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Audio: Sh.Mukhtar Raabow Abu Mansoor

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Somali Islamists deny Ethiopian troops withdrawal

Friday 26 January 2007 00:10.


Jan 25, 2007 (MOGADISHU) - The Somali Islamists militias said they have completed their preparations for war against the Ethiopian troops. The ousted Islamic courts, also, denied the withdrawal of the Ethiopian army describing it as public relation operation.


According to the Somali pro-Islamist website KismaayoNews, the Islamists militias have appointed a new war commander meant to operate only in Banaadir Region, Mogadishu and its environs. The new commander is known as Sheikh Abdiqadir. The website mentioned it will not give the full name for security reasons.


The new commander has regrouped together all the former Islamic courts forces which have been in shambles since Ethiopian captured the country. The first trial operation by the new commander was carried out yesterday when the forces attacked Mogadishu International Airport.


"Yesterday's attack was a trial by Commander Sheikh Abdiqadir who wanted to see the possibility of attacking the most protected area in Mogadishu by the Ethiopian troops in broad daylight," an unidentified speaker told Kismaayonews.


When asked whom they were targeting in their upcoming attacks as the Ethiopians would soon be leaving the country, the unidentified speaker said:


"The Tigrayans are not going anywhere. This story of leaving the country is merely 'public relations'. We are engaging the Tigrayans in a war that would return back to their country so that Prime Minister Meles Zenawi will never rule Ethiopia where he is currently colonizing over 70 million people.


"There will be no more foreign troops that will arrive in Somalia. At the moment, we are engaged in a war with the two enemies of Somalia; the USA and the Ethiopians" he said. "They have now been joined by Kenya. The Islamic courts forces are at the moment discussing how to deal with Kenya," the speaker added.


This new mobilization by the people of Banaadir Region is going on simultaneously with the war of the mujahidiins in the Jubba regions in southern Somalia where they are inflicting heavy losses on the enemy as the courts' administration and capability are largely found in these regions.


The Islamic courts forces, which had been controlling the southern port city, Kismayo, before they were ousted by Ethiopian troops.

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American soldiers seized in southern Somalia, Arab and Western diplomats




Aweys Osman Yusuf

Mogadishu 26, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) There have been mounting reports

that number of American soldiers was missing in southern Somalia

following the recent US air operations on the Islamist and al-Qaeda

hideouts in southern jungles of the country, alsharqa, an Arabic

newspaper based in Qatar reported on Friday. The paper also reported

that Kenyan police have seized armed Asians crossing from Somalia into

the Kenyan border. The Kenyan police believe the foreigners were

fighting alongside with Somalia's defeated Islamists.

According to the paper, Arab diplomats, who have asked anonymity,

confirmed that unspecified number of US foot soldiers was seized in

southern Somalia where Islamists are believed to be hiding after their

loss of the capital Mogadishu to the UN and internationally backed

transitional government of Somalia and the Ethiopian troops in the


Western diplomats, who have not been named, also affirmed that US

soldiers were missing in southern Somalia, Alsharqa reported.

It added that Michael Ranneberger, the US ambassador to Kenya, who met

with Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the defeated Islamist leader under the

Kenyan custody, has asked Ahmed to explain where the missing Americans

are lingering.

Ranneburger has reportedly made the efforts to convince Ahmed to go back

to Somalia and take part in a unity government election, which he said,

would be held in Somalia next year. He said Sharif could achieve a high

government post in the upcoming government election.


Meanwhile Kenyan police, who asked to remain anonymous, have confirmed

to Alsharqa that they caught two foreign fighters armed AK47s between

the Kenyan and Somalia border.

The date of the capture was not specified, however.

Kenyan security forces are stationed at the Kenyan border along with

Somalia to clutch the escaping Islamists and al-Qaeda operatives given a

safe heaven in Somalia by the Islamic Courts Union.

US ambassador Ranneburger, who spoke to Shabelle on 20 January, said the

Islamists were harboring al-Qaeda operatives who were exerting control

of the Islamic Courts.

Islamists always denied they had al-Qaeda operatives in their Islamic

party while in control of the strife-torn country.

According to Kenyan Times, Kenyan authorities have arrested five people,

including a U.S. citizen and a French citizen suspected to be fighters

for Somalia's outdone Islamist movement, on Friday.

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So the good Sheikh is alive?


One cannot help but wonder what Somalia would have been like at this moment if the ICU did not make a lot of the mistakes they made. Shiikha walle run buu sheegaya alaa oge, the only time Allah does not grant victory is when mistakes are too great and things are not righteous. Will our wadaado with our support rise and bring our people together in the banner of the Quran again? It is upto us inshallah!



Wadaadadii doona ducana ugu dara waa na dubateene

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^Every single one of them is alive.those who died in the line of fire cannot be considered dead,because they are not dead,they are near Allah enjoying their reward for giving up their life for just cause.


We as Somali Muslims can only hope walaal.that is why we always have to optemistic as our good sheikh encouraged us to always know that we are Muslims.We may be down,but we will never be out.


Insha Allah, we will recover to take back our rightfully owned land from the filthy Ethiopians and their allies.


Insha Allah.

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Sh.Mukhtar Raabow Abu Mansoor

Rooboow dheh, duqa. Rooboow ['Rainy']. What a name! Rooboow, an authentic and original Soomaali as it gets iyo Abuumansuur, magac aan waligiis la maqlin, intee isku raacaan?


Perhaps Rooboow iyo Maansoor aala qaatay.

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