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Somaliland frees Puntland Pows — Puntland Vows to Retake Las Anod City

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Dear Mr. Me


You said this:



Originally Posted By Mr. Me


Jemelia what are the requirements for one to be recognized as a sovereign state?

In short answer all you need is an ability to persuade some friendly countries to recognised you on a
bilateral basis


What that means, in a nutshell, is that you don't even have worry about what the
could say in this case.


Provided, that is, you do not need any assistance from International agencies, such as the
humanitarian agencies or even the
World Bank/IMF
as well as others, who may demand of your membership of the
State System, before they help your State and it's people.


Which means,
there is a way
, to be a Sovereign Nation-State, which is recognised by some countries (
again, only by some countries
), without even been a member of the
as a sovereign Nation-State, with a seat
General Assembly


And in this category (i.e., Nation-State that are recognised by some other States, but still are not a members of the
State System), you'll find such states, the likes of
Northern Cyprus
comes to mind, which is recognised by
only. Since, they are not member of the
system, due to the partition of
, and it has declared it's
"Unilateral Declaration of Independence"
), which is similar to the Somaliland's one of
, in
, and it has been recognised by the Turkey alone.


Of course, the most important Nation-State in this category – i.e., a sovereign and a recognised Nation-State, that is yet
a fully-paid up member of the UN – is that of
, which is a functioning, indeed prosperous Nation-State, that is also a sovereign, but yet, due to the
blocking veto at the
United Nation Security Council
) is unable to become a member of the
State System.


Furthermore, on this point,
, or soon to be, the
Republic of Kosovo
, will join in this category; since, the
veto at the
means that even that when the western world (i.e.,
) recognised soon in
of this year, the sovereignty of
Nation-Stateness, still the
will veto any idea of Kosovo becoming a member state of the
State System.


On the other hand, if you want to go the
route, meaning you want to be a recognised Nation-State, who is also a member of the
state system, you need to fulfilled these requirements:


On the political front


you need to insure that there is no likelihood that any
kind of an impediment at the
will be exercised on your behalf, by the
permanent 5
at that august table (which in so far as Somaliland is concern, very much doable; particularly ever since that the
had made it abundantly clear that they do not have any
"Strategical objection"
to the idea of Somaliland becoming a member state at the
if that is the
African Union
) saw a sufficient reason to referred the matter to them, for a final political judgement).


On the Legal front


You need to meet this categorised requirement, such as: (
A defined territories
; (
A permanent population in whose plurality of it's majority are favour of the independence of the State
; (
A functioning State apparatus, such as a competant government
; (
And lastly, ability to enter and entertained a relation with other state


In other words, you need to be verily compliance with the
Montevideo Convention



Now tell me what does a nation-state/Sovereign Nation-State mean? define for me what a nation state means and how the secessionist entity could be considered a nation state.

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Dear Oodweyne


I am sorry to inform you that your attempt at deflecting my questions has failed. Answer the questions that I have asked you. Incase you haven't realized that by now, I am exposing the weakess of your arguments.


You use fancy phrases such as nation-state, sovereignty etc what I want to show here is that those fancy phases do not apply when it comes to the secessionist entity.


So lets go back to the questions I have asked you and please do address the issues without your theatrics.


Now tell me what does a nation-state/Sovereign Nation-State mean? define for me what a nation state means and how the secessionist entity could be considered a nation state.

Many thanks,




ps. I do not need free tuition from you. I am already your master on these issues.

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Originally posted by Ismahaan:

quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Ismahan, This can be interesting in your case:


JB I know everyone is entitled to their opinions but please don,t give me afnugaal as a source. Bro that website has a real issue anyways I have much better source for you'.


Whethere they have issues or not they are part of the community and they are counted in these issues.


Anyway, let's hope for the best ,,, let's hope everybody will live in long-lasting and fruitful peace in those regions.




The link you provided is not working for me,,,,

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I accept your capitulation. :D






ps. are you familiar with that hitlerite song by that stalinist 2live crew hoochie mama, with their famous *stop theatrics you ain't no actress line.

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I have accepted your capitulation :D , there is no face saving left for you, so you can now ungracefully hit the exit door.

You have lost the argument and your attempts at changing the topic have been deflected.


So to sum it up, I am your superior and master. In this game that we play its not about gists, its about comprehension, presentation, clarity and persuation. You haven't mastered these subjects yet. Don't worry though I will tutor you, free of charge ofcourse. I don't want you lagging behind. A weak Oodweyne is half the fun you see ;)

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Ahhhhhhhh Oodweyne :D


My source of entertaintment. Its weekend, lets say we will discuss these issues when I have more time to kill.


ps. I know you like hiding behind folks. Don't you know only weaklings hide behind other people? Be a man and stand for your convictions, defend your own principles and stop hiding behind a clan. Stand for ideas. And try defending your ideas, if you can :D

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^Ooh so you know the meaning of definition after all :D

You are full of suprises Oodweyne :D

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Whethere they have issues or not they are part of the community and they are counted in these issues.

Aa kula tahay smile.gifsmile.gif

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