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General Duke

Will Sharif Hotel shake hands with Kiss Mrs Clinton ? Have your say

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Xoghayaha Arimaha Dibada Maraykanka Hillary Clinton ayaa qorshaynaysa inay Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif kula kulanto magaalada Nairobi 5ta bisha Agoosto, halkaas oo uu ka dhici doono shirka ganacsiga wadamada ka hooseeya Saxara. Shirkas oo uu ka qayb gali Sh. Shariif ayaa waxa marti ku ah haweenayda arimaha dibada u qaabilsan Maraykanka, sida uu sheegay afhayeenka wasaaradaas Ian Kelly.


Kulankan ayaa muujinaya sida Maray kanka ay uga go'an tahay inay fara galiyaan arimaha Soomaliya iyo cabsida ay ka qabaan in Islaamiyiintu ay qabtaan xukunka Soomaliya. Clinton ayaa noqon doonta mas'uulkii ugu sareeyay dowladda Maraykanka ee qaabila Madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed tan iyo intii ay dhacday dowladdii Jan. Max'ed Siyaad Barre, waxayna ka wada hadli doonaan sidii loo xakamayn lahaa awooda Al-Shabaab ee kusii fidaysa Soomaliya.


Su'aasha kaliya ee la iswaydiinayo waxay tahay madaxweyne Shariif ma diidi doonaa inuu gacan qaado haweenaydaas maadaama uu ahaa nin ka tirsan Islaamiyiinta, mise shanta farood iyo calaacasha ayuu saari doonaa? Salaanta Clinton iyo Sh. Shariif ayaa noqon doonta mid saamayn ku yeelata mustaqbalkiisa siyaasadeed dhinac walba, oo haddii uu diido inuu gacan qaado wuxuu mari doonaa wadadii Dr. C/qasim Salaad Xasan oo horay u diiday inuu gacan qaado haweenaydii Safiirka ka ahayd Jabuuti xiligii halkaas lagu doortay, waxaana dhici doonta in albaabada reer Galbeedka laga laabto, laguna tiriyo nin mayal adag, xili uusan dib ugu soo laaban karin Islaamiyiintii sii uu hogaamin jiray. Haddii uu gacan qaadana waxa loo furi doonaa albaabada reer Galbeedka, waxaase xirmi doona albaabkii Islaam-doonka iyo balan qaadkiisii ahaa inuu Shareecada Isla amka ku dhaqi doono dalka maadaama uusan isaguba ku dhaqmin shareeco Islaam. thumbnail.php?file=CLINTON_537055953.jpg

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I am not dear brother and to me it matters not if he kisses the lady, there are more important issues at hand. The problem is the fake religious base.


So what do you think will the holly man shake hands with the western lady?

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Duke has put forth an elaborate quandary for Sharif.

If Sharif shakes the hand of America’s secretary of state, the article duke posted opines, he looses credibility with the Somalia’s religious community. If he refuses however, Sharif will have become a principled hero who accepts the price of being seen a radical he is not, and America will therefore shun him and his government.


Bal ka tali.


Except this dilemma does not exist in the real world. Certainly the issue is not whether to shake hands or not, rather it’s garnering support for Somalia’s struggling government. That is the priority in this meeting.


This frivolous issue will be a major concern for some circles, however. You will see alshabaab squad digging fatwas about the calamity shaking the hand of imra'ah ajanibiyyah could bring about while cheering for taking the lives of fellow innocent muslims.

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Much ado about nothing if the man does not shake her hand the US will no doubt understand that it is not customary under his culture to do so. If they want to help then such minor jestures won't have any effect. If they dnt want to help then even if he sang her favourite Sinatra song as if Old blue eyes was alive then they won't help.


Wish him the best it's been a horrid six month for him and his supporters, today he is leading the weakest faction in all of the Horn even Hizbul Islam has more clout.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Much ado about nothing if the man does not shake her hand the US will no doubt understand that it is not customary under his culture to do so. If they want to help then such minor jestures won't have any effect. If they dnt want to help then even if he sang her favourite Sinatra song as if Old blue eyes was alive then they won't help.


right. what was the point of this thread then?

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And yet another trolling one, a waste of bandwidth.


And the initiator of this thread is this same person who wrote this when Nuur Cadde was said to meet Ms. Rice, then Secretary of State:


"Landmark meeting overlooked by the SOL die hards but why?."


And when the biggest Xabashi stooge wanted to meet Ms. Rice, the same initiator of this thread was bombarding the site, salivating. Then again, nothing new from a certain person.


Wishing Soomaaliya, the nation, the republic to not get from its feet of dragging civil wars and once again be among the respected nations of this world -- only because of xaasidnimo, only because the biggest stooge Soomaalis had seen did not succeed to lead, with his miserable failure.


Soomaaliya is a nation, it is not beholden to an individual or a special interest group. Soomaaliya ma'aha jaraanjar meel lagu gaaraayo, oo dan qabyaaladeed laga leeyahay.


Soomaaliya is nation oo Soomaalida ka dhaxeyso, it is not dal lagu gorgortamaayo meel lagu gaaro la rabo for selfish reasons. Soomaaliya cannot be a jaraanjar lagu koraayo meel one wants enrich one's self. No, no, and no.

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Soomaaliya is nation oo Soomaalida ka dhaxeyso, it is not dal lagu gorgortamaayo meel lagu gaaro la rabo for selfish reasons. Soomaaliya cannot be a jaraanjar lagu koraayo meel one wants enrich one's self. No, no, and no.


MMA according to you for past 19 years the country was at peace and there was a lot of progress until A/Y became the President.


For you to support Sharif (which I do too) at this time who relies on what A/Y has built is quite puzzeling while at the same time condemning A/Y. Somalidu waxay dhehdaa "Oohintu orgiga ka weyn".

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Peace, brother, I have my respects for you, laakiin ima fahmin.


I supported C/llaahi Yuusuf's dowlad, albeit never liking his policies. I supported for the sake of Soomaaliya dowlad u dhalatay, albeit ahayd kumeel gaar. Unfortunately, Xabashi ayuu keenay.


And I don't support Shariif Sh. Axmed. Waa shaqsi, shaqsi siyaasadeedna waligey ma support gareynin. I support ideas, anyone who aan u arko his or her ideas macquul yihiin will have my vote.


This is the last chance Soomaaliya dowlad fursad u leedahay inay hesho. Haddee tan dhacdo Soomaaliya burburkeeda wey u dhamaaneysaa, oo meeshii u dambeeye taagantahay. I support it for the sake of Soomaaliya nation u burburin, oo qaarada adduunka ka bixin, same as I supported when dowladii kumeelgaarka hore was created in '04 and C/llaahi Yuusuf headed it, inkastoo siyaasadiisa jecleysan. Marka it is regardless who headed and heads it.


Marka waa saas.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

And yet another trolling one, a waste of bandwidth.


And the initiator of this thread is this same person who
this when Nuur Cadde was said to meet Ms. Rice, then Secretary of State:


"Landmark meeting overlooked by the SOL die hards but why?."


And when the biggest Xabashi stooge wanted to meet Ms. Rice, the same initiator of this thread was
the site, salivating. Then again, nothing new from a certain person.


Aaar ka daaaaaaaaa ,,, :D:D

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

Soomaaliya is a nation, it is not beholden to an individual or a special interest group. Soomaaliya ma'aha jaraanjar meel lagu gaaraayo, oo dan qabyaaladeed laga leeyahay.


Soomaaliya is nation oo Soomaalida ka dhaxeyso, it is not dal lagu gorgortamaayo meel lagu gaaro la rabo for selfish reasons. Soomaaliya cannot be a jaraanjar lagu koraayo meel one wants enrich one's self. No, no, and no.

MMA, Thank you! Tani waa mid u baahan in lagu celceliyo.

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MMS as usual the clueless anti Puntlander if SOL trying to make a point when there is none. Did I o ce say this meeting is not happening nor is unimportant? Also is there lack of coverage to this meeting in Sol today? No the thread here is not about the H&M Jean you like & the perfumes you wear now that's meaningless and a waste of bandwidth. The topic is as with the original article looking for insight into the religious claims of said Sharif for if he does not shake Somali women hands should he Mrs Clinton and if he does what would it say about all the Islamic government he heads?


Again poof MMA make a point will you Abdullahi Yusuf is so far the most successful leader in post war Somalia, Abdiqasin & the happless clanist you support have left nothing Yusuf left Puntland and even the Villa Sharif is hiding in.

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