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Breaking News - 123 ONLF killed in Deegaanka Shabeelleey inside Ethiopia

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^^^ :rolleyes:


Ngonge, how is this a game? Miyad walantehy.


My first response when I read title was bisinka!!! Inalilah wa inalilih raajucuun, how on earth could that happen. Then I thought must be a lie, really that is crazy, even in xamar, the daily death tool stays below 100 on most days. Then we have 8 pages of just ciyaal suuqnimo. Some things joke ma gaalan, including people's life.


You are wrong Ngonge- on most cases I would agree with you, but you are so wrong here :mad:

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More than 123 have died in the past and more will die. Geeridu waa xaq, halgana waa lagu jiraa. Ninkii dhintayna ninkiisuu kamaqan yahay oo tabaya.


But Alxamdu Lilaah, the 123 "killed" will remain martyers in the websites and media. We are no missing them on the ground. :D:D:D


War ileen tan oo kale. Show hadaan idhaa we killed 2300 Ethiopian forces, sheeko unbay iska noqon. Ilay knows what is going on. Wait for a while, a day or two, until you hear a different story from him.

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Ibti, nope I am not wrong. This is a storm in a tea cup, dear. The story is from the BBC. It is in the words of a SOMALI ETHIOPIAN who is a cousin of these ONLF fighters. Exaggeration and propaganda are par for the course. I expect the ONLF to now claim they killed five thousand Ethiopian soldiers in retaliation.


You and Sayid are either shocked by the story itself, which is naive. Or you are shocked by the attitudes of the kids in SOL, which is foolish.


On the story part, until all sides begin to report the news fully we would not know what has taken place in that part and we may as well hold off the wailing a little. As for the SOL kids, is such talk new to you?


Dee naga daaya (you and Sayid have more sense than to panic about such nonesense).

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Oh please! Your getting cocky now. It was not about 'death' that some of us objected about this said deaths - We know,many have died for the cause and many will perhaps die - but in this particular thread some of us objected the words,the language used,the boostfulness,the ugly intentions within those words..

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but in this particular thread some of us objected the words,the language used,the boostfulness,the ugly intentions within those words..

i could not put it better myself - thanks malika.


^ ^ Markuu yaabayna Ilaahay buu u jeestay ,

meeshaad adiguna Illaahay ka jeesan lahayd?


Ngonge - kuli fidna adiga waaye - when you coined that the phrase 'clan is everything' :D ada ka masuul ah wax xun oo ka dhaca SOL Politics and you are most of the time defending the indefensibles instead of the defenceless

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:



Thread'kan waa disgusting! beyond belief. Raggii iney wax ka qabtaan la rabayna waxay eryanayaan magac qabiil, xataa hadduu map ku yaallo!.

Waraa dhagahadalka jooji. And if I want to delete everything that personally abhors me (which includes this thread), qashinka Barbaarta aad inta ku support gareysid ka bilaabi lahaa. But no, I can't do that for it is not my nature. Xor ayaa u tahay to support baraanbartaas same as kuwa inta ku jiro Xabashi Soomaali xasuuqeyso u sacabtumaayo, as repugnant as it is, ay xor ugu yihiin.

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