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Jaaliyada Muqdisho ee S/Land oo Daawooyin .......

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Jaaliyada Muqdisho ee S/Land oo Daawooyin gaadhsiiyey dhakhtarka Hargeisa


This is a very good development


"Sidoo kale waxa uu maanta wasiirka caafimaadka iyo maamulka dhakhtarka Hargeysi deeq daawooyin ah oo dhan 7 kun oo doolar ka gudoomeen jaaliyada Muqdishoee ku dhaqan magaalada Hargeysa."



Guddomiyaha jaaliyada Muqdisho ee S/Land Faarax Qiindhow iyo Sultan Xasan Ismaciil Cabdi oo suldaamada beesha ka mid ah





Hayada ICRC ee laanqayrta cas ayaa maanta soo gaadhsiisay diyaarad siday dawooyin loogu talo galay dadkii ku dhaawacmay qaraxyadii dhowaan laala beegsaday magaalada Hargeysa.



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never learn do they you cannnot civilise savages, dadkan ina dhaafiya meeshay cag dhigaanba wey gubaan, they have already imported alot of their dhaqan xumo and corrupt way to our country, and now thie fanatical zealots are here to slaughter our people.


these people hate any resemblance of peace, order and justice, they only know loot, rape, massacre and mayhem thats what they thrive on.


somaliland needs to stop this crappy waa walaaleheen wishy washy crap, these people will only import their destructive way of life.


Thanks but NO THANKS

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You know, one of the men who were killed in those explosions was a relative of mine, I haven't seen him in a while but I have fond memories. He was a caring uncle, I remember in my childhood how he used to tell us of his travels around the world and about his journey to where the "sky met the earth" apparently this was supposed to be somewhere in Europe. Alaa yarhamu that guy was Xuseen Af-gaab who was killed in madaxtooyada.


When such things happen it is easy for emotions to take over and I was no different. But one thing that you should know is what happened in Hargeisa is exactly why these defenceless families (who are mostly children and woman) have fled their homes. They share more in common with us than they do with Al-shabaab. If anything, wallahi we should even love them and look after them more.


Gobta, magangelyuda afka baarkiisa uun kama aha ee aflagaada iska daa ninyow. iyagiiba dadkani kasoo baxsadey cadaab oo yaaban markasaad adna iyagii cadhada kula dul dhacsaa waa kusidee .


As for protecting Somaliland, It is up to the people to step up to the challenge and without a doubt they will ee calm down shiekh.

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am perfectly fine but things will never be the same, bridge was crossed.


ninka abeenso soo xeraystaa aduunbay ku cunay.



keeping people whom have nothing but envy, hate and contempt for your people and your country

in your bossom aint very wise my friend.


this incident reminded me there was this one incident in somaliland when it was SL independence day and the qoxoontis from the camps organised themselves so they could fight people who were celebrating that day. thats the kind of people we dealing with.


most people feel enough is enough its time we got control of things and assess who is living in our midst.

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There is always a way to solve such issue sxb. Look at the topic where those from Muqdisho are contributing to the donations. There is always a good and bad people. If a somali man do a suicide bomb in the UK, you won't allow the British gov to exile all those from Africa or Eastern Africa.


Having said that, whoever did this should be cut in pieces and the don't represent any clan, site, region or even a continent.

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Qurac, who is the "COUNTRY" YOU are referring to in your postings? Look up what "SOMALILAND" means in Wikipedia and get back to me if it says: Separate country from "SOMALIA."


You and those like you are part of the problem, and standing on your soapbox shouting hatred and wishing the demise of your COUNTRY, Somalia will only hurt you.


JB, gabadha buska lagu garaacay nooga waran? I'm hearing rumours that a non-SL woman was jumped by men in a public transit bus.

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I hate to tell you, but you are deviating from the ORIGINAL topic here. But well... anyway, I fail to see the relevance of mentioning Jigjiga in this thread.

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cid JigJiga ka hadayshayba ma arko. AT&T isna Somaliland ayuu ku qafiifay maal mahan.


Kii NFD kayimid somaliland ayuu kahadlayaa.

Kii Djabuuti ka yimid Somaliland ayuu ka hadlayaa,


Kii Koonfur ka yimid somaliland ayuu ka hadlayaa,

Kii bari ka yimid somaliland ayuu kahadlayaa,


Kuwii Somali galbeed ka yimidna somaliland ayey ka hadlayaan oo leeyihiin maxay u go'aysaa iyo dood ayey ku jiraan aan khusayn ayaga.):



Markaa waxaan ubaahanay in aad JigJiga, dhagax buur iyo jidkii qoraxay iyo meelaahas inaad iiga waranto xaaladeeda.

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