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Puntland forces hit hard the pirates, injured some and detain all the gangs

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Boosaaso,Puntland:Burcadaani oo Shalay Galinkii Hore afduub u geysatey Dooni laga lahaa Dalka Isutaga Emaraadka Carabta Laguna Magacaabo Al-Khaliij ayaa Tiradoodu ay gaareysay ilaa 7-Todoba Qof waxaana Saakay Gacanta kusoo Dhigey Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha Puntland oo Kaashanaanayey Ciidanka Booliska.


Burcadaani oo Markii lasoo Gaarsiiyey Dekeda Magaalada Boosaaso Saarnaa Doontii Ay afduubteen ayaa Sadex Kamid ah Burcadaasi dhaawac ka Muuqdey Halka Afartii kalana ay Fayoobayeen.


Dekeda Magaallada Boosaaso ayaan Saakay wax shaqo ah kasocon waxaana Dadweynaha Reer Boosaaso Usoo Daawasho Tageen Burcadaasi iyadoo Halkaasina ay Ka Muuqdeen Dhamaanba Masuuliyiintii Maamulka puntland intoodii kusugneyd Boosaaso.


Masuuliyiintii Halkaasi Goob jooga ka ahaa Waxaa kamid ahaa Wasiirka Amniga Puntland C/laahi Saciid Samantar iyo Wasiirka Ganacsiga Iyo Warshadaha Puntland C/samad Yuusuf Maxamed. Waxaana ay Si wada Jir ah Wasiiradu Shir Jaraa’id ugu Qabteen Dekeda Dhexdeeda waxayna u Mahadcalinyeen Ciidamadii soo qabtey Burcadaasi iyo Ganacsatadii Gacanta ka geysateyba soo qabashada Burcadaasi.


Wasiirka Ganacsiga Iyo warshadaha Puntland C/samad Yuusuf Maxamed (Abwan) oo ku howlanaa Tan iyo intii la haystey Doontaani Dadaal Dheeri ahna u galay Burcadaani Siidii laso qaban lahaa ayaa ugu Baaqey Ganacsad Puntland Inay Is hortagaan wax walba oo khal khal lagu galinaayo Ganacsiga iyo Amniga puntland Mr Abwaan Waxaa Sidoo kale uu U Mahad Celiyey Doonyihii Ka qeyb qaatey Soo deynta Doonida iyo Soo qabashada Burcada.


Ugu Danbeytii Burcadaani ayaa loo dhaadhiciyey Xabsiga Weyn ee Magaallada Boosaso Iyagoo aan la kala Saarin kuwoodii Dhaawac ahaa iyo kuwii Kalaba Waxaana Masuuliyiintu ay sheegeen Inay Dhamaantoodba Muteysan Doonaan Xukun Dil ah.

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BOSASSO, Somalia (Reuters) - The Pakistani crew members of a hijacked, Dubai-flagged ship said on Wednesday they were lucky to be alive after being tricked and captured by Somali pirates then rescued in a shootout at sea.

Alia Akbar, second-in-command of the Al-Khaleej, told Reuters seven pirates posing as thirsty fishermen in dire need of drinking water came alongside on Monday only to hijack the ship at gunpoint after being allowed on board.

"We let in three of them. Suddenly four others, who were armed, boarded the ship. They then ordered the captain to change course and took us between Mukalah (in Yemen) and Dubai. They held us there at sea all night," he said in Urdu.

On Tuesday, scores of security officers from the semi-autonomous Somali region of Puntland stormed the ship and engaged the pirates in a gun-battle that lasted for an hour, rescuing the 16 crew members and arresting the pirates.

"The pirates stopped us at first and asked for drinking water," Akbar, 27, told Reuters, speaking throughout a Somali translator on behalf of the crew. "The troops came in the morning, before the pirates had asked us for any ransom."

When the pirates came on board, the Pakistani crew scattered and tried to hide in different parts of the cargo ship that had been en route from Dubai to Puntland. But they were all found by the pirates, who promised not to hurt them.

The rescue was terrifying, Akbar said.

"In the morning many troops on two speedboats surrounded our ship. Then the shootout started. It was really frightening. The pirates surrendered after three of them were wounded. I can't believe we are free. It was a nightmare," he said, smiling.

Source: Reuters, April 23, 2008

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Tuug tuug soo qabanaayo. Markee isku sanifeen, wax ay ku heshiin waayeen ayee soo qabanayaan, oo markii hore iska indhatiri jiray. Sheeko.


Haddee run ka tahay car ha qabtaan kuwa masaakiinta badda ku shubo, oo doomo ka buuxiyo, maalin walba badda ku daadiyo. Car.

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^^^Adeer you seem to have deep hate, who are you calling a tuug? Maybe everyone who ever served in any admin is a tuug adeer. Stop the clan finder pointing Mr MMA.


Puntland has made a great move against the criminals and it needs no additions from thsoe who loath and hate it and its people.

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Somalis and conspiracy maxaa kala haysta. Focus on this brilliant rescue mission and the respone of the population who are very supportive of this action. At in this incident, these pirates crossed the line and the admin had to move against them. With all the warships in the red sea, it is very difficult to stop these pirates and smugglers by Puntland alone.

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