Modesty Posted May 2, 2004 I came across this great article and decided to share with ya'll. May Allah bless all my muslim walaalo, I love you all. The New Crusades Abu Talha Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem After the bombing of the World Trade Centre in New York by UNKNOWN people Muslims have become Public Enemy Number 1. Around the world images of the bombing are played with the names of Muslims. In the mind of the common man and experts Islam and Muslims were already guilty before any connection was made to them. Islam and Muslims are portrayed as the enemies of the west and the so called civilised world. Politicians and the media have already drawn the battle lines. Muslims have become the easiest target because of their weakness and division. Media has stirred the emotions and anger of the masses against Islam and Muslims. Although some Muslim voices have been allowed air time it his been against the Muslims more than being in their favour. While the prospects of war against Muslims looms abroad, Muslims living in the West have become the targets for them to vent their hatred and anger against. Muslim women have been singled out for attack because of the Hijab. Any man resembling a Muslim has also been targeted. Some Muslims now live in a state of fear and dare not leave their homes. Since there is no real power to defend and protect Muslims, they must rally to support each other during these uncertain times. Muslims have no representation that will speak on their behalf. In the absence of leadership Muslims are left wondering where to turn or to look for guidance and leadership. But there is a protector and there is a leader. Their Protector is ALLAH and their leader is the Messenger of Allah Muhammad. “Allah is the Protector of the Believers”. The Believers are protectors of one and other. In these testing times Muslims must turn to their true Protector and look to the guidance of the best Leader to walk on earth. The events that happened and what is to come are but just a test to see those who will remain firm on their faith and those who blame Islam for their hardships. Now is a time to reflect and examine our faith. Will we be the first to fall at the first sign of danger or will we be the ones unshaken from our conviction in spite of the harm that may befall us. “Did you think that you will enter Jannah yet what befell those before you has not come to you, they were touched with harm and hardship and shaken until the Messenger and those with him said when will the help of Allah come? Indeed Allah’s help is near”. Muslims must help and support one another we must provide encouragement and moral support for each other through whatever means available to us; meetings, telephone, Internet. There will Muslims who feel isolated and vulnerable we need to reach out to them and show that there are others with them. We must show that we are strong and not intimidated by the cowardly threats, attacks and harassments. WHAT SHOULD BE THE MUSLIM POSITION? First: With regards to the bombing Muslims have no part in what occurred. Therefore we should not try to be defensive since it has not connection with us. Muslims cannot be accused of actions that unknown individuals carry out in other parts of the world. It is clear that Muslims have nothing to gain from such attacks. Instead the ones who gained most are the enemies of Islam who have achieved in turning the masses in the West against Islam and Muslims. They now have the support and backing to carry out any killing and bombing of Muslims wherever they want. In the light of this fact it is highly probable and indeed most likely that this bombing was planned and executed by the enemies of Islam and their allies namely the jews and the terrorist state of israel supported by America. It is not the first time that jews have killed their own protectors to achieve their aims. Since the bombing the jews have killed and destroyed Palestinian homes knowing that the world would turn a blind eye. Muslims should be clear and categorical that the attack was carried out by their enemies, Muslims are absolutely innocent. The attack was clearly calculated to cause maximum harm to the Muslims due to the consequences. Clearly this is what has happened with war and retaliation being planned against Muslims and their lands. The jews and their allies are rejoicing while fuelling the flames of war. Second: Muslims are protectors of one another. A Muslim cannot surrender another Muslim to the enemy. “Muslim is a brother of a Muslim he does not oppress him, fail to support him or lie to him”. America and its allies can easily concoct some evidence to link the bombing to Muslims. Anyone who has followed events will know that Muslims were suspects then they went to fabricate the evidence needed to support the case. Justice is blind when dealing with Muslims. The scales of justice will be heavily weighed down against Muslims. Whatever lies and false evidence they bring forth Muslims cannot accept it as valid or proof to justify supporting the crusade against Islam. Be certain that to do so is to witness a New Crusade and White Imperialism terrorising and savaging the Muslim world once again. Individuals and nations have been lining up to ally themselves to the Crusaders and White Imperialists. It is expected of puppet regimes to please their masters. But those who believe in Allah and the Messenger can never be loyal to unbelievers. Our loyalty and allegiance is to Allah, His Messenger and other believers. “Your protector is Allah, His Messenger and the those who believe”. “You will not find a people who believe in Allah and His Messenger making friendship with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers or their kindred…” The media is also working very hard to divide and disunite Muslims further by branding those on their sides as moderates and those opposing them as extremists. There is no moderate or extreme Muslim. Muslims have one Lord, Messenger and Book. We must be united upon our faith and support for other Muslims. We cannot fall into the kafir trap by attacking each other. Our weakness and division will be the enemies strength. We must be united upon upholding the values of our faith and not just the aspects that may please the Crusaders. What we see emerging is a New Crusade and White Imperialism raising its ugly head to terrorise and savage the world. History knows too well the barbarism suffered before by the world from these two dark evils. Make no mistake that an attack today on any Muslim country or people will be the precedence to continue the Crusade and White Imperialism against all nations tomorrow. Iraq is a living reminder to what will follow. Will those who declare war against terrorism declare war against the Irish or the Spanish separatist movement or the supporters of white supremacy in America? The Muslims who the Crusaders want to obliterate are the ones who sacrificed their lives and wealth to protect Muslim blood, land and honour. To turn against them would be the ultimate betrayal. The punishment perhaps awaiting those who co-operate with the Crusaders will be the same as inflicted by the Russians on the Muslims or the slaughter and massacre caused by the first crusaders in to Muslim lands. Muslim leaders have an obligation to defend the lives, wealth and property of their citizens. They must put aside their differences and unite against their common enemy, Together they can stand up to the Crusaders if they have the will to do so. Muslims all over the world must use all peaceful means possible to pressure and force their leaders not to surrender to White Imperialism and a new occupation of Muslim land. They cannot allow Muslim land and resources to be used to kill other Muslims. They have to resist intimidation, force and corruption so as not to support the Crusader armies. The independence and integrity of Muslim lands and the sanctity of lives lies in their hands. If they show courage against the enemy history will honour them. But if they succumb history will hold those leaders responsible for allowing a New Crusade and the second colonisation of Muslim lands. Third: It seems that the whole world is closing in on Muslims and even their own lands are turning hostile. Forces are gathering against the Muslims as they once did against the Messenger and his companions. Shaytan has rallied his followers against the soldiers of Allah and he is trying to inspire fear in their hearts. “Those who said to the people (Believers) the people (disbelievers) have gathered against you, therefore fear them. But it only increased them in faith and they said Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best disposer of affairs. Indeed that is shaytan who makes you fear his friends. Do not fear them. Fear Me if you are Believers”. Certainly Allah is the real support and the strength for Muslims during these testing and defining times. No doubt nothing can happen without the command of Allah. All this is just but a test to distinguish the good from the bad and the believer from the hypocrite. We can only gain support and victory from Allah by turning to Him, trusting and depending upon Him. “If Allah helps you none can overcome you and if he forsakes you who is there after Him that can help you. And in Allah let the believers put their trust” The hardship and difficulties we face or may face are nothing in comparison to that suffered by Muslims before us and in other places. The forces that are gathering today against the Muslims today to extinguish the light of Islam gathered before for the same cause. “O you who believe remember Allah’s favour to you when armies came against you. We sent against them a wind and armies that you did not see. Allah is all seer of what you do. When they came upon you from above you and from below you and when the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached the throats. And you harboured doubts about Allah. There the believers were tried and shaken with a might shaking. An when the hypocrites and those whose hearts is a disease said what Allah and his messenger promised are nothing but delusions… When the believers saw the forces (al-ahzab) they said this is what Allah and His Messenger promised us and Allah and His Messenger have spoken the truth and it only added to their faith and submission (to Allah)…” Only Allah alone knows what evil scheme the Crusaders are plotting against the Muslims. But there is one certainty and that is that Muslims will ultimately win and Islam will prevail over all else. “They intend to put out the light of Allah with their mouths. But Allah will complete his light even though the disbelievers detest it. He it is who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it dominant over all religions even though the mushrikeen (pagans) detest it”. Our Lord send down on us patience, make our feet firm and give us victory over the disbelieving people. All praise is for Allah. 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OG_Girl Posted May 2, 2004 Thanks wallalo for sharring with us.Really nice artical. Jazakal Allah kair. Salam Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites