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Kismayu: TFG gets all it wants..

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Jimcaale I don't think that I ever told you that you remind me of news hungry market women who pinch and wink at other women when people are talking to them...

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You've called me worst than that! You can use a little creativity sxb.


Gedonet reports what took place in Kismaayo was a clan warfare between S & K clans and you seem to disagree with that report but don't want to say so?

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That is a simpleton's approach to looking at the issue.


Granted most of the militias on Afgaduus side were his clan and most of the militias that fought against them were another but there are still some gray shades that would not exist if it was a pure clan war as you and another individual have been propagating.


Waxaadna tihiin dadka ku haya intay ilkaaha cadeeyen "oo mey muqaawamo isku wacaan oo xaqa racaan" oo goormaad xaq iyo baadil kala taqaaniin? Cuqdada iyo xasaarada dadka qaarkood ku jirto intaa un waxay raadinayaan in Kismaayo iyo raga jooga afarta geesood laga soo galoo magaalada dhulka la dhigo lana rusheeyane hadii la doono. Cudurka idin ku jiro u buka yaan alle idinkaga barye ee xaashaalilaahi hadayan idin suuroowin. :cool:


Oo adiguna sow maad ahayn kii ye "rumour has it Afgaduud is coming back with fireworks". Waa badan ayaad shaati diimeed xirneed adiguna lakin waa alle mahadiis inaad shaatiga iska bixisaa. :D

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^Sow adiga waa hore ii diiday oo yiri Morgan ramnent baad tahay? Did you forget inaad taa goor hore ii diiday? :D:D


I think you're a firm believer of 'fiqi tolkiis kama jano tago'. War heedhe sow adigii xulafada Cabdiqaasim-Indhacade la socday the days of the JVA, then ICU raacay in the pretext of wadaadnimo when adeer had the monopoly over the port city, hadana goortii Indhocade adeer kala laabtay kalsoonida sow adigii noqday sworn enemy of the courts and gone AWOL with Hiiraale to Baydhabo and clapped for the arrival of Amxaaro tanks. All of the sudden, TFG gets Afgaduud to the port city and you change positions once again so you can personalize it and focus on one man? And please stop playing the victim. There are way too many deserving victims out there than you. And stop bringing up Xaq factor. You've always been on the opposite side of Xaq.


I’m neither for Afgaduud nor his co-conspiracy Hiiraale and their military mighty Amxaaro. War heedhe nin buu Alle kaa dhigayee hal qowl yeelo. U maleyn mayo qof iska kaa badal badan inuu kujiro SOL. Make up your mind damn it. Talk about flip-flopping. Why all these changes if it’s not clan oriented?

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Everything you have said is correct sir except that I was a supporter of the JVA or approved of it. JVA or Indhacade had importance in your eyes, adeer, because it helped you mask the embarrassing run-a-rounds of one adeer Morgan after every interval or so! Let us say it was convenient for you in petty cyber discussions even when it might not have mattered elsewhere.


Getting sensitive on me won't hide the hidden anger and enmity blazing from you and other individual in need of my pity. One actually said "why don't they align with the muqaawama" as if he is holding a pot of gold for the people of Kismaayo. If one is so fundamental in his beliefs and so honest in his intentions why does one not join those whom one deems as muqaawamo? Does one not know "I was in the West" will not suffice in aakhiro for not taking part in the rightous cause (as one believes it could be)? :D


As for you Jimcaale, you said this and I could not help but ponder just how much you actually want to see the spilling of the beel's blood in Kismaayo:


Rumor has it Af-gaduud is planning a mighty return. Odayaasha meel fogeey wax ka arkaan.

Fadlan update me on the rumour, xaaladu waa sidee? :D

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