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If, however, you cought that ubiquitous diseases that has been lately going around SOL forum which makes people believe that they can argue or write their wishs or opinion into reality, type away as you like.

Oh the hypocrisy!


You are so right thou, people could write what what they wish to be true and try to make others seem as if it is true; a great example is you. Do you know Barres birthplace? Do you know his life history? No! So why then would say Barre was born in such place when you have absolutly no idea (I can assure you Barre was not born in Galguduud). But I am getting the hint that your comment was not directed towards Barre but to his clan who (some of them) are from Galguduud.

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But I am getting the hint that your comment was not directed towards Barre but to his clan who (some of them) are from Galguduud.

Brother, I don't know where you get that hint. I don't recall saying anything about a people, I coulda swear we were talking about barre. Needless to say, I have nothing against the people who live in kismayo today, be they new comers or ancient denizens: The more, the merrier, if you ask me.

Now going back to what we were talking about, you have refuted what I have said with only "you don't know". appearently, neither do you. There are a lot of thinks i don't but one thing i know is that Barre is not from kismayo. wither he was born gelaadi or cabudwaq, i can't tell but trust his somewhere in between those two.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

Brother, I don't know where you get that hint. I don't recall saying anything about a people, I coulda swear we were talking about barre. Needless to say, I have nothing against the people who live in kismayo today, be they new comers or ancient denizens: The more, the merrier, if you ask me.

Now going back to what we were talking about, you have refuted what I have said with only "you don't know". appearently, neither do you. There are a lot of thinks i don't but one thing i know is that Barre is not from kismayo. wither he was born gelaadi or cabudwaq, i can't tell but trust his somewhere in between those two.

I do know were he was born,in the hawd, in Ethiopia! Not even Somalia. But obviously you saying whatever you feel like saying with out knowledge of it said he was born in Galguduud when he was not,so that could only mean you were talking about his clan, since that is what you guys (yes I grouped you, sue me) utter all the time, "they are from Galguduud not Kismayo."



Secondly, Barre may not be born there but he has a house there which makes it his home, and using your notion it can be said then that, Abdullahi Yusef was born in Mudug and not Muqdisho so he must leave Muqdisho and be president for Puntland.

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