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Will Sharif Hotel shake hands with Kiss Mrs Clinton ? Have your say

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Originally posted by Meiji:

LOOL sheekadii waxey noqotay gacan ma siindoonaa LOOL


That alone says enough about the bitterness of the Yusufites.

lol...iska dhaaf ha iska ooyeene! Yey maanta waa is cuncunayaa meel uu joogaba..."Aniga Maraykan ima taageerin, hadda markaan tegey baa taageero dhinac kasta ka neeneen" buu leeyahay! ugu taagnaato dheh who will support a seasoned murderer?

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God gave him a special pardon to shake hands with this woman, however he looks away from Somali women because he is devout


Fake Shiekh and fake clanist who support him. :D

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Madaxweyne Shariif oo ka leex leexday inuu salaamay Hillary Clinton kadib markii uu galabta kula kulmay Nairobi.


Madaxweynaha Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa goor dhoweyd kula kulmay Magaalada Nairobi Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibada Mareykanka Hillary Clinton, kuwaasoo ka wada hadlay xaalada dalka Soomaaliya iyo sidii xiriirka labada dal ee Mareykanka iyo Soomaaliya loo xoojin lahaa.


Kulanka oo ahaa mid albaabada u xirnaa ayaa waxay labada dhinac isku weydaarsadeen fikrado kala duwan, waxaana Madaxweyne Shariif u gudbiyay warbixin ku saabsan Xaalada dalka iyo baahida ay Dowladda u qabto sidii ay taageero ballaaran u heli laheyd.

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Where is the headline from? it's obviously not true.


"Madaxweyne Shariif oo ka leex leexday inuu salaamay Hillary Clinton kadib markii uu galabta kula kulmay Nairobi."

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This is a plot by the US, to show, that muslims have no priniciples (are without principles) and humiliate them across the world, that's why they specifically chose 'Sheikh' Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.

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^^years ago i shocked my sheekh when I told him Suldaan CXamiid, the last Sultan of Ottaman embire, a man well liked and respected in the Ottaman's history narrative, was a SMOKER.


My sheekh, a historian himself, told me it was one bad habit, and in the whole it does not take away his other good manners :D

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Nabadoon: The title is from a Sharif supporting portal.


Its more than a habit to lie about who you are. In 2006 an extreme Shiekh & leader of Al Shabaab.

In 2009 a secular looking dude, who shakes hands with western women and belives in democracy. Thinks change but never at that speed. :D

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What is the alternative? It's either him or the youth and I think he is the better option. It's easy to find a fault, but a solution is harder to find.

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^^^Its been seven months and the situation is worse and he has lost nearly all the country to those he used to lead. They are stronger, more united and uncompromising, thus what exactly has he changed?


There is a real alternative, prop up Puntland, Somaliland and the rest will follow. Sharif is just more time wasting.

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