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Buaale: Hiiraale did not get KO

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Dagaal cusub oo laga baqayo inuu ka dhaco degmada Bu'aale (Warbixintii ugu danbeysay)

Last Updated::2006-10-24 18:18:28


Bu'aale:- Warar dheeraad ah oo kasoo baxaya gobalka Jubbada Dhexe ayaa sheegaya

in saan saan colaadeed laga dareemayo nawaaxiga degmada Bu'aale.


Khasaaraha dagaalka


Dagaalo culus oo 22kii bishan ka dhacay deegaanka Bu'aale halkaasi ku dhexmaray maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta iyo kuwa Col.Bare Hiiraale Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga DFKMG ayay khasaaro badan ka dhasheen.


Ciidamada Bare Hiiraale ayaa la sheegay in ay haatan ku sugan yihiin deegaanka Saakow iyo nawaaxiga Dajuuma ee ka baxsan magaalada Bu'aale.


Maleeshiyooyin dhaawac ah kana mid ah kuwii Col.Bare ayaa la gaarsiiyey deegaanka Baardheere.


Col.Bare Hiiraale ayaa la sheegay inuu ku sugan yahay magaalada Saakow, halkaasina ay joogaan intii badneyd ciidamadiisii.


Col.Bare Hiiraale ayaa dib uga gurtay deegaanka Dajuuma oo ah halkii uu Axadii lasoo dhaafay dagaalka ka dhacay.


Dhinaca Maxaakiimta ayaa sheegay in ay ayagu qabsadeen qaar kamid ah gadiidka dagaalka ee uu watay Col.Bare Hiiraale, walow aysan arrintaasi weli ka hadlin dhinaca Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga.


Warar madax banaan ayaa sheegaya in Col.Bare Hiiraale laga furtay 2 gaari oo nooca Tiknikada loo yaqaan iyo 3 gaari oo labo ay tahay kuwa xamuulka. Tiro ka badan 10 askar oo kamid ah dhinaca Bare Hiiraale ayaa la sheegay in dhaawac iyo nolol ay dhinaca Maxaakiimta gacanta ku dhigeen.


Dhinaca Maxaakiimta ayaa la sheegay in laga gubay hal gaari oo tikniko ah. Ayadoo sidoo kale in ka badan 15 ay ka dhaawacmeen.


Tirada dhimashada ee labada dhinac ayaan la xaqiijin karin illaa iyo hada inkastoo la sheegay in ay ka badan tahay 10.


Wararkan oo laga soo xiganayo qaar kamid ah ganacsatada ku sugan magaalada Bu'aale ayaa intaa ku daray in maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta ay weerar kadis ah ku qaadeen kuwa Col.Bare Hiiraale xili uu soo degay nawaaxiga magaalada Bu'aale. Halka wararkii hore ay sheegayeen in Col.Bare Hiiraale asagu weerarka soo qaaday.


Labada dhinac ee dagaalka ku dhexmaray degmada Bu'aale ayay kasoo baxayaan hanjabaadyo, ayadoona la dareemayo abaabul dagaal, taasi oo si weyn u cabsi gelisay shacabka ku dhaqan deegaankaasi.


Horey ayey magaalada Bu'aale iyo gobalka Jubbada Dhexe uga qaxeen boqolaal qoys oo qaarkood galay dalka Kenya, halka ay hay'adihii deegaanadaasi ka shaqeyn jiray ay gebi ahaanba isaga baxeen dhulkaasi.


Maxamed Cabdi

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^^^lol, but Horseed is a website that tries to get the news without the added salsa. The courts claim of 22 technicals is laughable. By all accounts Hiiraale had a set back but not a death blow as they claimed he is still in the Middle Shabbele.

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^^^Setbacks or no setbacks, this doesn't look like well planned assualt on his part. As for propoganda, well that's expected from all sides.


P.S Duke, wat does the TFG gain in supporting Hiiraale if he does recapture the port city? I mean he gonna turn Kismayo into another warlord-led clan fiefdom.

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^^^Saxib, I think the TFG did not support this attack and many questions arise as to why Hiiraale rushed.


Kismayu is a warlord run fiefdom right now, it is run by the clan of Indacade with Turki's as cover much like before.


What does it change what happened in Buaale? Nothing because the war when it happens will be between two cities, Baidoa and Mogadishu and Kismayu will be just another city.

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I do not know why nomads do not believe me when it comes this story. :D


Warar madax banaan ayaa sheegaya in Col.Bare Hiiraale laga furtay 2 gaari oo nooca Tiknikada loo yaqaan

Did I not say this Sunday?


The first car he lost, his personal car, took place early on when he fought by infantry with only that car as backup. Appearently the car hit a land mine and the second car became stuck in mud.

Barre defeated the ones that were stationed in Bu'aale and as Waagacusub (of all medias to speak the truth :D ) withdrew from the town to allow the other garrison from Jilib (remember the two big garrisons of the Entity in the Jubbas were Bu'aale and Jilib) to reach the town and they are the ones Shabelle and the pro-Mogadishu sites are going gaga over their [given] control of the town. :D

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^Qaadisiya is worse then Dayniile pre-Qanyare days. ;)


It is not in my business to divulge any information but let us just say the individuals who believed Barre is one of Mogadishu's former mindless warlord who takes all his men in one direction without strategizing is deceiving themselves.


Col Cabdulahi Sheikh Ismacil Faratag was never near Bu'aale but somewhere else in the Jubbas waiting for the word. The only reason Qaadisiya became obsessed with Col Farataag is because of the numerous angry interviews given to him by HornAfrik (3 infact) in the last weeks.

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