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General Duke

TFG betrayal: Sack Aydeed Jr now..

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Dawlada KMG ah oo maanta saansaan gumaysi u shaqayn ah la soo baxday ka dib markii Xuseen Caydiid sheegay in Somaliya lagu darayo dalka Itoobiya taasoo soo cusboonaysiisay shaki iyo cabsi horey u jirtay


Posted to the MOL January 2, 2007, 9:18 pm



Muqdisho:- Ra'iisal wasaare ku xigeenka Somaliya ahna wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee dawlada KMG ah ayaa maanta sheegay hadal aad uga yaabiyay ugana nixiyay dad badan oo Somali ah isagoo sheegay dawlada KMG ahi doonayso inay baabi'iyaan xadka u dhaxeeya labada dal ee Somaliya iyo itoobiya rabaana inay u sameeyaan hal baasaboor iyo hal ciidan oo isku dhafan.



Hadalkaan Xuseen Caydiid oo ay ka muuqatay aqoon la'aan taariikhda u dhaxaysa Somaliya Iyo Itoobiya ayuu ku sheegay mar uu Villa Somaliya kula hadlayay qaar ka mida odayaasha dhaqanka Somalida kuwaasoo uu ku dhiirigalinayay in ay doorkooda ka qaataan xasilinta dalka Soomaaliya.


Xuseen Caydiid, waxaa uu yiri: "2 malyan oo qaxootigeena boqolkii 60 itoobiya ayay joogaan, baasaboorka itoobiyay qaataan, dhulka itoobiyay ku nool yihiin, dibaday ku aadaan, way ka soo laabtaan, xoolo dhaqatada waa galaan, waa ka soo laabtaan, haye xudduud 2000 oo kilomitir ayaa isla leenahay, xudduudaas in aan baabi'naan rabnaa xitaa, maxaa yeelay Itoobiya walaalaan nahay oo wax dhibaato ah oo noo dhaxeeya ma jirto, hal baasaboor, hal ciidan, ciidan nabad illaalin(security) iyo hal dhaqaale in aan suubsanaan rabnaa."


Hadalka Xuseen Caydiid ayaa ku soo beegmay hal asbuuc ka dib markii Ciidamada dawlada KMG ah oo kaashanaya kuwa Itoobiya ay Somaliya kala wareegeen maxkamadihii islaamiga Taas oo badi dadka Soomaaliyeed meel walba ka soo dhaweeyeen balse hada waxaa soo baxay shaki weyn ujeedada runtaa ee Itoobiya ka leedahay Somaliya.


Qaar ka tirsan xildhibaanada baarlamaanka ku meelgaarka ah ee Soomaaliya, ayaan intaan dagaalku dhicin oo aysan ciidamada Itoobiya Somaliya soo galin horay u shaaciyay qariidad ay sheegeen in ay ka heleen xafiiska Ra'iisal wasaare Geedi taasoo muujinaysay qariiddada geeska Africa oo Soomaaliya ay ka maqan tahay meeshii qariirada Somaliya kaga Tiila lagu qoray Itoobiya, taasoo oo xildhibaanada Muqdisho ay ku micneeyeen inay itoobiya rabto inay Somaliya oo dhan ay la wareegto si ay u isticmaasho qayraadkeeda ay Somalidu ka faa'iidaysan waayeen.


Wali dawlada KMG ahi si cad oo rasmi ah ugama hadlin hadalka xuseen caydiid balse dad badan oo Somaliya ayaa qaba tuhun ah in Ra'iisal wasaaraha laf-ahaatiisu aad ugu dhow yahay dawlada Itoobiya, lagana yaabo inuu arintaan wax ka ogyahay iyadoo tuhunkaasina sii kordhay ka dib markii Ra'iisal wasaare geedi sheegay inay ciidamada Itoobiya sii joogayaan Somaiya inta loo baahan yahay. Waxaa xaqiiqa ah haddii aan sida ugu dhaqsaha badan dadka Somaliyeed ee markii hore soo dhaweeyay imaansha dawlada looga raali galin hadalka Xuseen Caydiid wax cadna laga qaban inay arintaani wax weyn ka badali doonto siyaasada Somaliya mar kale oo dawlada KMG ahi mari doonto meeshii ay mareen dagaal oogayaashii iyo maxkamdihii Muqdisho ee ka dambeeyay.

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Xussen Caydiid oo Dalkii Soomaaliya sheegay in ay ku darayaan Itoobiya

Last Updated::2007-01-03 02:05:46


Muqdisho:- Ra'iisul Wasaare kuxigeenka Somaliya Xussen Caydiid ahna Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa carabka ku dhuftay Arrin ay horey uga wel welsanaayeen dad badan oo kamid ah Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Xussen Caydiid ayaa hadalka uu ku dhawaaqay ay tahay in ay Xukuumada uu ku jiro qorsheenayso in la tir tiro xuduudaha u dhaxeeya Somaliya iyo Itoobiya.


Xussen Caydiid ayaa intaasi raaciyey in labada dal loo sameenayo hal Basaboor iyo hal Ciidan.


Hadaladan naxdinta ku abuuray in badan oo kamid ah Muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed ayuu wasiirku ka jeediyey shir uu la yeeshay qaar kamid ah oday dhaqameedyada magaalada Muqdisho.


Hadaladan ayaa wuxuu Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ku sheegay in labada dal ay yihiin kuwo walaalo ah isla markaana u midoobi karo sidii ay u midoobeen dalalka Yurub.


Balse hadaladan ayaa noqday kuwo waji madow u yeelay siyaasada dhabta ah ee Dowlada Federaalka, ayadoo aysan jirin wax jawaab rasmi ah oo kasoo baxay Hogaanka sare ee Xukuumada.


Hadaladan ayaa soo baxay wakhti ay dalka Somaliya gudihiisa ku sugan yihiin ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo gacan siinaya kuwa Dowlada Federaalka.


Dowlada Somaliya ayay siyaasadeed khatar ku jirta hadii ay dhab noqoto in qorshaha uu sheegay Xuseen Caydiid uu noqdo mid ay ku heshiisay DFKMG, taasi oo dhabar jab ku noqon karta dhamaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo ah kuwo baahi weyn u qaba Dowlad iyo Nidaam, balse aan niyad u heyn in lagu daro dal kale oo ay taariikh dheer ka dhaxeyso.



Horey ayey u jirtay Qariirad ay soo bandhigeen xildhibaano ku sugan Muqdisho, qariiradaasi oo ay ku sheegeen in laga helay Xafiiska Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayagoo tilmaamay in ay mas'uuliyiin DFKMG kamid ah qorsheenayaan in dalka Somaliya lagu daro dalka Itoobiya, isla markaana la tir tiro dhamaan astaamaha Qarankii Somaaliyeed.


Hadaba dadka siyaasada indha indheeya ayaa ku sheegay hadalada Xussen Caydiid kuwo dhaawac weyn ku ah DFKMG isla markaana shaki weyn abuuri doona xili ay dowlada ku guuleystay in ay gacanta ku dhigto inta badan dalka Soomaaliya ayadoo adeegsaneysa Awooda ciidanka Itoobiya.


Warkan uu sida dadban usoo saaray wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa sidoo kale lagu soo beegay xili la doonayo in hubka laga dhigo shacabka ayadoo Ra'iisul Wasaare Cali Maxamed uu Sadex maalmood u qabtay shacabka ku dhaqan caasimada.


Maanta ayaa la arkayey goobihii loogu talo galay in hubka lagu aruuriyo oo ah kuwo faaruq ah ayadoo aysan jirin Hal Ruux oo hubkiisa soo wareejiya.



Maxamed Cabdi

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No one fought for this, or agrees with this. Its a national outrage and if the rest of the TFG keeps quite and does nothing it will reinforce the negative perception many hold.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

No one fought for this or agrees with this.

You, foolishly, fought for it. Here.


Its a national outrage

LOL. National? Far from it. Almost all Somalis, except the door knobs, knew he was a moron working in a moronic "government".


Won't you take some spin classes? This is embarrassing. :rolleyes:

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^^^Hussain made a major gaffe, a political suicide and has given the opposition groups, defeated courts and their media a new lease of life.


He has highliughted his ignorance, and I know that no one will support this. Its an outrage but in no way speaks for the government and what is in our interests.


This is not a bill in front of parliment or even any major policy, but the ranst of a disturbed mind.


In some way we need this debate to start. The role of Ethiopia, the TFG national plans.

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I was listening to his comments on the BBC/Somali section. He has no clue, he was comparing our region to the European Union which is rubish.

The man is truly disturbed, he even insulted the Italian envoy to Somalia, for corruption and being on the side of the courts.

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^ Ain't that the truth.


Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Hussain made a major gaffe, a political suicide

If you had any analytical acuity, you'd realize summoning Ethiopia to invade your homeland is the political suicide not talking out of your rear end.


Alas, if you did, you'd be a half-decent spinmeister. Now you're no better than Caydeed, talking out of your rear end. :D

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^^^There is no way that they can implement such plans, to get a union takes years and generations however he was uttering comments without thinking, he insulted an envoy from another country accusing him of corruption, no sane person does that publicly.


The man is unfit for any position least of all deputy PM and interior minister.

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Confused Castro, I know you have not had any success lately, Somaliland and Riyole not getting any where.


This comment by Aydeed, only hihglights his own ignorance and not any real policy, or one that even Melez Zzanawi belives is possible.

Hussain Aydeed will always remmeberd for this as you are for your famous comment. You could not make Homosexuality natural and he will not be able force the Somali government into a union with Ethiopia.. ;)


Anyone can say what ever he or she wants..

Though he needs to be replaced. :D

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^ I know when I get you talking about my famous quote that your blood pressure has risen, a couple of arteries are more clogged and I got you right where I want you.


If people in this TFG (including their SOL spokesperson :D ) got their jobs based on merit and not blind loyalty, you'd be a janitor and Caydiid, the shit you scrape off the toilet.

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^^^When Hussais gets on my nerves I will also comment on this out of place quote.

janitor and Caydiid, the shit

There you go again, my advice to you and Aydeed Jr , is to leave it alone, make no further comments regarding the sensative topics, his Ethiopia, yours all things Gay, if not all you will do is inflame the situation. :D

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^^^Horn listen to his comments on the BBC, the man is talking rubish. Remmeber when he said that Baidoa was in danger and he requested the President to relocate to Galkacyu?

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Adding Maxaa la yiri inside into this development, Abdiqasim, after meeting Gedi and his president, asked that disarmament should be not a priority and if the government nevertheless pursues to disarm, it should first start with Puntland. He argued, according to circulating rumors, that his clan would not disarm and allow to be marginalized while Puntland and Somaliland team with the latest weapons to defend their dominions from supposed rivals.



Ghedi has already started giving important positions to clansmen in Mogadisho and he is in full mission to empower them to the disadvantage of those they consider, "planted succulent cactus following the weeding out of "dates" thought previously as fungus".


It is the president's moral obligation to not abdicate the responsibility of his job to reconcile and end the clan hostility in Mogadisho and make sure that everyone's fears and distrust be alleviated.

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