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Somaliland: Dilemma which passport to hold

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The people of Somaliland face an intriguing dilemma: which passport to hold? Somaliland declared its independence from the country of Somalia 17 years ago. Now Somaliland has its own flag, its own national anthem and its own passport. But the international community refuses to recognize the breakaway region --
which means its passport isn't recognized either.


Ok help me understand, what's the point of starting this thread if you can travel with it like you claim? In the audio, the man on a hargeysa street sells black market Republic of Somalia passports to people which is illegal, he claims to have no choice because no one will accept the NW Somalia one, because every country says it is useless. He has to forge the signature of the minister in Mogadishu. The whole thread says that NW Somalia has a dilemma because no one recognizes their passport. However, you who posted this thread, is claiming that you have travelled with it including to Europe contradicting the man on the street and the reporter. Are you lying and are you justifiying it because it is a political move?


Why are they saying they can't but you are saying you can?

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as long as i traveled with it ....


many places sxb ,, including some parts of Europe ,,


But the international community refuses to recognize the breakaway region -- which means its passport isn't recognized either.

Don't dodge the question, can you explain why black market Republic of Somalia passports are being sold in Hargeysa and why the reporter says no one recognizes the break away NW Somali's one? But you claim to have travelled many places including europe, with the NW Somalia's unrecognized passport?


Will you answer or avoid?


You posted this!!

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The reporter is saying --"which means its passport isn't recognized either"! The man on the street has to sell Somalia passport in Hargeysa and forge the signature of the minister in Mogadishu. The man on the street and the reporter say the NW Somalia's passport can't be used. But you claim to have travelled with it, contradicting the thread!!!


Can you explain?

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Somalipride ninka iska daa dee.


Yes he travelled to Europe and many places but it was in his back pocket and when he was going through checkouts he use the ever green passport of Somalia. :D


Recognition has got everything to do with passports, try to travel with a chechnian passport or Abkhazian, I am sure you'll endup in Yarlswood detention centre near Heathrow..

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MoonLight1, you're right i'll leave him alone ;)


I think it's a fair question though, he started this thread. Which say's the NW Somalia's passport can't be used. But he claims to have used it!


I think your back pocket theory makes more sense, never thought of that!!!

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

many places sxb ,, including some parts of Europe ,,

lol...JB weli naftaadaa hafraysaa...

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I find that there are some that are untruthful and are using deceptive tactics.


To start a thread which has a link and a quote from a reporter who goes to Hargeysa and says that a currency trader there also acts as a man that sells Republic of Somalia passports, which is something that is illegal in NW Somalia. The man is doing this because that's the only passport that works internationally and the trader needs to forge the signature of the minister in Mogadishu. However, Mr. Jacaylbaro claims to have made many trips (a claim his has made many times) with his NW Somalia passport, including Europe. Then let JB explain why are they selling Somalia Republic passports in hargeysa illegally if JB can use his like he claims? He’ll dodge the question as usual, maybe accuse the person of crying or anything else to keep him from answering.


The lies need to stop and the person needs to be called out on it. If you let them slide they will continue. He started this thread which completely contradicts his claim of using the NW Somalia's passport. He slipped up by starting this thread and has been exposed once again.


He refuses to answer the question on why his claim is contradicting the thread he started! We are grown men, there's no need to make false claims. We all have our own point of views and political affiliations, but there is no need to make up untrue statements; like being able to travel with an invalid passport.

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