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Bugland region Cooporates with Somaliland

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Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Maamul-gobolleedka Puntland ee Somaaliya, ayaa sheegay inay gacanta ku dhigeen Doon laga dhacay Somaliland iyo Budhcad-Badeeddii qabsatay, taas oo ay sheegeen inay ka wada-hadleen arrinteeda Xukuumadda Somaliland.


Maamulka Puntland ayaa sheegay in hawl-gal ay dorraad sameeyeen Ciidamada Booliska ee Maamulkaasi ay gacanta ku dhigeen Budhcad-Badeed iyo Tahriibayaal ku sugnaa Deegaanka Ceelaayo, kuwaas oo tiradoodu dhammayd 10 qof.


Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Cabdilaahi Siciid Samatar iyo Taliye-xigeenka Ciidamada Booliska Maamulkaas Maxamed Siciid oo wada-jir Shir’jaraa’id ugu qabtay Magaalada Boosaaso, ayaa sheegay in hawl-gal ay sameeyeen Ciidamadoodu ay ku qabteen Doon la afduubay oo laga leeyahay Somaliland iyo afduubayaashii watayba. “Ceelaayo ayaanu ka soo qabanay, halkaas oo noqotay hoyga tahriibka iyo budhcad-badeedka. Waxay soo qabteen Doon laga soo dhacay Somaliland, gaar ahaan Maydh iyo Nimankii saarnaa, laba Mishiin oo kuwa tahriibta qaada ah oo uu ka mid yahay kii tahriibta lagu qaaday iyo ninkii tahriibta watay. Waxa kale oo uu Ciidanku soo qabtay Hub ilaa 10 Qori ah, Shidaal ku jira Jirrikaamo iyo Budhcad-badeed Sagaal nin ah oo ay weheliyaan saddex nin oo tahriibayaal ah. Maaha in aanu ka qarino shacabka’e, Budhcad-badeedda qaar baa Ciidamada Booliska ka tirsan, Ciidan anaga noo joogay oo Saldhig noogu qornaa, ayaa Ceelaayo loogu tegay oo Budhcad-Badeed ah.” Sidaa waxa yidhi Taliye-xigeenka Ciidamada Booliska Maamulka Puntland Maxamed Siciid.


Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka Amniga Maamulkaas oo isna halkaa ka hadlay, ayaa sheegay in Doonnidan ay qabteen ay wada-hadal ka yeesheen Masuuliyiinta ka socda Somaliland, kuwaas oo ay isla garteen in Xukuumada Somaliland lagu wareejiyo Doonta iyo Budhcad-Badeeddaba. “Ugu horrayn waxaan bogaadin u jeedinayaa ciidamada Amniga ee Puntland oo hawl-gal loo diray ku guulaystay. Waxa la soo qabtay Doon laga soo dhacay Somaliland, taas oo ay masuuliyiinta Somaliland nagala soo xidhiidheen oo aanu u ballan-qaadnay in aanu u celino, way naga dhaxaysaa in wixii Doonyo ah ee lagala soo baxsado Somaliland ama meelo kaleba aanu qabano, anagana sidoo kale waxaanu ka rejaynaynaa in wixii sidaas oo kale ee dembi ah aanu ka wada shaqayno oo ay noo soo celiyaan anagana.” Ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Amniga Puntland. Wuxuu Caalamka ugu baaqay inay maamulkooda ka taageeraan la-dagaallanka Budhcad-badeedka iyo Tahriibta.


Inkasta oo aanu la xidhiidhnay qaar ka mid ah Masuuliyiinta Xukuumadda Somaliland, si aanu dhinacooda wax uga waydiino arrintan, ayaanay noo suurtogelin.

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Jacayl baro,


There is nothing new in helping brothers in the North by the community in the East. Waagii hore geela waqooyiga ka yimaada markuu ciddah yimaado waa la celin jirey :D


apparently the tradition continues :D

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As I said that community is known for returing your lost camels before, and it now returned the rescued boats. Somaliland would have declared that its navy captured an armed boat from Puntland that was intended to cause mischeif in the land :D

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coz that is what they are sxb .... Pirates anagu waanu qabanaa oo waanu xukunaaa ,,, lakin way fiican yihiin coz they return the lost to the nice people (the non-pirates) :D



Sheekadaa geeluna tii Koora-dadab bay i soo xasuusinaysaaye iga daaa ,,,

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^^A hasty statement that does not make any sense :D


If they are supporting pirates why return the choice prize especially when the owners belong to a weak, angry entity :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Yeah they are fellow country men, and kin. Its wonderful for Somalia that her sons in Hargaysa & Garowe can work together, good development.

Duke being quite the diplomat here. Lets hope seconds later you won't turn around saying things like 'confused orphans of the Queen of England" :D



Perhaps this nice fishermen community could return gen. Morgan to us and Col. Yey to Xamar so they can face justice. What says you lads?

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