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General Duke

Will Sharif Hotel shake hands with Kiss Mrs Clinton ? Have your say

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Somalia is one body in all actually. You cannot ignore the wounds on the lower body and beautify the upper. We need to hope and work for the success of the Shiekh... that is line with the interest of both Pundland and Somaliland.

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^^^As if you made a point? :D The solution is to help those who have proven they can help themselves, Puntland, Somaliland are the way out. Sharif is unable to control a few blocks outside his abode, he will not solve the issues in the remaining 2 years.


We are talking about the solution, not Walid Abdalla's stories. :D

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Nabadoon, I am a staunch unionist and a son of Somalia, however if you are telling me lets just hope that Sharif will magically solve our issues, then I must apologise and take a pass. The man performance thus far, his sea deal with Kenya, his appointments to cabinet and his “Midnimo Qaran” crap and flip flopping has highlighted that Somalia has a problem in his leadership.

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Duke, I never said Puntland should sit and hope. Puntland is not sitting and hoping... they are making progress and that should be encourage and supported.


What I want to understand is you stance on the south? What would you like to see considering the current situation? Would you like to see Sharif fail and Shabab succeed or vise versa? (don't take the easy way out and say he has already failed smile.gif )

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Nabadoon: What I want to see in the south is clear, a competent government that has a clear strategy for the future Federal union. That entity must be tough enough with a clear coherent strategy to deal with Al Shabaab & other clan militias and not be beholden to the whims of certain sectarian groups.


So far the Sharif fails in that he prefers what he calls a “Midnimo Qaran" or crap centralism that has no room in the Somalia of today.


He is beholden to the likes of Ahmed Diriye, "Sheikh" Salad & more frighteningly Yusuf InadCade all members of fringe groups with titles beyond their pay grades.


Its clear that in terms of competency his government is worse than any before even Abdiqasin’s, aside from the PM & Mr Omaar the rest of his cabinet is fielded by uneducated, corrupt parasites who’s single greatest idea thus far was to sell the sea to Kenya,.


I am truly not interested in personality and I even composed a poem to give the man a chance, but so far in terms of competency, the Federal make up & a clear strategy to combat Al Shabaab I find the Sharif to be out of his depth and failing terribly.

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I am glad you don't want him to fail as some do. We have to realize the south has been lawless for some time now and it will take a lot of determination and time to get things back in order. I think he has the determination and insh'allah he will succeed.


As for the "Midnimo Qaran", It's obvious that Federalism is a new reality in somalia and anyone who disputes it is just not being realistic.

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^^^Nabadoon: Adeer he is determined in what? Thus far it looks from the choices he has made and the policies he has followed that he is after something maybe money but not a strategy to pacify the south.

The Sharif is not better than any other Somali and must be held accountable for his actions. I have yet to see anything that gives courage to the unionist and lovers of the state. His present actions and rhetoric contradict his past. Thus I wish him well but we have been wishing for the past 20 years for change, its time to change course. I applaud your last point Federalism is an important concept today and one we must utilize to get justice for our people.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The Sharif is not better than any other Somali and must be held accountable for his actions. I have yet to see anything that gives courage to the unionist and lovers of the state. His present actions and rhetoric contradict his past.

....and he is not my adeero....

You forgot to add that.

Duke just grow up please, you don't have any sustainable opposition to this man other than bitterness and it is apparent in your writing.

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reasonable somalis are united on reviving the state and support tfg while solidifying the relative peace and political stability in the northern states. sharif has shown a political maturity when he applauded the progress of puntland, wishing her well as it's a major corner of the country he leads. he inherited a weak political arrangement based on clannish distribution, a broken security apparatus, and a widespread mistrust between Somalis in the south, and in general. the failure preceded him. the only crime he could reasonably be accused is accepting such a mess to begin with, and even that is not a crime. it's part of the leadership stuff we've been talking about :D


alshabaab fights him, fools cheer for his besiege, while majority of somalis support and wish him well.


even in Minnesota the man is popular :D


Waryaaya galab wanaagsan

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adeer your recycled childish asinine arguments just won’t wash here. It has been more than seven months since this man took over the TFG and he has failed miserably, we can only judge on his performance thus far and wishy washy baseless rants and attacks on my person can not hide your desperation and lack of argument. Its embarrassing old Juje that you can not present a single proof, shred of evidence to support your government.


Only when one sees his limitations clearly can he begin to understand the nature and quality of his intellect

To the other fellow, you do protest way too much, popularity is fickle and the man is not a movie star or a singer, we can not judge him on the box office sales of his latest movie or if his album has gone platinum. We can jugde him on the turf he holds, the men he has beside him and the policies that he has followed. The Sharif can be judged on the impact of his actions. Thus Puntland, Somaliland are entities he exerts no impact on whatsoever, his actions and words thus far are hot air when it comes to the northern states.


Now on the areas where his actions have some influance, what has been the result? He has lost his base, his own clan turf; his Court militias have been decimated in less than a few days of fighting. Today he relies only on AMISOM troops and has no real army or even a standing militia. Thus his actions have been detrimental to his own backyard and he is now isolated in Villa Somalia.

Jowhar was his base and one of the few areas he visited, he lost it. What about diplomacy, his skills of negotiations have brought him Yusuf IndaCade [a man who was defeated and on the run] no one else has been convinced thus far by his "charismatic appeal". :D


What about the mans policies ? Sharif Ahmed has been the first Somali who claims national leadership who put in question the territorial integrity of Somalia’s water when he signed a controversial deal with Kenya. His minister of planning signed the deal and he defended it. The parliament rejected the deal highlighting that he could not even convince the same people who voted him in, remember 200 of them he chose himself.


Sharif Ahmed after 7 months is defended by AMISOM, which he inherited, nothing that he has done has worked, his army is defeated, his policies controversial at best treasonous at worst have been rejected. Thus only the gullible can believe that this man’s seven months performance has been anything but a failure.


I know those who can not comprehend will get upset, who cares , I dare say kindly present a counter argument , I demand to see the beef in this stew, and will not accept the usual lines such as ”he is leader because he leads ” poor Sharif supporters they dont know where they are being led to :D

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Juje is not rational, waayo, wixii yey lagu sheegi jiray ayuu Dukey kala murrmooyaa, soo why aa Dukey loola yaabaa?


The man's concern is genuine and he should not be dismissed as just another critic, waayo yey maalin kasto ayaan saa ugu hadli jirey until uu is casilay.


Dukey, as you know Sharif isn't the problem, its his snake of advisors. He has surrounded himself with war profiteers and until there is a cleanup in that administration, nothing and I mean, nothing will change.


Dukey, Sharif is weak because the people he trusted the most have failed him but not for any other reason.



PS: Bun Bun is here, tolow grand jury summon aa dhaweyn aan umaleynaa, right bunbun? You on your medicine caawa?

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