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Jaaliyada Muqdisho ee S/Land oo Daawooyin .......

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Laakin Somaliland and Somalia are still one country on paper or at least have shared a union in the past therefore mind is justfied. Laakin nin asaguu goostay (Djabuuti) ama somali galbeed oo intay magac qabiil isu baxsheen deedna ku leh somaliland waa qabiil based entity (AT&T) ayaa laga hayaa warkaas. lool

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Have you ever heard of MUTHB MUTHAB in Arabic ?? or in the Hadith ?


I would like to call you that only if you know what it means ...........


Meel ku adkayso niyow go'aan baa la yeeshaa oo Ilaahay nin buu kaa dhigaye.

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I am pro Somaliland bro all the way. That is my mabtha regarding Somaliland.


In Koonfur: I am pro Alshabab group in their struggle against the Ethiopians.


I am also pro ONLF in their struggle against Ethiopia.


I am also pro Palestinians in their quest to win over their rightly owned country and the holy land.



What I oppose:


I oppose the corrupt rulers of Somaliland and their bad behavior and policies. I support the people and their decision to seceed.


I oppose the TFG (Tigray funded government) and allies.



I oppose the U.S policies in Iraq, Afqhanistan etc..



Do you see the pattern?


So drop that nonsensical chit chat that my foes (in SOL) try to use against me when they have no answer to the fact presented to them. They say oh you support two things at once.


Supporting Somaliland and at the same time supporting a movement which militarily is involved in a conflict against a totally different country/regime isn't contradicting. :D



What happened to Muslinimo here?

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Originally posted by Reer Hargeysa.:

cid JigJiga ka hadayshayba ma arko. AT&T isna Somaliland ayuu ku qafiifay maal mahan.


Kii NFD kayimid somaliland ayuu kahadlayaa.

Kii Djabuuti ka yimid Somaliland ayuu ka hadlayaa,


Kii Koonfur ka yimid somaliland ayuu ka hadlayaa,

Kii bari ka yimid somaliland ayuu kahadlayaa,


Kuwii Somali galbeed ka yimidna somaliland ayey ka hadlayaan oo leeyihiin maxay u go'aysaa iyo dood ayey ku jiraan aan khusayn ayaga.):



Markaa waxaan ubaahanay in aad JigJiga, dhagax buur iyo jidkii qoraxay iyo meelaahas inaad iiga waranto xaaladeeda.

Jigjiga is not up for discussion, SL is, it's the "in" thing these days. It stands out from [NFD, Djabuuti, Koonfur, Bari, Somali galbeed] the crowd. In the famous words of JB, "Way dhaqaaqday!" :D , it's stepping into the SPOTLIGHT, it might actually get recognized sooner than anticipated if it keeps up it's 'hollier than the rest of Somalia' attitude.


Habalyo iyo bogaadin baan kaga soo dirayaa jidkii Qoraxey ee qalalnaa. ;)

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Wow, Allaha raali ha ka ahaadee? Saxaabadiii miyaa? ayagaa 'raliyalaahu canhu' la dhihi jiree. Istaqfurullah.


JB, ninyahaw hami yaridaa, roodhi ku ye, of all the raashin la cuno, roodhi maxaa ku jeclaatay? mise french bread baad Paris markaa tagtay ku soo baratay?

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Originally posted by Reer Hargeysa.:

I am pro Somaliland bro all the way. That is my mabtha regarding Somaliland.


In Koonfur: I am pro Alshabab group in their struggle against the Ethiopians.


I am also pro ONLF in their struggle against Ethiopia.


I am also pro Palestinians in their quest to win over their rightly owned country and the holy land.



lol@ ONLF, Somaliland, Shabaab and then Palestine.

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^I wish I could see things through your eyes MMAyoow...Soomaali Soomaali caawineyso kuyeh...Dadaan ogahay waxaa ku dhicidoonto 'dawacadii socodkeeda ka tagtay, kii Nabigana gaari weysay'... Alla mexey isla bexeen...


Originally posted by Reer Hargeysa.:

Kii NFD kayimid somaliland ayuu kahadlayaa.

Kii Djabuuti ka yimid Somaliland ayuu ka hadlayaa,


Kii Koonfur ka yimid somaliland ayuu ka hadlayaa,

Kii bari ka yimid somaliland ayuu kahadlayaa,


Kuwii Somali galbeed ka yimidna somaliland ayey ka hadlayaan oo leeyihiin maxay u go'aysaa iyo dood ayey ku jiraan aan khusayn ayaga.):



Markaa waxaan ubaahanay in aad JigJiga, dhagax buur iyo jidkii qoraxay iyo meelaahas inaad iiga waranto xaaladeeda.

Soomaali baa horay wexey ug maahmaahday "Wadar iyo waaxid kee waalan?" I guess dee in laguu kala dhigdhigo looma baahna...Waalida meesha halaga wado ilaa marka dambe bacaad la cuno...

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