Abtigiis Posted June 13, 2008 from the Ethiopian Review PLEASE SEE THE COMMENTS OF ANTI-TIGRE ETHIOPIANS. THE NEWS IS D/P. ****** National Liberation Front launches new offensive June 12th, 2008 | 6 Comments EDITOR’S NOTE: Please note that ONLF doesn’t refer the Woyanne army as “Ethiopian Army” as some of the international media, and even some fools in the Ethiopian opposition camp shamelessly do. We thank ONLF for not associating the horrible crimes of the Woyanne army with the name Ethiopia. (ONLF Military Communiqué) — The ****** National Liberation Army today has launched major operations in the ****** after rebuffing the late May offensive by the “Ethiopian” [Woyanne] Army. The Units from the Gorgor Command (Eagle Command) have launched two pronged offensive in Dhagah-Madow district west of Dhagahbur and the Dudumo-Ad Garrison near Baabili district. In Dhagah-Madow districts there were three Woyanne battalions and their support units and in Dudumo- Ad Garrison there were two battalions and their support Units. Both Garrisons were captured and enemy troops destroyed. Hundreds of soldiers were captured and causalities were very high. Reinforcement forces from Harar, Fiq and Dhagah bur were also repelled, degraded and dispersed and ONLA is in hot pursuit of the remnants. In total more than 1800 Woyane troops were either killed, captured or had dispersed in the ****** wilderness. Heavy weaponry, ammunition and military vehicles were also captured. These two garrisons are strategic locations for the control of the area south and North West of the Jarar Valley. The Battle is escalating and may spread into other cities in the ******. Further details will be provided when the full report reaches ONLF information Bureau. Comments by anti-Tigre Ethiopians 6 Responses to “****** National Liberation Front launches new offensive” Mulugeta says Viva Viva ONLF. The Woyanne understand only force. Justies will prevail throu strugle June 12th, 2008 at 7:03 pm Anbessaw says The brave son and daughter of ONLF proved to the world how strong freedom fighter are they over and over!! I am so proud of my ****** people!!! All Ethiopians from this point on, we shall support this brave organaization with all means…let start raising money and let start give intrernational diplomatic effert.. when we all die one ad a time, they chose to stand and fight woyanne by themself. All Ethiopians we need to start supporting our brother and sister ASAP!!! June 12th, 2008 at 8:27 pm bert says[/b ] All Ethiopians need to rise up to the occasion. ONLF and all fighting forces need to be supported! June 12th, 2008 at 9:09 pm Issu says viva ONLF!!! Viva ONLF!! ONLF FOR EVER!! June 13th, 2008 at 2:47 am Independence says Go ONLF hero kill the woyane garbage force God bless ONLF Bravo June 13th, 2008 at 3:46 am Tariku says Thank you ONLF kill those ****** woyanes. they are the enemy of ethiopia. We have to support and join the ONLF by any means. we have no choice. encourage Dr Berhanu and others to organize us to rally behind all freedom fighters. LET US BE UNITED AND CRUSH THE ENEMY! GOD BLESS UNITED ETHIOPIA! http://www.ethiopianreview.com/content/2754 June 13th, 2008 at 7:48 am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abtigiis Posted June 13, 2008 Ginbot 7 officials holding a series of talks with OLF June 11th, 2008 | 24 Comments Ethiopian Review’s Intelligence Unit has learned that Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice and Democracy is currently holding high level talks with the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) that could result in a politico-military alliance. According to ER sources in both Ginbot 7 and OLF, the talks have started several weeks ago and that they are progressing positively. ER sources have not revealed whether other groups, such as the ONLF and EPPF are involved in the talks, but they are expected to be important partners in any possible alliance that will come out of the talks. ER has recently recommended the creation of a joint military command under a new alliance involving Ginbot 7, OLF, ONLF, EPPF and TPDM. The army that would come under such a joint military command can assume the role of future Ethiopian National Defense Force. The only reason the fast decaying Woyanne regime continues to plunder Ethiopia and terrorize our people is because there is no strong opposition party that can finish it off. If the leaders of these five organizations genuinely stand for the interest of their people, there is no reason in the world for not coming up with a common agenda that will enable them to quickly forge a formidable alliance that will end the Woyanne era of terror once and for all. The common agenda that brings the organizations together should be democracy (one man, one vote). All outstanding political disagreements can be resolved through a genuinely democratic system. ER sources in both Ginbot 7 and OLF are not ready to disclose where the secret talks are being held, but for maximum political effect, any agreement that they reach needs to be signed in Asmara. Any one who doubts the significant role the Eritrean government can play in destroying Woyanne is either politically ignorant, or a closet Woyanne sympathizer, or does not fully comprehend the severity of the crisis our country is facing. Woyannes understand the significance and are working day and night to minimize or eliminate the threat. Invading Somalia and giving away Ethiopia’s land to Sudan are some of the desperate measures Meles and Sebhat have recently taken. Woyanne cannot easily be defeated in a conventional warfare. So the alliance should rely instead on the people of Ethiopia to rise up in a massive nation-wide civil disobedience and bring Meles and Sebhat to justice. Once every thing is in place and targets are carefully identified, the alliance has to do only one thing to get rid of Woyanne. Tell the people of Ethiopia tenes on a specific day and week. Woyanne will be wiped out in a matter of days in a wave of uprisings — politically guided by the alliance so that no innocent civilian or foreign national would be harmed. The list of targets should be at most a few hundred or thousand hard core Woyanne leaders and officers — along with Al Amoudi and cohorts. The rank and file members of Woyanne should be allowed to switch side and receive amnesty. Many of them in fact should be incorporated into the new national defense force after given orientation on how to be normal human beings who value human life and dignity. First thing first: Let these organizations come up with an alliance all of us can support without unnecessary delay. Any sacrifice that is required should be paid to help the alliance succeed and go on to save our country and people from the Woyanne cancer. Meanwhile, Ginbot 7 supporters around the world should get together, organize themselves and apply for membership to become part of the movement. Do not wait for a call from the leadership. ER has learned that already several Ethiopians are doing just that. Today, for example, the Kinijit Support Group in South Korea has decided to join Ginbot 7. A group of Ethipians in Dubai have gotten together and became a Ginbot 7 chapter this week. Others are following their example. Email to Friend | Add a comment 24 Responses to “Ginbot 7 officials holding a series of talks with OLF”bert says: Yes, heed the wise advice of ER. I say, never mind about the so called conspiracy hatching by Eritrea. Yes, take advantage of the Eritrean government. The Eritreans are willing to work with all the Ethiopian opposition forces and are able to run over the Weyane forces. I say it is time to mobilize all concerned Ethiopians and help in any way, shape or form to see to it that PEACE is restored to our region! Let's not squander the opportune time for as they say "Don't say 'tomorrow' for tomorrow has always its own tomorrow". Or, if you will, how about the infamous "Ishee neghe"? Nothing can be achieved in an expeditious manner with "Ishee neghe" when there is “zarye”. Could it? June 12th, 2008 at 12:57 am Gidaye says: The secret of sucess in Ethiopia politics lies onn how any political party in Ethiopia incorporate OLF in the struggle to destroy Woyanne, woyanne's life time a matter of weeks not a months. OLF has mass support in all part of the Oromia and also infilterated into high government office. so it is easier to get rid off of woyanne once OLF incorportated in the struggle to liberate all Ethiopians. June 12th, 2008 at 1:37 am Bulldozer says: I say Amen to that. remove woyane at any cost. Woyane has a lot of land to give away to buy friends and stay in power. I hope Eritreans won't sell us out by receiving free land from Woyane. In politics anything happens, especially with free land being used as a political bargaining point. If this doesn't make ethiopians stand up, probably we deserve what we get. June 12th, 2008 at 1:56 am Dawit says: hey friends, let's get together. I have been thinking how to play my role in this holy direction. Ginbot 7 means hope for me. I believe they are in the right road. It is the time for us to get together in order to bring peace and political stability in ethiopia. thanks God Bless ethiopia June 12th, 2008 at 2:26 am Anonymous says: Thanks Elias. I liked the whole article and I especially emphasize your idea in the third paragraph from last. Yet, believe me, the real culprits could not be more than five. The rest of EPRDF members, the army and the police could be allies if the opposition wisely taps them. June 12th, 2008 at 2:31 am Meles says: Eliase I really appreciate your effort. But please don't say that anyone who don't agree with you is ignorant. Open your door for other ideas. Request others for alternative ways and ideas if they have. I agree with u that it is time for all Ethiopians to stand up against Weyane. Elias please encourage peoples who are member of other opposition parties to push their party to join this coalition. God Bless U. June 12th, 2008 at 5:07 am eritrean says: Dear Elias, You are very articulate person.Most of your positions are clear and simple.Just to add to your wisdom, it is more important to know your enemy's plan than your own plan.It is the same as playing poker. If you want to win, you need to know the other hand's game plan.As you suggested before the 3 main points about G7 is well take. But, what do you think the other side would do to encounter it? such as starting war with Eri..or other drastic secession plot or other major moves. June 12th, 2008 at 5:11 am Robele Ababya says: Chuck out the top echelon of the TPLF/EPRDF brutal regime and and then we will be on our way to build a powerful, democratic and prosperous Ethiopia in which the rule of law shall reign supreme and universal human rights are fully respected. June 12th, 2008 at 6:00 am Adnew says: Dear Elias The information that you delivered is very nice.But I have one question, you said, "any agreement that they reach needs to be signed in Asmara. Any one who doubts the significant role the Eritrean government can play in destroying Woyanne is either politically ignorant, or a closet Woyanne sympathizer, or does not fully comprehend the severity of the crisis our country is facing". Why an agreement shuold be signed in Asmara? I respect your position, but can you tell us the role of Eritreans after the fall of Weyanne? Please consider the advantage & disadvantage of Eritreans interference in our national interest. Thank you June 12th, 2008 at 7:53 am Hagos Araya says: Elias, I strongly agree on most of your parts including a smart way diplomatic strategy with the Eritrean government. However, we should be very careful in making any type of decision or agreements with the Eritrean government. Weyane seems smart to a lot of people in diplomacy but to me weyane is damn who doesn’t know or make an ultimate permanent diplomacy with neighborhood countries such as Sudan or any other country. Weyane only focus on temporary political gain just to stay in power, but the newly formed government that will be formed in Diaspora should take magnificent roles in assuring long time interest with neighborhood countries including Eritrea. Actually, it is another good way to go with the kind of struggle strategy that weayene doesn’t like it. For the last 17 years we have gone through so many types of struggle ways that weyane liked it. From now on we have to go with all means of struggle that weyane wouldn’t like it. One thing we all have to know is that weyane’s internal strategy is getting bad so that we see Ethiopia’s instability is worsen everyday. If oppositions are strong enough to take the power, I guarantee you that weyane is getting ready leave the country. According to recent situations many weyane officials are fled the country by stealing the country’s wealth which is a big sign that weyane is weaken so bad as the days proceed. Lets get unite and take over weyane’s power by year 2001. June 12th, 2008 at 8:37 am samba says: according to the eritrean government the woyanes made a strategic mistake by invading eritrea and deporting thousands of ethiopians of eritrean origin that where the downfall of the woyene's started, so for the ethiopians the strategy is simple if they want to accelerate the downfall of woyene is to form alliances with the eritrean government as the smart elias kifle is adovacting these alliance is in the interest of ethiopia, eritrea and the whole region elias keep up the good job and god bless you June 12th, 2008 at 11:02 am Haile says: woyane has prohibited any kind of support for "functioning" political organs inside Ethiopia. It just makes perfect sense for all the former Kinijit support groups rally behind Ginbot 7. Elias, please keep spreading your messages….. June 12th, 2008 at 1:04 pm Eritrawi says: The majority of Ethiopians have no animosity towards Eritreans and the majority of Eritreans have no animosity towards Ethiopians. All the past mistrust and hatered was created by the ruling classes and their puppet masters to keep the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea at each other's throats so they can rule while we are still in the dark ages. No more division, distrust or hatered between the two brotherly and sisterly people. We don't need the western powers to tell us what is good for us anymore. I completely agree with Elias that what the Ginbot 7 movement is doing creating a united front with all the armed opposition groups on the basis of equal participation and rights. The only way Woyanne will stay in power is when the people are divided artificially. A united Ethiopian peoples struggle is the only way to go forward and defeat Woyanne once and for all. It will send an unmistakeable message to Woyanne and their masters if the unity agreement is signed in Asmara, they will know the Ethiopian people mean business this time and they will not stop until the job is done. The Eritrean government and people always stood for a united and peaceful Ethiopia. When the Somali ARS conducted their first congress in Asmara, Woyanne and their masters were scared to death and the result is the mercenary Woyanne army is getting punished in Somalia on a daily basis and begging their masters to divide the ARS by buying some of their leaders but to no avail. A few people will always betray their people for promises of power and money but as long as the organization is strong and led by trully selfless individuals who put the interests of their people above their personal interests. Even after the unification of the opposition forces Woyanne and their masters will try to buy individuals, it always happens, that is part of their modus operandi in fighting a genuine popular opposition. As long as the people of Ethiopia inside and outside their country are united no other force can defeat them. Eventually the people of horn will prevail and live in peace with each other. It will not be easy but that day will come sooner than later as long as the Ethiopian opposition is lead by visionary leaders who put their peoples interest above their own. June 12th, 2008 at 1:34 pm Weyni says: Bulldozer (#3) said: "…I hope Eritreans won't sell us out by receiving free land from Woyane. In politics anything happens, especially with free land being used as a political bargaining point…". Remember Weyane is crying day and night for a "dialogue" with Eritrea? And Eritrea said that they don't want to talk with Weyane, all they want is the EEBC rule to be implimented. Or as Elias Kifle put it, the Eritreans said, "hey bozos, just land", no need to talk with you. Now, what do you think Weyane wants to talk in the "dialogue"? Well, the "dialoguing" is for Weyane to give all the land Eritrea is asking, and in return, Eritrea to stop its relation with Ethiopian oppositions and ban all their activities in Eritrea. Yes, the same deal Weyane did with Sudan. It is the same between America and Eritrea. America is threatening Eritrea as a "state sponsor of terrorism" unless Eritrea stops its political/moral help to the Somali opposition. Did Eritrea kneel down to the pressure? NO. Another example, just recently, Sudan banned all Eritrean "oppositions" from its land. And, in return, Sudan expected Eritrea to bann all Sudanese oppositions from Eritrea. Did Eritrea do it? NO. Here is Eritrea's reaction "…Eritrea’s ministry of information Ali Abdu recently said that his government will not take similar actions against Sudanese opposition groups in Asmara, despite Sudanese action". http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article27455 This shows you the principled stand of Eritrea regarding the Ethiopian/Somali/sudanese oppostions. June 12th, 2008 at 2:19 pm yikerebelen says: Dear Elias .,you read my heart and put everything in order step by step. Weyane can stay in power only and only if all pOLITICAL PARTIES AND ARMED FRONTS LIKE EPPF, OLF, ONLF TPDM AND OTHERS ARE NOT READY TO FORM ONE STRONG UNITED FRONT AND THE ERITREA GOVERNMENT IS NOT READY TO DO IT'S SHARE BY PUTTING IT'S PRESSURE ON ALL FRONTS TO COME TO THEIR SENSE. If all fronts and political parties will united against weyanes , it will be a months of job. TPLF is more decayed than derg. TPLF has neither publice or military support. The eritrea government should not miss this opportunity to punish TPLF for once and for all from earth. June 12th, 2008 at 4:04 pm Abrham Tafesse says: Elias you are doing your level best to organize the Diaspora community towards a national drive to dislodge Woyane thugs from power they seized by force with the assistance of Ethiopia's enemies.As you rightly put it, the only possibility is force,nothing else.God bless you and our beloved homeland Ethiopia!I pray and at the same time I register my self and contribute whatever I can for the popular struggle! June 12th, 2008 at 5:01 pm qechenu says: Please let's stop tlking and act now! we've been talking at least for the past 17 years and that should be enough. and WOYANE's have no respect to what we say or to our people. i love you all my bros and sisters! June 12th, 2008 at 6:57 pm Hope says: If they work together, they can make a hero and lovely historic for Ethiopian people. They give each other their heart or discuss openly and clearly so that they can achieve their goal with in Ethiopian people in short time .unity is very important to us, start friend to friend , neighborhood to neighborhood….party to party this what all we want. They can attack woyane in all direction at the same time consistently. woyane has not root to stand in front of Ethiopian people, we know what he did for Ethiopia .we need our land to feed our people and never forget our history so we have to stand to keep our land from the theft. Hopefully all people stand to defeat meles this time because we know what does land /country/mean. June 12th, 2008 at 7:27 pm Good but..... says: Dear my Ethiopian friends. I belive you are coming to your blessed senses,this will make TPLF shit on thei pants. but before we go ahead with this idea you need to undrestand the hesitation the Eritrean goverment always feels about Ethiopia that Ethiopia has been and will be the back door for any instablity agenda from the West. This is the main concern for us Eritrean. Please talk to your people about this nonsense Port thing, they always use this ploy. It is here in the West that people make money talking about this and that. Port shouldnt be the matter of conflict any more. If all opposition become on our side, it will a great favour for us Eritreans because security is our main concern. If we feel safe and we will return the favour by respecting your wills other than Westerns. That is the word we live by. Please trust us, we speak the same language with Tigray but we live with different principle. You have to give us the benefite of the dought and help you get rid of TPLF. Dont trust EX or present TPLF. ad P.Issayas, A is our hero, you should accept that!!!! June 12th, 2008 at 7:30 pm Moderate person says: hahahahaahahahahahahah aye Elias..in a days or weeks woyane will be wiped out..hahaha..u don't know us who we r..please wake up and try to digg history and u will see howlong it may take to wipe out woyane. June 12th, 2008 at 7:36 pm Good but..... says: From i see from the board message, i think the opposition should move their office to Asmara right away. they can use ERTV media to motivate people in Ethiopia and it will effectively accelerats the strugle because you can give details of development and instructions from the TV station. Your leaders also feel safer in Eritrea than anywhere else in the world. It is the perfect time not only to break TPLF but also the time where both countries respect each other and work togather for the development of their people and country. June 12th, 2008 at 7:50 pm Lencho Aba Mersa!!! says: I hope the current leaders of EPLF are radically different from who they were in 1972-75. I hope and pray that is the God Attested reality. Also OLF is also a radically different organization not bent on the strategy of secession. I hope this 21st century has infused every one of these nationalist leaders with the latest medications to be people of broad outlook and not so narrow in their ultimate objectives. Otherwise, my heart will continue to bleed with agonizing sorrow for those honest patriots who will fall into the murderous snares of all-proven narrow nationalists. And that will be the last nail on the casket of the 2nd generation of patriots and freedom-loving section of the country, be it urban or rural. I wish all the best of luck. History will judge you all in your wrongs and rights!!!! Do the right thing!!!!! June 12th, 2008 at 8:06 pm Mitu says: Ethiopians and Eritreans will continue to be brothers and sisters. We will have even more strong relationship after Weyane is removed from our country with struggle of both peoples. That time is not too far. June 12th, 2008 at 9:14 pm lamrot says: Elias this wonderful motivational article I can’t describe it with words what you contribute for the struggle … Gobez life is short let’s get together as soon as possible to get reed of woyane's butchers with the help of Ginbot 7. June 12th, 2008 at 10:04 pm Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites