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Salebaan Cisse Xaglaosiye Exposed.(AUDIO)

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This is hilarious interview of saleban cisse xaglotosiye in 2009 when he was running for puntland presidency.

Saleban Cisse 2009


Today this guy is saying he is fighting with puntland!!! So why didn't he fight with Puntland 2009? ahhhh so when he lost the election is when he started fighting with puntland now that explains alot!!!

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2010 is different than 2009, now people of SSC have their own leadership and movement, they don't want anymore to sit and wait for Puntland



Now people of SSC have leader, deputy leader, Parliement/khusuusi, and SSC army


So many SSC politicians and traditional leaders left Puntland so it is not only Xaglatoosiye, he is just one man, so don't worry about him.


In 2009, people of SSC wanted Puntland to act and defend SSC. In 2010, After Nairobi & Buro Wadal Conferences, people of SSC want to liberate their SSC land themselves, now people of SSC want Puntland to STOP intervening with SSC

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Lataliyahii Madaxtooyada Puntland Cali Maraykan ") "Puntland Libaax Bay Nagu Noqtay, Waanu Duminaynaa....Waayo Faroole Waxuu Dumiyay Wixii La Odhan Jiray Puntland"



Cali Maraykan oo dhinaca Xidhiidhka u Qaabilsan Golaha Khusuusiga iyo Hogaanka SSC ayaa maanta runta u sheegay shacabka Puntland inuu faroole dumiyay Maamulkii la odhan jiray Puntland kuna soo koobay jilibkiisa oo qudha.



Halkan Ka Dhegayso Waraysigii Cali Maraykan oo dhinaca Xidhiidhka u Qaabilsan Golaha Khusuusiga iyo Hogaanka SSC



Why Chieftain Farole is Hostile to SSC People?


Lasanod online. Monday, June 21, 2010


LASANOD ONLINE:- Chieftain Farole bitterly hates and discriminates against the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn people (SSC). What did they do to him? Nothing at all.



Why then is he so hostile to them? Nobody knows what is ailing the chieftain. Only the Lord knows.


Chieftain Farole made common cause with the anti-Somali secessionist regime of Hargeisa that occupies many parts of SSC territory. He refers them as his brothers while he describes SSC freedom fighters to be terrorists who are fighting for a lost or hopeless cause as he put it. As a result, the SSC people are now caught between two evil regimes, one in Hargeisa and one in Garowe. However, these are the devil’s party, and they will be the losers.


Chieftain Farole’s recent unjust and baseless accusations against SSC have touched off widespread protest and condemnation on the part of SSC communities at home and abroad. But on the other hand, the chieftain’s fiery speeches were a blessing in disguise. The frustrated SSC people have rolled their sleeves and rallied together and united their ranks. They now fully realize that chieftain Farole is a vengeful and a real avowed enemy of SSC people. He is opposed to their legitimate rights and their vital interests as a people.


Chieftain Farole’s strange behavior is inexplicable. He is a hot-tempered man who takes snap and tactless decisions. He does not know how to build consensus. He only knows and excels in how to alienate, estrange and frustrate others. He seems to be a queer fish and out of the common. The man is a real nightmare and more harm than good. The grievous harm he is causing to the status of Puntland and its people is irreparable. He is out of touch with the public opinion. He seems to be a bird singing outside its flock. Chieftain Farole has shown poor political leadership. He is under fire and his star is in descent. His rating has been low since his inauguration and he has no support base.


Puntland State is now in political crisis and domestic security is worsening. The situation does not bode well. The future of Punltand State under chieftain Farole’s one man show rule is not promising. That is any one’s guess. Informed circles say that there is one big problem and that is the man is gruff and irksome and it is very hard to work with him. The people fear that things may get even worse in the years to come. Chieftain Farole is now doing his best to drive SSC people out of P/land. And if that happens, P/land will become a fractured state.

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Wasiirkii hore ee Ganacsiga Puntland Cabdillahi Cali Xirsi(Timacade), ayaa sheegay in Madaxweyne Faroole si gaara u necebyahay Beesha SSC


Ciidamo Kasoo Goostay Somalidiidka oo Kusoo Biiray Ciidamada Xoogaga SSC


Gabadh ka Tirsan Khusuusida SSC oo Lagu xidhay Xarunta Budhcad Badeeda Garowe


Qunsuliyadda Xabashida ee Garoowe ma Abaalmarintii Xasuuqii Buuhoodlaaa????????


Sifooyinka Faroole La Wadaago Soomaali-diidka iyo Qaar uu Dheeryahay



SNM iyo SSDF ha joojyaan dhibaatada ee ku hayaan SSC



C/raxmaan Faroole oo xoogaga SSC ku Tilmaamay Argagaxiso kadib markii ay iska caabiyeen Itoobiya.


"Puntland ma qaadin karto kooxo nabad diid ah waxaad ogtihiin in SSC ay colaad ka dhax abuurtay dowladda Itoobiya ee aan deriska nahay iyo Shacabka sidaas darteed waxaan cadaynaynaa in SSC ay dhankeena mamnuuc ka tahay'" ayuu yiro Faroole.


Maamulka cadawga u adeega ee Puntland lamagac baxay ayaa shaaciyey in ay Argagaxiso u aqoonsanyihiin dagaalyahanada SSC ee iska caabinta kula jira ciidamada cadawga Itoobiya iyo maleeshiyaadka Daahir Rayaale.


C/raxmaan Faroole horboodaha maamulka Bari ayaa shalay shaaciyay in xoogaga kacdoonka SSC ay yihiin Argagaxiso islamarkaana ay mamnuuc ka yihiin deegaanada uu maamulo Faroole.


Isagoo ka hor hadlayay Baarlamanka sharci dejiyaasha sheegtay ayuu Faroole ku dheeraaday ka hadalka arrimaha SSC oo u tun ku naqday Itoobiya iyo maamulada cadawga u adeega, Faroole wuxuu si cad u sheegay in Puntland aysan liqi karin xoogag diidan siyaasadda Itoobiya balse isagu uu ugu yeeray xagjiriin.


"Puntland ma qaadin karto kooxo nabad diid ah waxaad ogtihiin in SSC ay colaad ka dhax abuurtay dowladda Itoobiya ee aan deriska nahay iyo Shacabka sidaas darteed waxaan cadaynaynaa in SSC ay dhankeena mamnuuc ka tahay'" ayuu yiro Faroole.


Hogaamiyaha maleeshiyada Ashahadda ladirirka PIS ahna madaxweynaha Maamulka isku magacaabay Puntland ayaa qaatay Amarkii Itoobiya siisay isaga iyo Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ee ahaa in ay Argagaxiso ku sheegaan Xoogaga Kacdoonka SSC.


Puntland iyo Somaliland maamulada labaxay ayuu waagu ku Baryay kadib markii Xoogaga SSC Dharaar cad maydadka ciidanka gumaysiga Itoobiya ku jiideen magaalada Buuhoodle taasi oo carro ku beertay Faroole iyo Rayaale oo labaduba Qandaraas kas oo qaatay Males.


Shacabka SSC ayaa taariikh fac weyn u leh in ay iska caabiyaan gumaysiga shisheeye waxaana lagu xusuustaa Taageeradii ay siiyeen dagaalkii Jihaadka ahaa ee Sayid Max'med C/lle Xasan lagalay Gumaystihii Ingiriiska.



Faroole oo Argagaxiso ku Tilmaamay SSC


Garoowe( Maamulka Waqooyi Bari C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa maanta furey Kalfadhiga Golaha Wakiiladda ee Maamulkaas, eedayn badana u jeediyey Golaha Midaynta iyo Horumarinta SSC, ka dibna Golihii xidhey mudo 11 cisho.



Kalfadhigan oo ahaa kii 24 ee Golahaas ayaa waxaa ka qayb galay in ka badan 50 xildhibaan,waxaana halkaas khudbad ka jeediyey Faroole oo sheegey in Puntland ay khatar ku jirto,Gobolka Mudug ay shirar ka socdaan ,kuwaasi oo ay wadaan ayuu yidhi rag Xukuumadihii hore xilal ka hayey.


Wuxuu si gaar ah u carabbaabey Tamaad,Timada-cade ,C/xamiid Garaad Jaamac,Biindhe iyo xubno kale, isagoo yidhi"Ragii iyagoo hurda Hutel Xamdi Laascaanood la qabsadey ayaa hadda meelahaas dawarsanaya oo leh waxbaano xoraynayeynaa", halka aanu Faroole soo hadal qaadin xubnaha u dhashay Goboladda Mudug,Nugaal iyo Bari ee mucaaradka ku ah maamulkiisa.


Fadhigan oo saxaafada laga ilaaliyey ayaa wararka aanu sida dadban ku heleyno waxaa ay sheegayaan in in faroole uu dhaliil kulul u jeediyey SSC,isagoo ku tilmaamey Argagixiso iyo wax la mid ah,wuxuunna Baarlamaanka ka codsadey in marka uu dib u furmo lgo'aamo laga so ssaro SSC.


Xildhibaan Ibraahim Maxamed Guure oo farta u taagey in uu su'aal ka weydiiyo arimaha SSC iyo arinta Laascaanood ayaa la sheegey in uu diidey in uu dhagaysto su'aalaha dadka uu ugu yeedhey in ay Puntland duminayaan waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


Ugu danbayntiina Faroole waxaa uu ku dhawaaqey in Kalfadhigu xidhan yahay ilaa 26 bisha lixaad xiligaas oo ay dhacayso wax loogu yeedho Doorashadda Maamulka Riyaale.


Xidhista Kalfadhiga ayaa waxaa dadka la socdaa Puntland ku macneeyeen in ay ka danbaysey baqdin ay Faroole iyo C/samad ka qabaan in Mooshin lagu qaado,dhanka kalena waxaa ay quudaraynayaan cidda ku soo baxda Doorashadda Hargaysa oo la sheegey in Faroole uu ku xidhan yahay Siilaanyo,halka C/samad uu jecelyahay in Riyaale soo baxo.

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Which one is Xaglotoosiye????


1. Garaad Abshir and Mustafe Galaal





2. SSC Army













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This Xaglatoosiya is a liar. listen to the audio. In 2009 he is saying, I want to safe Puntland and Puntland needs good leaders. Puntland needs Law, justice,education, etc. Puntland needs unity.


Now 1 year later he says Puntland hates us and we need to fight them. Farooele hates SSC. He is a hypocrite who is playing with the lives of young people by calling for war and death.

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Well done Liiban,Guul,Nabad and midnimo insha'llah for SSC pple, after all it's their right to decide their destiny,,,having said that EMOTIONS a side walaal, one thing needs in XALIYO/XAL LOOHELO,,,that is isukeenida/midaynta SSC da lakala safan P/L & S/L otherwise i only see SSC fighting SSC and that nobody's interest is it?.



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