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Dayniile report Sheikh Shariif gain more supporters over the fools in Asmara

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Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo helay taageero badan oo shacabka Soomaliyeed gudaha iyo Dibadda



Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo ah halyeey u soo baxay shacabka Soomaliyeed xiligaan adag ee lagu jira gumeysiga ayaa helay taageero badan oo shacabka ah kadib markii uu la fahmay siyaasada qalafsan ay wataan ciidamada Gumeysiga Itoobiya isagoona sheegay in gacana qoriga lagu qabsado halka mida kalana uu yiri Nabad ha lagu raadiyo


Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo la aantiisa laga saareen Muqdisho qab qalayaasha dagaalka Muqdisho ayaa xiligaan waxaa hagar daacin kuwada shaqsiyaad siweyn u taageersanaa halgankii Maxaakiimta Islaamiga Soomaliyeed .


Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo ah shaqsi dagan aqoon diineyd iyo midmaadi leh ayaa xiligaan u dhabar adeegay bal in uu badbaadiyo shacabka Soomalaiyeed ee xiligaan ku jira bur bur iyo barakicin waxaana taa ka hor yimid shaqsiyaad 17kii sano looga bartay waa diidnay iyo looma dhan kuwaas oo aan wali u keenin shacabkooda wax hor mar ah marka laga reebo dhaca iyo boob





18kii sano ee la soo dhaafay ayaa madaxda reer Muqdisho looga bartay in ay wax waliba diidaan iyagoona heynin badiil

Isku soo duub Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo xiligaan u muuqdo in uu helay taageerada Beeshiisa Mudulood iyo dad badan oo Soomaali ah oo ku kala nool gudaha iyo dibadda



Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile

Goternburg, Sweden ,

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Its from Dayniile an anti-TFG website


He support base are leaving the behind the pundits in Asmara...

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Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo ah shaqsi dagan aqoon diineyd iyo midmaadi leh ayaa xiligaan u dhabar adeegay bal in uu badbaadiyo shacabka Soomalaiyeed ee xiligaan ku jira bur bur iyo barakicin
waxaana taa ka hor yimid shaqsiyaad 17kii sano looga bartay waa diidnay iyo looma dhan kuwaas oo aan wali u keenin shacabkooda wax hor mar ah marka laga reebo dhaca iyo boob

True all they contributed thus far is Dhac iyo Boob, what esle thug Indhacadde contributed to the Somali society, even Dayniile have to admit and write that... truth cannot be suppressed, No way it will come out sooner or later, finally the truth is getting out.

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^War Emperor war baryahan waaba lagaa shidi baan umaleyne aduunkaagii ma Sheikh Sharif unbuu ku soo ururay?


Caawana ma Dayniilaad miciin biday. Ahey ah, maxaad taageero u baahatay. Sowdigii caayi jiray habeen iyo maalin website'kaas.

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^I have respect for him if he retracts from his earlier strategy as is in this case and embraces the process ruturing law, order and governance to the country.


PS: Besides my oppostion against his stance, I have always thought of him as having a good future in the Somali politiking, it seems he's making the right moves to earn more admirers like moi if that means the loss of few rock headed individiuls like you.

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^You do protest, complain and wail for too much brother... Maxaan ku iri ood kaxumaatay hadda bal iisheeg.


War ninyahow meeshu waa Public forum qof fiican qof xun mid caraysan mid faraxlow ah waxkastaad kula kulmi wixi lagu dhaho waa laga gudbaa lama xasuusto ama qoute gareeyo...


Sxb meeshaan mid and late 2006 during the war in and around Baidabo and the months that followed anigu iyo Duke ayaa aheen dadka loogu cay badanyahay, wax aan nalaku sheegin ama magac aan nalooku yeerin majiro war hadaan ka cararo Politics section-ka oo aan tago Studenttalk women section ama Doodwanaag xataa waa adjective-ki igama harin, waxaa umaleeyay xataa hadaan tago BBC English news website-ka in aniga adjectives la iigu tirinaayo.... Meeshaan waa SOL forum, waa lagu kaftamaa mar marna waa la isku xanaqaa waxaan usoo joogay xataa rag iyagoo intay isku dhaarteen magaalada isku balansadeen :D , laakiin overall cidinna kuma dhimato, qof madhaawacno xoolanna malaka dhaco guryana malakala qabsado waa la isku aqriyaa waana lakala tagaa, marka Chill out Saaxib.


PS: Dagaalkaagaan rabaa xaggee iigu imaanaysaaa?

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^ waan gartay. Rock-headed xaggina ma ducaa mise waa amaan? :D


Do you think i am not enjoying the exchanges. You have to learn a lot! War riwaayadahan way iigu baxdaa saaxiib.

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Sxb meeshaan mid and late 2006 during the war in and around Baidabo and the months that followed anigu iyo Duke ayaa aheen dadka loogu cay badanyahay, wax aan nalaku sheegin ama magac aan nalooku yeerin majiro

L0L. Two years later and nothing's changed! Ma dadkaa 'rock headed' ah mise idinka?

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it seems he's making the right moves to earn more admirers like moi if that means the loss of few rock headed individiuls like you.

brrrrrrrrrr, brrrrrrrrrrr


sheikh sharif hanoolaado.

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^^Isku team ayaannu nahay Adeer. No friendly fire :D . Madaafiic baaruud qura leh ayeey kula dheceen caawa waan ogsoonahay sxb. Ha u baqin marnaba smile.gif .

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^ oo hadaad arkaysay maad iga soo gaadhid. Mise waa ka gabo xaalkaagu. Waxba mayna ila dicin walaahi. Waa uun you are this, you are that business waxoodu. That hardly intimidates anyone.

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