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Where is Dukey?

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Originally posted by -Nomadique-:

^ What business does he have in Burco? Dude keep dreaming.


Aren't you from Kismayo? that's a long way from Hooyo Emperor.


Edit: Kismayo, Puntland? WTH?

I never noticed that lol

Kismayo Puntland? WTF

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Jimcaeel. The short answer is No, the diplomatic answer is obviously visitors are allowed and we welcome anyone with investment or positive contribution, in which case we gladly adopt them regardless of clan, race or age and the raw answer is aniga leeh, maaxaa kaa gaale? :D

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^^You sure you checked a map to find out who lives in Burco :rolleyes: Somali city ciid uumaah diidin,( a city where somli people live) so nacnaada naag taayah please.


NinBrown, of all the threads you could contribute in, this is your 2cents informing us you checked Burco on the map.. :D

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Funny thing is there are quite a few people from other parts of Somalia in burco and Hargaisa who have been welcomed contrary to what you might have heard (or indeed wish to hear),,,,do let me know when you muster up enough courage to visit

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Funny is how some folks here already miss the general and that they dont want to admit it. Liked it or not Duke was missed here and I hope he is OK and doing what he gotta do.


North, adeer why not send a PM to him and put that same question to him than opening a whole thread about his whereabout. Shiidaad ladanaa ninku!

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^War ma Allamagan baa? Sxb xageed ka dhacday? No see long time. I hope Duke is doing well. Rag baa rag kale tuhunsan toona u muuqan. The irony of the irony.


North: Soomaalaa horay u tiri af daboolan waa dahab. Burcaad maanta igu xuusisay? :D

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^ Yes, sxb waa ninkii Allamagan ahaa. I was bussy with aduunyo-ersasho these days ninyahow. How about you? loool @ the irony of the irony...agree..

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Duke, you must hear the plea, your presence is greatly missed...


Ghanima, :D , Burco dadka kale looma ogola kulahaa :D ... Awalba ma tageen hadaanan la igu qancin governer :D , or may be I will for completely different reasons ;)


Nomadique, tuma aheed Ina Abti? Your former nick please, ... gabdhihiina politics section-ka yaraysta, We don't to want be intouch with our feminine side... your presense ensures that...

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