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6 Suspects Arrested in Buuhoodle

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Somaliland official says al Qaeda suspects arrested



HARGEISA,Sept 22 (Reuters) - Ethiopian troops arrested six men believed to be members of al Qaeda during a cross-border operation in the breakaway republic of Somaliland, a senior Somaliland official said on Saturday.


There was no immediate word from Addis Ababa, which has sent thousands of soldiers to support an interim government in neighbouring Somalia threatened by Islamist-led insurgents.


The chairman of Somaliland’s central region of Togdheer, Abdi Hussein Dere, told reporters Ethiopian forces entered the town of Buholde on Friday and occupied the main police station before arresting six Somalis in four vehicles.


“The cars were on their way to Mogadishu,” Dere told a news conference. “After their arrest, I think Ethiopian informers told the troops the arrested men belonged to al Qaeda.”


Somalia’s interim administration often accuses foreign jihadists of working with local insurgents in the capital to carry out roadside bombings and assassinations that have targeted the government and its Ethiopian military allies.


In June, the U.S. military launched air strikes on the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, which borders Somaliland.


U.S. officials declined to comment on a CNN report that they were targeting a suspect in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 240 people.


The United States also launched air strikes in southern Somalia in January aimed at three top al Qaeda suspects but killed the suspects’ allies instead, U.S. officials have said.

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Reuters should get its facts str8 and its funny how the secessionists are claiming buuhoodle and that they are pretending to be a soveriegn state yet they are not protesting when that claimed sovereignty is tresspassed on, iskaba daa protesting they are applauding for the xabash.

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i guess nalka hargeeya addis ba laga daara these days!!


wat a shame! amxaarki sida luuga baqaya!! plz someone turn the lights off in hargeysa, and grab the somali flag from the storage while on the way out!!


meeshan amxaar hore house bee noqotay.

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xalitoo maskin amxaar ha baan ride siiyeey! i wanned to beat the shyte outta him. but then i realized its not worth it.


in xamar, the amxaar will get what he deserves! wats sland gonna do... how the govt didnt say shyte. miyaa isku katshiin. wheres the govt??


this major shame to sland! its showing who is in charge there.

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Runtii adduunkii gaba gaba kusoo socoto haddee Soomaali masuulnimo sheeganaayo saan u hadlaayo. Alqaacida kulahaa.


Wax dhib ah kumaba heyso Xabasho kasoo tilaabsanaayo xuduud beenaadka, oo wuxuuba kasii jeclaan lahaa in uu usoo qabto.

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i don't see what somaliland has to do with this.

how pathetic these people in hargeisa, it has been said before that Somaliland is country that exists in the minds of few but clearly statements like that really proof it. "cross-border operation in the breakaway republic of Somaliland, a senior Somaliland official said on Saturday." when was buhoodle ever in Somaliland?

this is one of the cars that were captured:


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hehehe ,, funny ,, baabuurtii masaakiintaa la iska soo sawirtay ,,


The military vehicles have different plate numbers sxb ,,, try again. Plus landrover waaba laga baxay let alone in dagaal lagu galo.

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no one said they were part of the Sland military but some of you have been suggesting they come from Puntland regions. this shows were they are from.

by the way, their no longer terrorist eh?

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So this is the proof they are not from bugland ?? ...... i don't think that is enough since cars with such plate numbers are available in buuhoodle and the whole togdheer region. Again anyone can make a false plate number that looks like the original one ,, they even do it here sometimes to escape from the taxes although the punishment is a bit heavy when cought.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Runtii adduunkii gaba gaba kusoo socoto haddee Soomaali masuulnimo sheeganaayo saan u hadlaayo. Alqaacida kulahaa.


Wax dhib ah kumaba heyso Xabasho kasoo tilaabsanaayo xuduud beenaadka, oo wuxuuba kasii jeclaan lahaa in uu usoo qabto.

Have to agree with you on thi. I don't care how immoral or scared even the people handed them over were, the way these 6 men have been treated is wrong and inexcusable. They haven't don't done anything wrong - and that's accordingly to the people who detained them. Not even charged with anything before being handed over to Ethios! For the SL official to support this action is absolutely deplorable. Seems some people are prepared to go to hell rather than oppose Meles.

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Hahhahahaahha, this is hillarious. War naga daaya, labadiinaba waad kala darantihiin. Hawo kulul un ayaad afuufaysaan.


There is no difference between the two dabodhil*f entities. Both are xabashi slaves and they are outbidding each other on who is closer to the xabash and who has handed over more innocent Somalis to the xabash.


Labadiina hadii aad muslimiin tihiin soonkiina ha iska jabinina. Beenta soonku wuu ku jabaa ogaada.

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Buhoodle is cayn region not togdheer. sure, you can come up with hundred and one reason as to how the plates of a care can be changed or falsified but thats not the case is it? If you want the truth, it is as the picture paints it to be. if your interested in discussing myths and conspiracies, i bid you ado.

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don't be mad sxb ,, it is Ramadan and the lies cannot be hidden specially this holy month :D



Now let's agree on two things:



To handover a Muslim to a Gaal is WRONG ....


War is not good for anyone .....



Agree ???

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