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Somaliland: Kulmiye Lost an Official, Others Wounded

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HARGEISA, 6 August 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Reports coming from Berbera say members from the opposition party, KULMIYE have been injured in a car accident an hour ago.


Ali Marshal, Mohamed Hashi Elmi and Mohamed Abdiqadir have been admitted to Berbera hospital. Some of them are reported to be in a serious condition. The officials were on their way to Berbera airport to welcome the opposition leader who is expected to arrive from Nairobi today.

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Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Mid ka mid ah hoggaanka Xisbiga Mucaaradka ee Kulmiye ayaa geeriyooday, laba kalena waxa soo gaadhay dhaawac ka dib markii maanta Masuuliyiin Xisbigaas ka tirsan Gaadhi ay wateen uu Shil ku galay Jidka u dhaxeeya Berbera iyo Hargeysa.


Sida ay Somaliland.Org u xaqiijiyeen qaar ka mid ah Suxufiyiintii la socday Weftigaas, Madaxii Ololaha Doorashada Xisbiga Kulmiye ee Gobollada Galbeedka Somaliland Cali Maxamed Guuleed (Cali-Maarshaal) ayaa geeriyooday, halka Guddoomiye-xigeenka labaad ee Xisbigaas Cabdiraxmaan Cabdiqaadir Faarax iyo Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi oo ka mid ah Xisbigaas uu soo gaadhay dhaawacyo kala duwan, ka dib markii uu shil galay Gaadhi ay wateen Jidka u dhaxeeya Berbera iyo Hargeysa, waqti ay u sii jeedeen Magaalada Berbera oo uu ka soo degayay Guddoomiyaha Xisbigaas Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo oo ka soo laabtay Safar uu dibedda ugu maqnaa.


Wararku waxay intaa ku dareen in sidoo kale uu Shilkaa dhaawac ka soo gaadhay Weriye Cabdiqani Xuseen Baynax oo ah Wakiilka Shabakadda Wararka ee Somalilandpress.

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Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Illeyhi Rajicuun.


Inti dhimatey Allah u naxaristo , dhawacana Allah u fududeyo...amiin!

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Reports coming from Berbera say members from the opposition party, KULMIYE have been injured in a car accident an hour ago.


Ali Marshal, the campaign manager of Kulmiye in the Western regions instantly died in the incident. The Second Vice Chairman of the party Mr. Abdirahman Abdiqadir and Mohamed Hashi Elmi have have also been injured and admitted to Berbera hospital. One of them is reported to be in a very serious condition.


The officials were on their way to Berbera airport to welcome the opposition leader who is expected to arrive from Nairobi today.


Somalilandpress reporter, Mr. Abdiqani Baynah was also among the injured and rushed to Berbera hospital. Efforts are ongoing to transfer the wounded to Hargeisa hospital for treatment.


This is the first of its kind the political parties witness prior to the presidential election scheduled on the 27th of September.


The leader of Kulmiye party was slightly injured about two weeks ago while he slipped in his house. He was taken to Nairobi for treatment and said he is ready to resume his duty. He was coming back to the country today after reports say he had a meeting with Mr. Donald Payne, the chairman of the US congress sub-committee for Africa in Nairobi.


There is no official statement from the party as per now but this will be a painful moment for the opposition as the elections are coming nearer.

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Jacaylbaro not just kulmiye lost a man the entire Somaliland lost a man Cali marshal halyey buu aha.

Ilahay ha uu naxariisto jananda na haka waraabiyo qabriga na ha uu nuuro. Amiin

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Originally posted by Juje:

Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Illeyhi Rajicuun.


Inti dhimatey Allah u naxaristo , dhawacana Allah u fududeyo...amiin!


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How is that a Kulmiye lost? I'm very disopointed with your statement above.


Ali Marshal AUN was a Somaliland hero who left his comfortable life in the US for the sake of his country. He was very unique individual with multiple talent and well educated too.


ILAAHAY waxaan uga baryayaa marxuunka inuu naxariistii EEBE ka waraabiye ehelikiisana ka siiyo SAMIR iyo IIMAAN



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^^ very well put,Amiin


I didn't know Ali was a kulmiye official but I grew fond of him through his writings particularly his brilliant yearly analysis of the budget. He was no nonsense man…….. Samir iyo Imaan to his family

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Yeah Ali Marshal was strategist. He will be missed greatly.


I had the pleasure meeting him in DC 1n 2006 during the SOPRI conference.


ILAAHAY ha naxariisto. AAMIIN

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