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Article: Somalia at 50: bullets in the south, ballots in the north.

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Somalia at 50: bullets in the south, ballots in the north


Submitted by WW4 Report on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 14:52.


Somalia marked its 50th anniversary of independence from colonial rule June 26 with bullets on one end of the country and ballots on the other. In Mogadishu, the official capital in the south, the president of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, gave a hopeful but solemn address—even as violence continued in the city. On June 27, a Mogadishu market came under mortar bombardment as Shabab insurgents attacked TFG troops and African Union peacekeepers, leaving three dead and nine injured. Since the beginning of the year, 200,000 Somalis have fled Mogadishu. Many have sought refuge in the camps that ring the city, such as the Afgooye Corridor, home to the world's largest concentration of displaced people—more than 360,000.


Meanwhile, in the unrecognized independent republic of Somaliland in the north, some 1 million voters lined up at polling stations under tight security to elect a new president—despite threats from al-Shabab in the south to attack voters. In an audio message, Shabab's leader, Sheik Mukhtar Abdirahman Abu Zubeyr, called democracy "the Devil's principle" and warned people in Somaliland not to adopt it.


"I am so happy that we are voting democratically, and I hope that the election will end peacefully," said current President Dahir Riyale Kahin of the ruling party UDUD after casting his vote in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. The UDUB, challenged by two other parties in the race, pledges to respect the outcome. "If we lose, we'll give up power," promised Said Adani Moge, a spokesman for Somaliland's government. "The most important thing is peace." (The East African, June 28; Before It's News, June 27; Raxanreeb Online, Suna Times, June 26; CNN, NYT, June 26; The Horn, Hargeisa, via AllVoices, June 25)


The US-funded International Republican Institute (IRI) found that Somaliland's election was peaceful, without major incident and generally met international standards. However, violence was reported in eastern Sool, Sanaag and Cayn districts—known as the SSC Regions. While most of Somaliland is dominated by the **** clan, the SSC Regions are controlled by the *********** clan, some of whose leaders have declared their own breakaway enclave. Ten peoples were reported killed in clashes in Sool district after militiamen tried to bar polling from the enclave. Somaliland's government said the militia had invaded from Puntland, a neighboring de facto independent region accused by Hargeisa of having territorial designs on the SSC Regions. (Northern Somalia News via AllVoices, AllVoices, Somaliland Press, AP, June 27)


See our last posts on Somalia and Somaliland.


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However, violence was reported in eastern Sool, Sanaag and Cayn districts—known as the SSC Regions. While most of Somaliland is dominated by the **** clan, the SSC Regions are controlled by the *********** clan, some of whose leaders have declared their own breakaway enclave. Ten peoples were reported killed in clashes in Sool district after militiamen tried to bar polling from the enclave. Somaliland's government said the militia had invaded from Puntland, a neighboring de facto independent region accused by Hargeisa of having territorial designs on the SSC Regions. (Northern Somalia News via AllVoices, AllVoices, Somaliland Press, AP, June 27)


Reality as it is on the ground sets in .

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^^ It's time for a new plan for Xiin and likeminded people. The part of SL that they dispute happily took part in this election and (as the news reports) only a few random tiny places did not vote or those areas that were disrupted by the troublemakers from PL.


The logic is so foolish one has to laugh at their pirate-like daring. I mean, how could you attack a polling station whilst hiding behind the argument that "our people don't want to vote"? Qac fooqal qac. :D

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NGONGE, dont get emotional about what took place awoowe, and what ever you do, dont forget it's all about clans :D


read the snippet below. I did not write, AP wrote it.


While most of Somaliland is dominated by the **** clan, the SSC Regions are controlled by the *********** clan, some of whose leaders have declared their own breakaway enclave.


Press, AP, June 27)


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^^ Still with the old plan? War dee wax cusub la kaalay. :D


Keep up with the changes in that part of the world, adeer. An election took place. Laas canood voted. The days of claims and counter claims waa laga tegay. The clans have been seduced with promises of peace, prosperty and progress (three Ps that don't include piracy). Wax la kaalay, adeer.

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The SSC issue has been talked about for a long time. I'm still waiting on someone to tell me why they're fighting.


Credit where credits due ya Xiin. All indications suggest a credible election has taken place in SL. Now, unless you believe SL is a seperate state (from Somalia) and doesn't deserve a pat on the back, you would do well to congratualte them icon_razz.gif

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^^ :D:D:D


Buuhoodle:(Allpuntland)-Jamhada SSC ee dhawaan laga aas-aasay gobolada Sool,Sanaag & Ceyn ee dawlada Puntland ayaa soo bandhigay Dhowr santuukh oo ah kuwo ay kujireen Waraaqaha codbixinta Doorashooyinka ee Maamulka Somaliland,kuwaas oo ay sheegeen inay kasoo qabteen agagaarka degmada Laascaanood ayna kusoo qabteen dagaal ay lagaleen qaarkamid ah Maamulka Somaliland ciidamadooda.


Sarkaal sare oo katirsan Ciidanka SSC ayaa Warbaahinta u sheegey inay santuukhayadan & gaarigii waday soo qabteen,wuxuuna sheegey in ay si awood ah kusoo qabteen Sanaadiikhdan,mase uusan sheegin wax khasaaro ah oo halkaas kasoo gaaray,Waxaana uu Sidoo kale sheegey in ciidankoodu uu markasta ay diyaar u yihiin La dagaalanka Maamulka Somaliland oo si xoog ah ku haysta Meelo kamid ah gobolada SSC.


Santuukhyada oo ay kabuuxeen kaararka codaynta ee maamulka Somaliland ayaa waxaa si toos ah loo tusay Warbaahinta madaxa banaan,waxaana saraakiisha SSC ay sheegeen in miyiga fog ee Sool meelo kamid ah & degmada Xudun ee gobolkaas loo waday Kaararkan lana rabay in ay dadka halkaas ku dhaqan usoo codeeyaan.


Ururka SSC ayaa dhawaan sheegey inay soo qabqabteen qaarkamid ah Sanaadiikhda codadka ee Maamulka Somaliland oo bilowgii todobaadkan galay Doorashooyin loogu tartamaya xilka Madaxtinimada maamulkaas,Laakiin doorashooyinkaasi kama dhicin meelo badan oo kamid ah gobolada SSC halkaas oo ay Puntland & SSC dagaalo kula galeen maamulka Somaliland.

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Originally posted by Norfsky:

The SSC issue has been talked about for a long time. I'm still waiting on someone to tell me why they're fighting.


Credit where credits due ya Xiin. All indications suggest a credible election has taken place in SL. Now, unless you believe SL is a seperate state (from Somalia) and doesn't deserve a pat on the back, you would do well to congratualte them

I am not like Oodweyne, North, and have no problem with SL doing good and advancing toward good governance. The truth of the matter is elections took place in areas where people wanted to vote and participate in the political system.


Credible elections did not take place however in the disputed areas, SSC. I understand Riyaale bribing Xaabsade and sending armed militia to fetch some numbers from that area to boost his electoral, but that my friend is not an election. I know it and you know it. NGONGE does not know it because the guru misled him.

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^^ Someone bribing someone is what is normally called politics, adeer. Wax fahan.


But again, you keep posting pieces that talk about PL disrupting or stealing some election boxes from the disputed area. HOWVER, what you keep missing in your mad search for any straws to clutch at, is that before the boxes reached the areas there was a registration process. Vote or no vote, steal the boxes or blow them up, the SL election was there in spirit (that is if I even concede to your mad protestations). Wax fahan.

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^^ Jabhaad mara waxda?

War ninka hada yedhi it's all about clans miyanaad aheen? Maxaad reerka o kala saaraysa? Shaqadaa anaga inoo daa. :D

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^^Times like this in reerka lakala saaray noogu badisaa . And still, it's all about clans :D


Ku noqo aad bay u fududahay, it's elementary awoowe

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