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General Duke

Hargaysa: Riyaale militia target Kulmiye offices

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Ciidamo Hubaysan Oo Saaka Isku Gadaamay Xarumaha Xisbiga KULMIYE Ee Gobolada Hargaysa Iyo Gebilay

April 16th, 2009


Hargaysa ( Ciidamo Boolis ah ayaa saaka shantii subaxnimo ku soo waabariistay xarunta dhexe ee xisbiga KULMIYE ee magaalada Hargaysa iyo agagaaraheeda.

Ciidamadaas oo saaka lagu arkayay wadada dheer ee laamiga hareeraheeda ilaa barxada hore ee xafiiska xisbiga KULMIYE, lama garanayo ujeeda loo keenay halkaasi, hase yeeshee waxaa la filayaa in ay ka hor tagayaan mudaharaad ama isu soo bax la filayo in xisbiga KULMIYE iyo taageerayaashiisu ay ku balansan yihiin in ay ku qabtaan xarunta dhexe ee xisbiga.


Ciidamadaas oo aad u farabadnaa isla markaana watay baabuurta loo yaqaano SPU-da iyo baabuur waawayn oo ah shabaqlayaasha maxaabiista lagu guro, waxaa xeryahoodii dib loogu celiyay abaaro kowdii duhurnimo.


Xisbiga KULMIYE wax wara oo rasmi ah kama soo saarin ciidankaas, hase yeeshee waxa la filayaa in ciidankaasi ay fulinayaan amar uu bixiyay Cabdillaahi Cirro, oo ahaa in aan la ogolayn wax isu soo bax ah oo xisbiyada mucaaridka ahi ay ku sameeyaan xafiisyadooda, isla markaana aanay isticmaali Karin wax cod baahiye ah nooca uu doono ha ahaadee.


Xisbiga KULMIYE ayaa 6-dii April wixii ka dambeeyay aan xukuumad sharci ah u aqoonsanayn Daahir Riyaale iyo kooxdiisa, maadaama oo ay sharciyadii xilku ka dhamaaday. Sidaa darteedna ciidamadaas ayaa waxa ay noqonayaan kuwo u adeegayay xisbiga UDUB ee uu guddoomiyaha u yahay Daahir Riyaale.


Sidoo kalena labada xisbi ee mucaaridka (KULMIYE Iyo UCID), ayaa waxba kama jiraan ku tilmaamay hadalka Cabdillaahi Cirro, isla markaana sheegay in ay sii wadayaan isu soo baxyada nabadgelyada ah maadaama uu dastuurku xaq u siiyay.


Dhinaca kale xarunta xisbiga KULMIYE ee gobolka Gebilay oo ay saaka ka socotay xaflad ay ku soo dhawaynayaan urur dhalinyaro ah oo taageeradoodii kula soo biiray xisbiga KULMIYE, ayaa waxa isku xeeray ciidamo tiro badan oo Boolis ah. Kuwaasi oo masuuliyiinta xisbiga KULMIYE ee gobolka Gebilay iyo dadwaynihii xafladaasi ka soo qayb galayba ku amray in ay joojiyaan oo ay ku kala dareeraan xafladda oo ay sheegeen Boolisku in aan la ogolayn in xaflad noocan oo kale ah la qabto.


Arrintaasi waxa ay si wayn uga cadhaysiisay masuuliyiinta iyo taageerayaasha xisbiga KULMIYE ee halkaasi ku sugnaa, kuwaasi oo si ba’an u cambaareeyay tallaabada ciidanka Booliska, iyaga oo ku tilmaamay tallaabo sharci darro ah oo Daahir Riyaale iyo kooxdiisu ay kula kaceen taageerayaasha xisbiga KULMIYE ee gobolka Gebilay, kuwaas oosheegay in aanay u dulqaadan doonin tallaabooyinka noocan ah.


Axmed Maxamed Saleebaan (Dhugfe)

E-mail: afqarshe114@hotmail. com, Hargaysa.

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^^^lool. The weak mugged secessionist is speaking out.. :D


Adeer your fake fantasy is unraveling and the Pirates I know you are jelous of the money making machine. But hey you can always beg the queen again.

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The only mugged people are cheerleaders who thought their warlord would be kept in charge by Ethios till October - only for him to become a refugee in Yemen. :D


Tell us about your pirateland ol chap, give us more excuses, last couple of days have been comical. :D

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A weak comeback from the small fishes being suffocated by Riyaale. :D


Adeer Yusuf was a national leader and you could not shine his shoes, but you know that already dear secess.

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A.Yusuf should have sought asylum in Somaliland like Adde Muse before him. The hotels are quite comfortable there and he wouldn't be required to learn a new language, unlike Yemen!


Just a thought...

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^^^Abdullahi Yusuf as you know resigned moved to Puntland oversaw the election of the new admin and went to Sanca for health reasons as a guest of the President of Yemen.


Now remmeber Abdirahman Tuur the father of "Somaliland" what happened to him dear lad and where did he seek refuge and job?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Abdullahi Yusuf as you know resigned moved to Puntland oversaw the election of the new admin and
went to Sanca for health reasons
as a guest of the President of Yemen.

Yes, Duke, that really 'developed' Yemeni health care system ;)


When all attempts to take on Somaliland leave your kin with their 'macawiis' around their ankles, attempt to create division within Somaliland. It worked in Mogadishu so why not give it a try in Somaliland, noo? ;)


No worries, we'll invite you for tea in Las Anod to soothe any hurt feelings.

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^^^Lool. you are talking jiberish as is common with secessionists these days. As for division, yes blame it on Duke that Riyaale is Mugging a certain clan and that clan is reporting it out of despait. is based in Burco son.


As for Yemen its health care is better than Somalia for now and also its esier to travel to the UK for any emergencies.


Forget about LA, why not invite Riyaale to Burco and sorth things out. You took all day and came up with nonsense. :D

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Generel duke doesn’t understand we in Somaliland we have something called danta guud.

Me my self I support Xisbiga kulmiye. But Somaliland wa lamabatabtaan sxb

There are no clan divisions in Somaliland of all the 3 political party’s every major clan is well represented to I don’t see what you’re talking about. This is not a war between salad cali jeele and Xasan daahir aweys loooooool. ,

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^^^loool. Somaliland had a clan war bigger than that of Puntland, a comparable regional state. Thus adeer go tell and the Burco folks to stop foaming from the mouth right now.


You seem to actually belive in your own lies.

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Wa marxalad la soo marray dagaalada.

The war between ina igarre and the dervishes 1920

The war between cali dhuux and salaam carabay in caynabo

The war between S N M and the onlf in hawd in 1982

The war against dawladii kacaanka and s n m in 1988


Now why would I look at 2 years of war between 2 men who where fighting for power and had the same aim to rule their people? Cigaal calan cas versus tuur rag labba xiniyood way is qabtaan wana ka heshiyeen adeer marka walaga heshiye . And look at the 200 years of colaad , awoowo anigu oday weyn baan ahay. Mudnaanta kobaad adiga iska leh dagaalka adiga iyo awoowga baan kula jiiray.


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^^^Mindless nonsense, again you are aweating all over the place lad.


We hope they resolve this issue, these is no recognition the world has seen what Riyaale is, and what the "state" is just a fantasy.


Lets hope the peace is kept.


Now why did he attack the Kulmiye offices Democracy huh.

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Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf:

There are no clan divisions in Somaliland of all the 3 political party’s every major clan is well represented to I don’t see what you’re talking about. This is not a war between salad cali jeele and Xasan daahir aweys loooooool. ,

He knows that..His trying too hard with this whole Riyaale Vs Burco thing. As if Riyaale is running all fronts like that. Pathetic :D


My uncles from Burco are in all three parties..Which way should I go Dukey?

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