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The President arrives in Mogadishu.

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-Exuberant supporters.

-Presidential palace.

-Entourage of security personell.

-A sizable number of foriegn dignitaries

-A sea of well-wishers.



-Meetings with foreign leaders from Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar.

-Discussions about issues such as foreign troops and securing Mogadishu.

-Discussions with high ranking American officials in an undisclosed location.



-Will he force the warlords to take their militias out of the city?

-Will he reach out to difficult opponent such as warlord Cabdullaahi Yuusuf?

-Will Somalia ever be normal under his rule?


We wait and see how things develop in the next few months. There is an upcoming press conference on Wednesday.




Mogadishu ( --- Madaxweynaha ayaa maanta ka soo degay garoonka Balidoogle ee gobolka Sh/hoose, halkaasoo ay si weyn ugu soo dhoweeyeen taageerayaashiisa, waxaana wefdiga Madaxweynaha loo soo galbiyey xarunta madaxtooyada. Madaxweynaha ayaa muddadii uu dalka ka maqnaa safaro ku soo kala bixiyey dalalka Imaaraadka, Qatar, Baxreyn & Jordan, wuxuuna kala hadlay mas’uuliyiinta dalalkaasi arrimaha Soomaaliya oo ay si weyn isula jeex-jeexeen, gaar ahaan siddi dalka Soomaaliya aanan loo keeni laheyn ciidamo shisheeye, waxaana kulamadii uu la yeeshay madaxda dalalkaasi ay ku dhammaadeen si guul ah, iyadoo sidoo kalena uu la kulmay saraakiil Mareykan ah oo ay ka wadahadleen arrimaha ciidamadda dalalka safka hore.


Madaxweynaha ayaa saxaafadda u sheegay in uu shir Jaraa’id oo uu ku faahfaahinayo socdaalkiisa & waxyaabihii uu kala soo kulmay diblumaasiyiintii uu la kulmay uu qaban doono maalinimadda Arbacadda. (ed)

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Dayniile :D (the best Homorous Somali website) calling Darman Somali Predent, and the news title next to it, Yey as the President of Somalia, great consistence, fair news to all I must say :D .


This website is way ahead of us, and extraordinarily developed, people like you talk about freedom of speach, surely they talk about freedom of News, very democratic I must say.

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I failed to see the joke here? Are you guys saying Col Yey who had been selected by few warlords or Col. Cade Muse who had been selected by 40 or so men is in better shape than Darmaan who had also been chosen by a handful of people?


If you compare the three, Darmaan is the one who is working right from the capital. That gives him an edge if you ask me. :D

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^^ lol@


That is only a matter of when, may dear. But lets hope he functions well for him to witness where his fanction - Doofaaralay Fanction - ends up.

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^^ lol Duke, I was expecting you any minute :D


Oh! is one of my favourite Somalia(Proper) news sites. When I need to get upto the minute news bulletiens on South Somalia, that is where I turn to, for real. :D ... although their journalism ethics is somewhat questionable, but that is nowhere near for, the mother of all lies. :D

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Darmaan oo damacsanaa in uu aado Washington Dc ayaa lagu wargaliayay in uusan imaan sababo lacag lagu leeyahay ;)



Darmaan can't go back to VA he is wanted couse of money he stolen from a Banka. icon_razz.gif

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War ninkaan wali ma noolyahay :D Dowladi Abdiqasim markuu mucaarad ku noqoday baa magaciisa iigu horaysay ee ileen wali farcekiisa buu wadaa :D

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