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General Duke

TFG opposition unmasked...

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1. The political has beens or wanabees. The likes of Abdi & Ahmed Ismael Samatar, both ambitious know it all individuals who are unable to get a foot hold in Somalia. These "experts" supported the Arta TNG, and yet have been against this TFG because of the 4.5 formula, baffling to say the least.


2. Clan groups & their media. This group inludes the defunct HAG in Canada, the happless Somali Concern Group in the UK, and an array of new groups which mask themselves as "religious" or "nationalistic" in their rehtoric however defending the percieved loss of clan power is their aim. The individuals in these groups also want to be heard and aspire to great things..

The media is led by Yusuf Garad with Radio Shabbele, Horn Afrik and all owned by a single sub-clan fighting for "justice" for all Somali's.. This particular group is upset at the loss of the occupation of lower Shabbele hate the 4.5 formula and can not accept anyone but the clan to be head of state. Thus all the fatwas, all the wars, and the propoganda is aimed at stopping the Somali government at any cost.


3. Secesionists, this group is the more organised and most frustrated of the lott, they are getting tired of the long years of repeating the same arguments and meeting failure. Now they face a greater danger to their clanistic dream of getting independence from Somalia.


These three different and some what desperate and opposing groups have become united by the success of the TFG and the percieved threat it posses to all of them.

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^^^No saxib the unmasking is for the public & to outisders, to highlight to them that this whole noise is coming from the defated groups louts & some desperate groups and should not be mistaken for a genuine opposition.


The media, in itself is the last area occupied by the defeated group or the clan courts and their sympathisers.


Take the guns away from the few districts of Mogadishu and what do you have?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Take the guns away from the few districts of Mogadishu and what do you have?

Victory for the clan president?

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^^^No victory for the Somali people and time for reconstruction and creation of viable state for all Somali's. However those who have occupied looted properties and lived on illegal emans for so long, just hate change.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

However those who have occupied looted properties and lived on illegal emans for so long, just hate change.

What about the Ethiopian occupiers? Wait! They are guests of the clan president? Right?

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Looters === Kuwa wax bililqysta :D . Like those displaced the inhabitants of Jamaame,Baraawe,Marka and Mogadisho it self.


Occupiers ????? :D

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isha ayaad ka tuurtay. Waa runtaa " Soo jooge laga waaye soo jiifsaa laga helaa". :D .


Drop the Gun

Take a Pen and Book

Go to School :D . (Goverment) :D

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That is true walaahi ,,, the government ayaaba u baahan inay pen and book qaadato :D



U know why ICU failed ? ,, coz sidaa soo kele bay cid walba isku doonteen ,,,%

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That is true walaahi ,,, the government ayaaba u baahan inay pen and book qaadato :D



U know why ICU failed ? ,, coz sidaa soo kele bay cid walba isku doonteen ,,,,, and now the TFG is taking the same path if they don't change in the coming weeks/months ,,,,

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