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The Audacity of Ignorance

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The Audacity of Ignorance



A man who does not run a single village, yet claims to be President, that is the case of Sharif Ahmed.

His supporters seem to ignore facts and dwell on supposed good personal traits as if they were going to marry the man.

“He is wonderful” a good man they keep repeating maybe in preparation to introduce him to their mothers.

The facts on the ground are damning, this “most popular man in last 20 years” who was to be the first man to visit the White house in the past 40 years, has yet to outline his vision for Somalia, even when he came to MN he dwelt on local issues such as the missing youths maybe out of guilt and to appease the US authorities who know his background more than anyone else.


This man who has attempted and still attempts to sell the Somali sea to Kenya for a few bucks, should not be taken as anything other than another crook

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1578.jpgA mad man, facing even madder men


A man who has always fought enemies, real and imagined, a clanist suffering from delusional grandeur and who happens to believe he is the Somali Mahdi. Yet today he finds himself isolated on all sides fighting his very own creation, ruthless thugs who have taken over the brand of mad religious fanatics. Yesterday Xasan Dahir was the maddest man on the block the toughest "religious" thug around who pretended to be something, he hoodwinked the Somali's with his Arab “Mujahid” vetran of Afghanistan credentials, the irony is today, real Arab “Mujahid” fanatics are on the ground and there is no need for the copy cat Xasan dahir Aways.


The failure of these two men, will usher in a ray of hope for the Somali people, religion can no longer be used as a cloak to hide our own failures, much like clan is no longer an excuse for the problems of Somalia.

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Our problems are man made, we created them, they are born out of ignorance, and poverty and the ambition of greedy men. Today the model for the country is simple, follow the Northern experience and develop self sufficient states. While the foreign led and controlled “Jihadis” have failed to deliver anything other than more fighting and land grabs, and the government of Sharif Ahmed and his clanist groups have failed to deliver, we have in Garowe and Hargaysa, Somali admins that against the odds have brought peace to vast regions. Thus ask yourself why is there sustained peace and stability in these states and not anything comparable in the south?

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"Hadaan lakala roonan Roob ma da'o walalaaheen shabaab waxaa ka codsaneynaa inay xabada naga joojiyaan"
ayuu yiri Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys oo hadaladiisa u muuqday kuwo dadka u fasirteen inuu gacan ku gambasho yahay.


Col. Aweys ayaa dalbaday in la gaaro xabad joojin iyo inay heshiiyaan, isagoo soo qaatay kulan dhex maray isaga iyo Saraakiisha sar sare ee Xarakada Alshabaab uu ahaa mid aan wax heshiis lagu gaarin, natiijo la'aana ku dhamaaday, taasoo sida uu sheegay ay keentay inuu isaga la hadlo Warbaahinta.

Xasan Dahir is crying now, but did he ever think about the Somali people whom his actions have left destitute, maimed and killed?

No his thirst for power has left countless Somali’s dead, while his children live and study abroad. This monster of a man should just go and burry himself.

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“Dagaallada hadda ka socda Soomaaliya waxaa dhaamay oo ka roonaa kuwii qabiilka, waayo dagaalladaas waxay lahaayeen qaab loo raaco Diin-na laguma gambaneynin”

Sharif Hotel of 2009.


"Starting from today, we have declared jihad against Ethiopia," said the union's deputy leader, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed.

Sharif Motel 2006


What madness that this same man, only three years ago declared a Jihad on everyone who spoke against his clan movement.

Today he is reformed, he has changed, his supporters talk about unity and peace and that we need the caravan. Yet what about the youths who thought he was leading them to heaven. Can we unite their joints, their rotten muscles to their bones? Can we find peace for their bereaved mothers who have no idea why their sons went to their deaths? While Sharif Hotel betrayed his friends, he has been rewarded, however the time for rewarding bad behavior is coming to an end, and this man will be held accountable. If not by the people, history will surely condemn him.

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If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.


Abraham Lincoln

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Madaxweyne Shariif oo Jaaliyadda Somalida ee Mareykanka kula wacdiya caruurtooda in ay ka ceshadaan Masaajidda laga baro Isqarxinta.


Madaxweynaha dawladda KMG ah ee Somaliya oo socdaal taariikhi ah ku maraya dalkaasi Mareykanka ayaa sheegay jaaliyadda Somaliyeed ee dalka Mareykanka in ay kaalin muuqata ku leedahay xaaladaha ka jira guaha dalka Somaliya.


The former "Jihadi, warning people not to send their kids to the Mosque, has he forgot that he sent young kids to their deaths?

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The best president Somalia ever seen, he led TFG and crushed Al-Shabaab!




The best PM of Somalia, he objected the doggy deal to sell the Somali sea to Kenya




The rest are rubbish !!!

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^^^Indeed, including Barre Hiiraale who only ever oversaw the increase of roadblocks in Kismayu and then fled on a donkey.


Adeer, stick to the topic, after Yusuf the situation in the south has gotten real bad


The fake "Islamists" you supported and raved after are now liberating Kismayu from each other, thus an example of the audacity of ignorance. :D

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^ :D Hadaan ku taageero ankee wali Hiiraale ayaa madaxaada ka guuxaayo.


I am with u on this one , waxaan reeraha ahayn(khaasatan gaagaabka :D ) waa rubish :cool:

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^^^Adeer, it does not matter if you try to be a comedian or not the fact is clear. You opposed Yusuf for no other reason other than clan hate, and you are now harvesting the fruits of your labour


Again, none of you can explain why the violence is so much worse, why the death and the destruction has increased since the arrival of the carava, and the "Islamists" takeover.



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no matter how much you cry and weep, nothing is going to change the fact that you adeero yey was miserable failure at his shambolic attempt at the same chair.


so allow the bitter calaacal its not sharif fault that he was yey was xabashi lacky and failed to convince any one.


thats what all this baroor abour sharif boils down to.

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^^Qufac, adeer, you seem to always miss the point, no wonder you are a secessionist who lives in la-laLand.


The fact is Yusuf resigned, he is enjoying his retirement, however for the secessionist who opposed him there is no Somaliland republic.


For the Clanish groups and fake religious movement there is only pain, suffering, pain and destruction. Thus Yey has been proven to be more able and with more foresight than his detractors. History will make a note of it.


Anyhow how is Shankaroon today, did Riyaale have her way with her again?


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