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Wabxo many deaths over a strip of land

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50 ku dhimatey dagal, Aweys oo lagu sheegey dhaawac

6 Jun 6, 2009 - 11:32:06 AM


Ururka Al-shabaab oo kaashanaya Xisbul Islam ayaa la wareegay gacan ku haynta deegaanka Waxbo oo ka tirsan gobolka Galguduud, iyadoo 50-qof ay ku dhinteen dagaalkaas.


Wararka laga helayo deegaanka Wabxo ayaa sheegaya in dadka dhaawacmay oo gaaraya 46-qof la gaarsiiyay Isbitaalada Guriceel iyo Dhuusomareeb, iyadoo xoogaga Ahlu-suna ay ku sugan yihiin duleedka deegaanka Wabxo.


Afhayen u hadlay Xisbul Islam oo lagu magacabo Muse Cabdi Carale ayaa warbahinta u sheegay in Wabxo ay iyagu xiligaan maamulayaan, ayna kooxdii kale ka saareen, isagoo sheegay inay adkeyanyaan amaanka.


"Mujaahidiinta ayaa dagaalka ku guulaystay, waxanaa ku qabsanay dagaalka gaari beebe ah iyo laba gaari oo ay ku rakiban yihiin qoryaha darandooriga u dhaca, khasaare xoogan ayaana labadeena dhinac gaaray" ayuu yiri Muuse Caraale.


Afhayeenka Al-shabaab Sh. Cali Max'ud Raage [Cali dheere] oo isaguna ku sugan deegaanka Wabxo ayaa sheegay in dagaalkaas ay kaga guulaysteen Ahlu-suna, isagoo dagaalkii shalay ku sheegay mid ku qabsadeen deegaan muhim ah.


Saraakiisha Ahlu-suna ee dagaalka ka qaybgalay ayaa ka gabsaday inay faahfaahino ka bixiyaan dagalkii ay la galen Xisbul Islam iyo Al-shabab oo ahaa kii ugu khasaraha badanaa ee maalin keliya dhaca.


"Dadka dagaalka ku dhintay waxay u badan yihiin dhinacyada dagaalamayay dhowr ruux oo rayid ah ayaana ku jira, weli maydadku waxay yaalaan wadooyinka, waxaana socda ururintooda" ayuu ruux goobjooge ah u sheegay warfidiyeenka.


Shacabkii degmada ku noolaa oo dhawaan qax kasoo laabtay ayaa mar kale shalay faaruqiyay gudaha iyo daafaha deegaanka Wabxo, waxaana dagaalkaas qayb ka ah sida la sheegay Sh. Xasan Daahir Aweys.


Dhinaca kale warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in dagaalkan uu ku dhaawacmey Xasan Daahir Aweys.


Goobjoogayaal ayaa u sheegay Garowe Online in dagaalka ay ka qaybgaleen xoogag shisheeye ah oo taabacsan Al-shabaab, kuwaasoo qaarkood la rumeysan yahay inay ku dhinteen dagaalkii shalay.


Dagaalo kale ayaa laga baqdin qabaa inay ka dhacaan deegaanka Wabxo ee Gobolka Galguduud, iyadoo dhinacyadu ay ku jiraan hub urursi, waxaana la sheegay in Ahlu-suna ay ku sugan yihiin duleedka deegaanka iyagoo wada diyaargarow.



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Duke, waxbo xageey ku taala sxb? I have never heard of this place despite the fact that I know the geography of somalia; ma ceel biyood ayaa ku yaala?


It is difficult nowdays to get a grasp pf places; Sisi, Dharkanleey, Dayniile etc are place names that did not mean anything when somalia existed; nowadays they are called degomooyin. smile.gif

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Somalia still exists, unless ofcourse you mean the previous state that collapsed in 1991.


As for Waxbo, it is near Ceel Buur which is in central Galgaduud.


PS: Duke, that ''strip of land'' is what holds the coalition of extremists from overruning Northern Somalia.

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Meiji, I see so it is near the good old ceelbuur (ceelbbuur ku yaalad ceynkeeda leedahay ma maqashashay? smile.gif Do they grow beans there because that is Ceelbuur is known for?


Somalia is a failed state sxb. Otherwise we wouldn'y be discussing warlords, wars etc. We have to admit that.

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Waranle: Things change over time, old districts, villages and cities evelove, die out and so on.


Wabxo importance as LSK stated is an air strip. The Al Shabaab guys need it and are fighting for it.


Meiji, adeer is the Mog society now defending Northern Somalia?

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^over 40 people died so adeero AWeys can catch a flight back to Asmara?


Whatever happened to waging a war on Sharif and the government? The leader of the xisbiga kufaarka aka Aweys was on the run when he got injured, what's wrong with that picture?

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What a sad situation, can't these people learn to negioatate? waaba dadkooda? inay rasaaso isku ridan miyaa nolol uu noqon doonto...wa cajiib.


Koonfuur wa laga soo tagey, iyo manta ayaga ayaa baa isku cuneyo.


Firstly u can't say it is southern or central region problem because if u look at gaalkacyo their has been peace there since 93, maybe once or twice their has been an uprising, but it was quickly fused down.


These ppl in other parts of the south and central live as the same clans usually and still eat themselves up..amazing stuff i think the culprits know who they are and the problem is definitely not ****-block because if it was gaalkacyo would be in a blaze of fire everyday like the rest of that region. So the point of blame can only be those usc adherents.


[ June 07, 2009, 02:14 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^hey there kiwi ****, learn to tone down. This isn't about clan X or clan Y, this is a somali disease, it just so happens that the south is blazing for the time being.


[ June 07, 2009, 02:12 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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