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Gudoomiyaha Gobolada Bariga Soomaaliya Faroole oo u hanjabay Somali Galbeed NFD

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Originally posted by The Zack:

^OK Mr. Cyber-Xabash-***-Licker. Your uncle Faroole is doing it in real life while you lick it on the net LOL. Bahasha xageed ka keenteen, Mr. Un-Somali?

To Zack:


I'll try to answer your query about Faroole and I as if it was sincerely put forth. You cannot call us *** lickers when thousands upon thousands of your own kinfolk gladly nibble on Xabasha nuts in Jigjiga and Harar and other towns in your infamous desert. Now unlike the constant propaganda your peddle here about fighting for freedom--when all the evidence points to your clan's submission to the Xabasha occupation(internet freedom fights don't count!), we in Puntland are free men who, by the grace of God, work hard everyday to improve themselves and build a better future for our posterity.


You on the other hand are LOST. And your ilk are unlikely ever to get freedom from Addis Ababa because your young are lazy taxi-drivers and silly trash talkers, whilst your elders have chosen to promote ignorance, narrow-mindedness and tribal bigotry over intelligence, education, progress and most importantly UNITY.


Don't get me wrong! I have no problem with blue-collar jobs, and, in fact, I have a lot of respect for any hard-working person. I do, however, have a problem when a taxi driver in the west with a fat belly talks tough about issues beyond his control.


I hope, Zack, that you'll eventually figure things out before it's too late. Your density can eventually be overcome, if you work hard at it.

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Originally posted by *hatu*:

Mr. Somalia sxb, you may not agree with ONLF's policies but to say they are not Somali is offensive to every Somali.

*hatu*, the only Somali I care about offending is your my friend, so accept my apologies. But please, don't buy into the ONLF propaganda in the future! smile.gif

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The Zack   

^You talk Same Sh** but just different day, eh? Let's play hardball, shall we? The difference between my people,Western Somalis regardless of their clan,(well, except few dabaqaoodhis) and your people (eastern-xabash-boot-lickers) is my people don't deny the fact that their land is being occupied by Tigray and therefore fight for it whereas your people(again, except few good ones) deny the fact that their adiministration is a SLAVE for the Xabashis. They are mentally being colonized, they are told how they run things in their own land and they can't even say a word about it let alone fight. Aint' it so disgusting that their so called President is told what to say in media by stinky Xabashi militia man. How can u claim you are free when the President's office is run by an uneducated Tigray dude. Dude, stop entertaining yourself and start working on freeing your self from the tigray.


Majority of eastern Somali politicians are boot-lickers. History proves that.

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This is the same man that hinted his next step was the Somali presidency using Puntland premier as a base. Someone should tell him majority of Somalia do not support his views.


Also, both Cabdullahi Yusuf and Cadde Muuse and indeed all the leaders of Puntland and Somaliland are close to Ethiopia but what is making Faroole go farther than any of the other pro-Ethiopia members by calling some Somali-speaking natives "non-Somali"? Has Faroole been analyzed as a particularly weak man and facing undue pressure from Zenewi and his hordes?

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Originally posted by The Zack:

^You talk Same Sh** but just different day, eh? Let's play hardball, shall we? The difference between my people,Western Somalis regardless of their clan,(well, except few dabaqaoodhis) and your people (eastern-xabash-boot-lickers) is my people don't deny the fact that their land is being occupied by Tigray and therefore fight for it whereas your people(again, except few good ones) deny the fact that their adiministration in a SLAVE for the Xabashis. They are mentally being colonized, they are told how they run things in their own land and they can't even say a word about it let alone fight. Aint' it so disgusting that their so called President is told what to say in media by stinky Xabashi militia man. How can claim you are free when the President's office is run by an uneducated Tigray dude. Dude, stop entertaining yourself and start working on freeing your self from the tigray.


Majority of eastern Somali politicians are boot-lickers. History proves that.


Stay in denial, Zack. Facts are facts and your denial does not change anything. President Faroole spoke the truth. His sole mandate is to protect the interests of the citizens of Puntland whether you accept it or not. You are either terribly dense or just a typical ONLF propagandist who cannot comprehend what he reads.

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The Zack   



Yusuf, Muse, and Riyaale used to get their orders in a vogue way, basicaly they were being told to cheerlead for the xabashis in a general way, this faroole guy is being given orders in a very specific way. Reliable sources say that even his speech has been written by the xabashis. He was literally told to just go and read this. He has taken the *&**** to another level.

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LMAO @" Reliable sources say that even his speech has been written by the xabashis." :D


I'm done with this topic. It is clear that Zack has gone off the reservation. Ciao, saaxiib. Enjoy your illusions! Make sure, caawa inaad ku riyoon Faroole oo canjeelo Xabashi cunaya and make sure not to report it to your reliable sources! :D:D

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The Zack   

^Good night. Keep licking xabashi boots on the internet. Meel fog kamaadan keenin bahashaas, faraca weeye smile.gif


P.s. Oh by the way if you love xabashis that much, I will introduce you to an Oromo dude from Cali (Oromos are not xabashis but hey they are close enough) so you can lick real boots instead of a keyboard LOL


Good night, again.

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Thank you! I am more accustomed to just receiving extended middle fingers *metaphorically, unless you can actually see me*, but I'm sure I have no taste for Oromos-- Pthu!!!


Oromos are the ONLF's immediate cousins. They talk the same, dress the same and act the same. Both speak a language similar to our very own Somali language. So no thanks! :D

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Ayaandarro weyn waaye hadduuba sida warkaan loo dhigay u yiri hadalka. Intuu isleeyahay kursigaas Xabashada yee kaa qaadin ayuu qabiilooyin Soomaaliyeed isla dhashay iska horkeenoyaa.

I think inaysan awalba qarsoonayn in dadkan maamul-goboleedyada Soomaalida oo dhami Itoobiyaanka ka dambeeyaan oo danta ummadda iyo tan qarankaba ay kala weyn tahay inay kursi joogaan ayna markaas shaqo ka dhigteen inay shakhsiyaad Soomaaliyeed oo qabiil kastaba haka soo jeedeene(xittaa qabiilladooda) ay Itoobiyaanka si xaqdarro ah gacanta ugu geliyaan. Dad unbaa iska qiiraysan oo qofkan oo kale iyo kuwa la midka ah ee Soomaali ka buuxa qabyaalad iyo hunguri ku daba orda maahane wax khayr ah ma soo wadaane waase laga gudbi doonaa maalin ay noqotaba insha Allaah.

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This is what he said according to PL media:

Madaxweyne Farole ayaa sidoo kale sheegay xili uu ka hadlayay dhanka nabadgalayada in Puntland ay ku nool yihiin dad Soomaali kala duwan ah islamarkaana ka soo jeeda Qabaa,ilada kala duwan ee Soomaalia, hasa ahtee waxa uu tusaale u soo qaatay Dadka asal ahaan ka soo jeeda Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethopia waxa uuna sheegay in Dadkaa ay yihiin Dad walaala la ah Puntland in badan oo ka mid ahana ay ku nool yihiin Puntland oo ay ka ganacsadaan.

read it here

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The Zack   

Gheelle, Don't mind this twisted news article, listen to the his interview on VOA, he clearly said western-somalis are not Somalis.

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Waxaan maqli jiray in yuhuuda qaab foolxun oo black mailing ah u isticmaali jirtay madaxda carabta, Kuwaas oo aan dareen lawayaal wada noqday kana hadli karin dulmiga joogtada ah ee lagula kaco walaalahood, Waxaan in badan is waydiiyey waxa ku khasba qof xornimo sheeganaya in uu adeego Amxaar? Markaa Tolow Melez armu falalkii Reer Qumu luud intuu ku sameeyey kuwan madaxda sheeganaya , misna cajalada video ka qabtay.


Walee Waa yaab!


How can they hand over Asylem Seekers/refugees to their enemy?

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Originally posted by The Zack:

Gheelle, Don't mind this twisted news article, listen to the his interview on VOA, he clearly said western-somalis are not Somalis.

Zack, that is the ONLF propaganda and no one will listen to them He explicitly stated that they are Somali speaking people form Ethiopia and not Somalia and that is true.

****** also known as Somali Gelbeed is located in Ethiopia not Somalia. No one wants to hear the truth because the truth hurts.


Oromos are the ONLF's immediate cousins. They talk the same, dress the same and act the same. Both speak a language similar to our very own Somali language. So no thanks!

Mr. Somalia. You Make My Day, LOL. That is so funny and you are absolutely right Oromos and ONLF have so many things in common they both claim majority and their political organizations ONLF and OLF are divided in two main factions and using the same name. LOL

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