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General Aidid Talking about Somaliland

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This is the first time I have ever seen Aidid talking. He seems very wise and has given a good advice.



Edit: Basically SOL blocked that website I don't know why?


here it is with slight modification: - Replace 0 with vowel o (Somali)




I see what you mean. Perhaps I should have used clever instead of wise coz he hid some ****** mistakes. Otherwise he is cool.

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Asmara , April 13, 2007 ( – Ra'iisul-wasaare K/xigeenka dalka Somalia ahna Wasiirka howlaha guud iyo guryeynta Eng. Xuseen Maxamed Faarax Ceydiid ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in xasuuq ba'an laga geystay magaalada Muqdisho.


Xuseen Ceydiid waxuu sheegay in Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia iyo Dowlada Ethiopia ciidamadooda ay xasuuqeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyagoo Taangiyo iyo Madaafiic xoogan ku garaaceen shacabka Muqdisho.


“Habeen saq dhexe ayaa lagu armay ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia inay madaafiic ku garaacaan shacabka maatida ah ee ku dhaqan Muqdisho” sidaasi waxaa yiri Xuseen Ceydiid.


Xuseen Ceydiid oo wareysi siiyay Idaacada BBC-da laanta Afka Soomaaliga ayaa sheegay in Maxkamad caalami ah uu ku dadaali doono sidii loo soo taagi lahaa madaxda Dowlada iyo kuwa Ethiopian-ka ee xaquuqa ka geystay Muqdisho.


“Aniga waxaan KUTAAB ugu soo dhaartay inaan qaado Mas'uuliyada bulshadeyda , waxaana ku dadaalayaa siidi aan Maxkamad usoo taagi lahaa mas'uuliyiinta Dowlada gaar ahaan Cabdilaahi Yuusuf iyo Geedi iyo saraakiisha Ethiopian-ka” sidaasi waxaa yiri Xuseen Ceydiid.


Hadalkaan kasoo yeeray Xuseen Ceydiid ayaa kusoo beegmay kadib markii ciidamada cadowga Ethiopia iyo kuwa laga keenay Puntland oo aar goosi u socday ay ka geysteen Muqdisho xasuuq ba'an.

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^^And yet he is one proud members of the very team he so loudly reproaches!

He is one of Allah’s marvelous creations and I must presuppose that there is a wisdom of his being…

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