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Galgala: Root Causes Masked By SSDF Clan Media Outlets

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MMA don't be simpleton this is an ideological war between Puntland and alshabaab front. Go and listen to Sh. Atam saying he is alshabaab. You can't bring more than 400 well armed troops including foreign jihadists and hide in the mountains near Bosaso and then start shooting Puntland solders without any consequences.


The same thing happened in early ninties when Al Itihad tried to take over Northeastern region.

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I know saaxiib, waana kasoo horjeedaa anyone with the remotest imported ideology of Barbaarta.


Men like him should never be supported, regardless of qabiil. Soomaali waxa hoos inoo dhigay is that every ilmo'adeer gets support from fellow clan members, wrongly or rightly. Taas waa in la joojiyaa.


Having said that, some opponents of this man on SOL are rubbing in the wrong way, oo dadka iyagaa kicinaayo.

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