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Somaliland frees Puntland Pows — Puntland Vows to Retake Las Anod City

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Afqudhac is from Ceerigaabo and col dayr is from Cayn region so how can you say that " the people in Sool are Somalilanders and no one is occupying a land that is not belong to him ,,, All the police, military personnel, government officials, etc. working in Sool region are originally from that region ,,, tell me if they are occupying their own land ,,, they've the right to believe what they want and welcome to the land of democracy ,,,"


As for People of Sool changing their mind, is all you can piont to sandulle and xaabsade? I am no social scientist but trust me, thats not the way to gauge or ascertain an entire peoples opinion.

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who told you they are occupying their own land unless it is your false sources ? ,,,, they just switched the sides and chased out those guys from Garowe ,, that is it.


As for AFqudhac, don't tell me he is in Ceerigaabo ,,, :D



Adeer all those military, police, government employees, etc working in Sool are reer sool and NO ONE is from anywhere else ,,,, No one is occupying the region ,, it is just the people who switched the sides.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

It seems you're a bit confused here ,,, the people in Sool are Somalilanders and no one is occupying a land that is not belong to him ,,, All the police, military personnel, government officials, etc. working in Sool region are originally from that region ,,, tell me if they are occupying their own land ,,, they've the right to believe what they want and welcome to the land of democracy ,,,


We don't mind having peace talks with Garowe if they stop interferring our internal issues.


JB it seems to me you are more confuse than me hun, the people in SOOL yes live in Somaliland=the land of Somalia but they are not Somalilands. A united voice among the people of SSC regions was heard clearly, that they are not part of the Hargeisa administration of Somaliland. Shouldn’t that be enough?



It is very important that when issues that effects the future of our land/or our people are discussed, that we express our views in a forthright manner. Just as when we express our views on human rights and democracy. About the human rights, recent reports warm of severe human right abuses, unlawful killings, beating abuse, a looming humanitarian emergency ,poor prison conditions, mistreatment of detainees, arbitrary arrest and detention, particularly those suspected of sympathizing with or being members of SSC regions. Now honest walalo what sort of democracy is it when you force people to do what they don’t want? Do you realize how deeply hypocritical and pathetic that sound?


Do really think dhaawr wiil oo calooshood u shaqaaystaa in aay matalaan dadka SSC dagan?

Hadaay all ku raacsan yihiin or kula jiraan

why fight with them?


Wax kasta maan isu sheegaynaa hee ma inaga daaysi we know the true :D


Some things to think about:


1.Somaliland waxaay rabtaa in aay Somalia ka go,aan, dadkaan aa leedahay Somaliland beey dagan yihiin oo dagan SSC regions waa kuwii u soo dagalamay oo u soo halgamey Somalia independent, waa kuwii la soo dagaalamay gumaaystayaashii, waa kuwii millions kaga soo dhinteen dagaaladaas, mana rabaan in Somalia kala go,do ever. Adigana in aad Somalia ka go,di baad aminsan tahey oo rabtaa ? Marka ma iyagaad khasbaysaa??


2.Dadka SSC regions dagan ma og tahey in qaar dagan yihiin Bari, nugaal and other places of Somalia? Marka ma nin baa kaa yeelaya aniga and my own brother midna xaga ha raaco midna xaga because adaa rabo?


3.Last point: ka soo qaad tomorrow in dadka SSC regions dagan aay samaaystaan dawlad ka madax banana both puntland and Somaliland oo la dhaho dervishland , oo aay rabaan sidada oo kale in aay ka go,aan Somalia hadhowna aay sidaada oo kale dhahaan dadka dagan togdheer, awdal and other places khasab ha nagu soo raceen hadii kale waa dagaal? How do you feel it, khasab ma ku raaci laheeyd ileen iyaba waa awoodaan in bari aay taas kugu sameeyaane? You can’t force people to follow directions they deem arbitrary walalo that is all I am saying.



We don't mind having peace talks with Garowe if they stop interferring our internal issues aa ?/ . That bit is hilarious though. other wise maxaa dhacaya baa tiri? :rolleyes:


Ps: Thanks for taking time to answer my question, appreciate it.

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Come on Ismahan, you must be joking here. Ok some of the points are great but i can feel you're still misinformed here.


No one, I say NO ONE can occupy a land that is not belong to him even if he has a nuclear power ,,, Russia tried in Afghanistan and look what happened. Somaliland is not another people, Reer Sool are reer Somaliland and no one is fighting with reer Sool here. Garowe occupied the territory and we were doing nothing for 5 years letting the locals to choose what they want.


The fact is that Somaliland (from other regions) did not chase the garowe boys out ,,, it is Reer Sool who did it and it is them who control and manage the region now. It is not dhowr wiil as you said, it is the majority of the residents. I can't deny there are those who oppose to Somaliland but for the moment they are the minority and most of them are hiding in Garowe.


Somaliland did not displace anyone ,, it is done by Bugland threatening they will wage a war on the City and creating fear among the residents that they have to evacuate their families before they are caught in a war. Now since they realized the fact everything is comeing back to normal. Awdal, Saaxil, Marodi-Jeex, Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag are one country, Somaliland. Let's shsre the peace and development and forget once the promotion of qabiil and qabyaalad.


very soon, Bari, Nugaal and Mudug will officially be part of Somalia and there will be only Somaliland and Somalia. Then they will either talk or fight (i prefer the first option though).


Our goal is to eliminate the clan-based territories and create an environment free from clanism and that is what the world is going to support right now.

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The number 1 reason somaliland can't get recognition is because they are a tribal entity. How many reer sool/sanaag hold high positions in it's gov't? I know your argument that Riyaale is from a smaller and he's the leader, but everyone know's it's one tribe in charge there. Puntland had Laascaanod for longer then 5 years and if Somaliland was wanted why was Riyaale almost assasinated last time? Why were their riots when Puntland left? The video's are on youtube!

Haabsade leaves Somaliland gov't and you lose laascaanod, Haabsade gets sacked from Puntland and Laascaanod is back in your hands, we no how many times President Cade Muse went to Laascaanod, lets see Riyaale do this during the elections that he was some how capable of extending; some democracy.

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I know your argument that Riyaale is from a smaller and he's the leader, but everyone know's it's one tribe in charge there.

You don't have to shoot your feet sxb ,,,, :D



You are not everyone ,,,,



President Abdirashid was assasinated in LA ,,,,



I think Siad Barre has never been to LA ,,,, :D



The rest have been repeatedly said ,,, no need to continue saying it over and over again and again.

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Wikipedia? :confused:

But I guess you can self declare anything you want. President Cade went to laascaanod without incident, lets see Riyaale.

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I told you real presidents have some problems going to LA ,,,, Siad Barre never went, A/Rashis is killed in LA ,,, Cade can go coz he is just a lil governor not that he is a president.

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