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Xasuuq....! 'Pics'

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Xasuuq axmaqnimo ah oo ciidamada DFKMG ay u geysteen dad rayid ah



Ciidamada DFMG ayaa xasuuq u geystay dad rayid ah kuwaas oo ay ku jiraan dhalinyar dayar oo u muqda in aysan beelahooda Hubeysneen kuwaas oo sida sawirka ka muuqato leyska laayey iagoona hal meel leysugu geeyey sida qashinka oo kale .


Dilka dadka shacabka ayaa u muuqda in ay soo badanayaan kadib markii Gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Dheere u balan qaaday in la siinayo askarikii dilaa qof kamid ah dadka bamka tuura taasoo keentay in askarta ay dilaan qof walba si ay lacagta uu balan qaaday Maxamed Dheere si sahal ah ku qaataan. Dilkaan Dhalinyaradaan oo u muuqda mid xasuuq ah ayaa la yaable waxa badiyey xiligaa dilalka markii la balan qaaday lacagta.Dayarta la laayey ayaa ah mustaqbalkii wadanka dadkii masuulka ka ahaa dalka ay sidaas wax u xasuuqayaan shacabkooda iyagoona isku sawiriyo meydadka dadka ay layeen waxaasi suaal mudan masuulnimada noocasi ah maxay tahay

Xasuuqa iyo dilka dadka aan waxba galbsan oo ay fulinayaan ciidamada Itoobiya ee wadanka xooga ku qabsaday iyo kuwa DFKMG ayaa waxaa dhaqaalo xoogan ku bixiya Dowlada aduunka ugu weyn ee Mareykanka taasoo isku sheegto in ay u doodo xaquuqda insaanka.




[ August 29, 2007, 03:28 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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This site doesnt allow pictures of dead bodies, remove it or it will be removed for you. Somali "journalism"= unethical.

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This is what the government is doing - if it is enethical, then let it be known that it is exactly this what the Ethiopian stooges are doing.

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Ilaahay ha unaxariisto. There are a lot of un-reported atrocities against innocent civilians every day.


I don't care whether you support the TFG or not but you can't just sit back and watch these barbaric actions against your own people and don't even condemn....War dadkii maxaa qaaday.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

This site doesnt allow pictures of dead bodies, remove it or it will be removed for you. Somali "journalism"= unethical.

Unethical? :D


Is that all that crossed your mind as you looked at those photos?



As for the site not allowing pictures! Fair enough but it does come across as a confused policy. It's like the BBC reporting on the news of dead bodies yet telling their audience to go and look them up in a rival news source's website! But I'm not surprised to be honest. That's the least of the problems this politics section has...

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I wonder what is unethical the posting of the pics or the denial of the act of atrocities? Line should be drawn somewhere. When you have individuals in here applauding and frantically posting threads that support the genocide , you can only confront them with images of the innocents whom their murder they are proud of.

Furthermore the images are everywhere and a reality in the ground - you cannot on one hand discuus them and on the other refute them as disturbing.

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Anyhow ths site does not permit pictures of corpses so lets all follow the rules. As for the deaths of the bombers, tragic to their families and loved ones. May Allah give them peace.

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^WOW...Is that an excuse. That is the filthy stooges and their helpers the Xabashi are doing to the Somali people. Yet you and the 'Sh.Khalaf' are talking about dead bodies on a website. How bout you supporting those who commited this act.


Anyhow, the stooges are only shooting themselves on the foot.

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^^^ :D . People are really amazing.


NG, thank you awoowe for asking what went through my mind instead of "assuming" gotta love it. but i suspose education and reer magalnimo gives that quality to people. Anyhow NGONGE, this is war zone and the world is messed up, yeah bad things happen people i have no power over it, wish i did. but what we do have power over is respecting the dead, and not parading their bodies on websites waayo they have families, to say somali "journalism" is unethcial is an understatement.

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You are the rock star Khalafow not us.


'Oh I see the deaths of innocent peeps, but more urgently the sites rules are being broken'.Ehem.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

. People are really amazing.


NG, thank you awoowe for asking what went through my mind instead of "assuming" gotta love it. but i suspose education and reer magalnimo gives that quality to people. Anyhow NGONGE, this is war zone and the world is messed up, yeah bad things happen people i have no power over it, wish i did. but what we do have power over is respecting the dead, and not parading their bodies on websites waayo they have families, to say somali "journalism" is unethcial is an understatement.

I am really unsure of how to handle you, saaxib. My ultimate aim here is to try to make you see why your contentions are negligible when compared to the actual benefits seeing that picture may produce. But, like I said, I'm at a loss as to how to proceed! You're a bit like a wet sponge you see. I'm more than certain that you will sensibly soak up all the rational argument I'll put forward to you but at the same time I'm also painfully aware that, like a sponge, a little force at the wrong angle and you'll let it pass through you as quickly as you let it in! Be that as it may, I'll do my best to give you a watertight argument or, to use your own words, an education of a sort.


In your last post you made the assertion that Somalia (or rather the Somali capital) is a war zone. The easy question that springs to mind here is: How do you know that it is a war zone? Are you relying on those 'unethical' journalists to tell you that it is so or did you hear it from a relative living in the midst of that chaos? Still, is it in an abstract war? You know, like one of those that MMA portrays (where the capital is all green and the buildings are all as shiny as the day he last saw them)? Or is it a real bloody war? How do YOU know? In fact, and at the scandalous risk of bleeding the sponge, I would like you to prove that such a war exists in Somalia. Of course, I am hoping that you will not present me with any written news reports for as you already stated above, Somali journalists are unethical! I want you to make me believe that there is some kind of war taking place in Somalia today. Now, I don't trust the journalists (since you opened my mind to their devious tricks and manners), I don't trust you (because I don't know you) and I don't trust popular views (since popular opinions are usually unverified). So, what am I supposed to do? Have a leap of faith and go with the herd? But what if it all turns out to be a big lie and that right this minute: Sheikh Aweys is playing a game of chess with Mr Yusuf in Villa Somalia, whilst Sheikh Shareef is playing double dutch with Mr Geedi! Are you getting my drift or should I go on a little more?


In the past, wars were reported by poets! The people found out about the death of such and such a person, the attack, retreat, valour, cowardice and defeat or victory from the mouths of able poets. It was they that drew the pictures. They that reported the exact details and described the battles! Read Lord Tennyson's Charge Of The Light Brigade (you can Google it. You should). Or better still, try Wilfred Owen's famous poem Dulce Et Decorum Est. (in fact, I dedicate this one to Nomad ME). Later, and alongside the poets, artists and painters joined in with the reporting of wars. There are countless paintings of numerous wars in libraries, homes and galleries all over the world. The war for us was abstract, unreal and something that's taking place far away from our comfortable homes. However, we finally got photographic images and video and the idea of war started to totally change! We began to see real, evocative and memorable pictures of the holocaust victims, Hiroshima and Nagasaki fatalities, Vietnam War, Iraq war, the Tsunami and more recently the war between the TFG and ICU! Most of these were dreadful images that shocked our senses and got us to appreciate the gravity of each of those situations. Having said that let me emphasise that my argument is not one that calls for the acceptance of all kinds of images. I'm only arguing here for those images that add, complement and enhance a story. Gratuitous imagery is not what I'm advocating!


When I heard about a famine in southern Somalia in the early 90s I wondered about the names of the towns and was not duly alarmed but when I saw images of people so thin that their bodies resembled apples on cocktail sticks I was suitably moved into wanting to do something for these people! Can't really remember if I did or didn't, it was a long time ago after all. Now, had everyone that saw those images followed your line of thinking and started worrying about the dignity of the victims and the feelings of their families then the pictures would have not been broadcast and the story would not have reached indifferent oafs like yours truly (not with the same impact at any rate).



News by its nature is ugly, brutal and extreme. It respects neither families nor traditions! For one to be in possession of the whole facts one has to see it all. How the news mediums use images is a different story altogether. Any rational grown up could easily deduce that these pictures are real. If after that they wish to fall for the spin the broadcaster puts on the story, that would really be their choice. But the images really speak for themselves. In another thread Juje posted an image of Mohammad Dhere standing over a corpse! Juje could have spent hours writing about Mohammad Dhere's evilness. He could Duke-like flood us with threads as a reminder of the evilness of Mohammad Dhere. Instead, he posted a tiny picture with a short commentary and now I (whilst not known for my emotional reactions) am fully convinced of Mohammad Dhere's evilness.


Well, this is it for this part. I trust I was gentle enough and, short of a drip here and a drop there, you soaked up the point I'm making. If not, be sure to let me know. Maybe we'll need to rinse some rotting residue first.

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None of that gibberish, pretentious, non-Somali words and roots come to my mind at all...Ethical or not, moral or abhorrently immoral, suitability factors (appropriate or not) why bother....why would I want to be bothered with anyone of those baloney, rubbish little phrases..I don’t want to be judgmental about this, absolutely not….I want, in my heart of heart, try to be in their shoes, try to asses and feel what they have felt…get as close to them as possibly human at their end moment, see and smell their last and final breath…why try and reason an unreasonably unreasonable thing...The death of those little kids, who like me, have their own brothers, fathers and mothers and sisters and cousins and friends, their own friends deserves more from me than to just sit back here and judge the aftermath…of their execution.


The public slaughter of those kids while they were in the custody of their peers, as horrible as it is, is understandable but what seems to be ten times horrifying is to just see us dwelling on the semantic of a word here and a word there....pretentious, pompous, rootless words…


What comes to one’s mind, my own mind repetitively thus, as I see and examine the pictures of these young fallen brothers, the all SEVEN of them, are things like;


how long had they suffered, had they been tortured prior to the shooting, where were they picked up, who was there, was their family there too helplessly watching as the kids collapsed, where did that bullet hit first, how long it took them to die, did they struggle, beg their captives to spare, pleaded for mercy, or were they innocent, were they just passing by there, you know being at the wrong place at the wrong time, were they strong and brave enough and never begged their killers, did they stand on their ground and never budged, were they told to go, dismissed and then shot as they were fleeing half-happy, half-uncertain about their fate.


Clearly you could see the struggle from their clothes, torn and tattered, way before they were shot…were there other people, other kids from school or somewhere else, who happened to be there too, as they were shot and the bullet (what kind, what size) shattered their skull one after the other…perhaps the Imam of the nearby Masjid saw the whole thing, tried to persuade the killers but was told to stay away or else…


How bad, how close, did they bleed profusely, who picked them up afterwards, did they get a proper burial…unspeakable…did they ever go to school, private or public? how many times were they shot, who told their parents about their death, were the young ones able, as they were falling, to face the Qibla and for one last time beg their Creator to have mercy, abundant and plentiful and just mercy, on their souls….

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Tahliil waa ku kacday. Iisi, brother, iisi. Jeesta jeestada inta lagu haayo yee ku dhibin, dadka qaarkood waa lagu yaqaanaa waxaas camal.


Eebba ha u naxariisto mar labaad masaakiintaas, dhalinyaradaas la laaye -- aamiin, aamiin.

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