clan of Sanaag region, who was appointed to be the legitimate representative of the people, contrary to the claims that the secessionists often used to make to hoodwink the international community.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Mr. Thankful


Here is
Dr. Steve Kibble
and his
organisation, which was
as the official leader of the
"international observer mission"
to the recently concluded Somaliland's presidential election, and what they have to say about your silly argument:



A Press Release From Progressio


The three organisations were invited in January 2009 by Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) to act as coordinators of the international observation mission for the election in the internationally-unrecognised republic.


In the event,
59 international observers visited polling stations in all six Somaliland regions
, working alongside a group of 19 observers from the US-based International Republican Institute.



You link shows that Dr. Steve Kibble and his Progressio worked with the 2 other Organisations which are the Development Planning Unit of University College London (UCL) and Somaliland Focus (UK), the latter having a clear mission of promoting the secessionists agenda in Somalia.


As well


One World


In the week since the team assembled in Hargeisa (comprising 59 individuals from 16 countries,
including diaspora Somalilanders
) much work has been done. The teams have met the incumbent president and the two opposition candidates to hear points of view on the progress towards polling day where all three candidates pledged to accept the result of the poll.

Well you fail to mention that, of those international observers that made up Progressio's, UCL and Somaliland Focus (UK) team. Diaspora NW Somalis are also included as international observers. So I wonder, is NW Somalis from European countries, and N.America being counted by the country they came from? Also, are they the international observers that allegedly went ot Sool and Sanaag?



As well the link you provided said that they worked along side a group of 19 observers from the International Republican Institute. (Which we know from your other link that IRI stated they did not have any international observers outside of the 4 cities.)


the event, 59 international observers visited polling stations in all six Somaliland regions, working alongside a group of 19 observers from the US-based International Republican Institute."

The IRI is the only observer group that clearly addresses where their international observers went, where as Progressio does not, they only say that their international observers included Diaspora NW Somalis.


So when you produce the reports from Progressio and the two other organizations that show high turnouts from Sool and Sanaag, remember that their international observers included NW Somalis!


Despite all this, still no photographs or video's from all the regions.

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THANKFUL YOU STILL upset about the elections lol get over it old boy, CNN, FOX, ABC, BBC and all world oulets paint a good picture of somaliland. All your talk of they were not here or their will not change the fact in the eyes of westerns somaliland is light heads of its region.

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Thankful, there is clear videos posted before of all the three leaders of the three parties campaigning in sanaag particularly Erigavo and Ceelafweyn and there was big turn outs in ololaha dooraashada.

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The election was remarkable achievement for the enclave and congradulations are due. However it will not help in secession from Somalia.


Therefore NG's emotional euphoria today is like the capture of LA more than 2 years ago, it has not produced much in terms of secession and it caused a lot of hardship and discord for the people of Sool.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:



So now
are one with Somaliland's attempt to hoodwink where election took place and where not, heh,
dear lad


What a desperate simply gamble on your part, dear lad, this is. Please read the report, for it says they were three group independent of each other. And, secondly, the Somaliland UK Diaspora-based community, could not be classified as a
"international observers"
. But, on the contrary, as a local ones only.


Hence, the international observers are the ones that come from other countries that has no relationship with Somaliland. And they are
observers that comes directly under
Dr. S. Kibble's
group on one hand, and
strong from the


Hence, when
says they have went in to all
"six regions"
as well as Somaliland UK Diaspora-based community, it means, we, as the
"international observers"
went those regions to witness that presidential election. And we were also there in conjunction with the trained
"local election observers"
, such as various indigenous one, in which Somaliland UK based Diaspora-based community will also come under it, indeed.


I am absolutely amassed that yoy do not know the first thing about the definition of
"International observer mission"
. Since, local population can't be classified as such thing in the first place, even, if they are nominally resident in
. Which rules out anything to do with Somaliland Diaspora-based community being classified as a
"international observer mission"
in the first place. Particularly if you want your final report to be credible as an
"independent report"
, indeed.


And, finally, I must say, that, you really are a price-less and hopeless pedantic (
if you don't mind me say so, indeed
). Since if you really want to pick a bone in here, then the last thing you ought to have done would be to say that those Somalilanders from UK are also in part and parcel of the observer international mission, given that it's clear that they were meant to be the local guidance for the said international mission in the first place,


Whilst, at the same time others such as
Dr. Steve Kibble's
group were meant to be the real
"International observer mission"
, indeed...


But, then, it just dawn on me about now that the likes of you, as well as the like
before you, are basically arguing for argument sake, indeed. And, you have no scintilla of a decent hand to which to detain others with.


All in all, I think I need to stop in here. For I have done far more justice to what, in essence, your silly line of arguments warrant in the first place from anyone.


Hence, unless you have some earth-shattering meaty argument of the kind we haven't seen it from your hands previously, then, I consider this post to be my last contribution towards this sort of discussion pertaining to the composition of the
"international observer mission"
. And, in particularly, where part of Somaliland have they visited it, in the course of their mission, indeed....




Please stop speaking recklessly and with no facts. You may have your own opinions on things but do not present your own idea's on how things should work as fact. Yes, the NW Somalis diaspora who are citizens of foreign nations are considered international observers.



You see, according to Somaliland Focus (UK), NW Somalia's Diaspora are considered part of the international observers. Here is a link you might want to view where they interview several members of the International Election Observation (IEO), which 2 of them men they interviewed where from NW Somalia orginally.


NW Somalia Focus


The first individuals name is: 1. Yusuf Ali, British Somali scholar living in the UK, IEO Member: and the second person is 2. Said Jama, 66 year old Somali scholar based in London, IEO Member. . Both these men are members of the International Election Observers. Proving once again that you are being reckless with the truth when you say that "Somaliland UK Diaspora-based community, could not be classified as a "international observers". But, on the contrary, as a local ones only."


Do you realize they hold citizenship from a foreign country? And that the NW Somalia enclave citizenship is not recognized by the entire international communty?



Al Jazeera


You might want to watch this video from Al Jazeera, where it states that international observers are "relying on NW Somalia's returing diaspora to monitor polling stations in far flung regions."


Anyways, I agree we might as well end this. You are obviously being hard headed.

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