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Breaking News - 123 ONLF killed in Deegaanka Shabeelleey inside Ethiopia

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This is one of the ugliest thread in SOL history.

I am truly saddened by what is being typed by the guys who calling themselves Somalis and more importantly Muslims. It is one thing to exchange harmless banter and call each nicknames and what not – but is another thing (on another level to extent it can take you out of the fold Islam) to cheer on the killing of your fellow Muslims on the authority of infidels whilst your untie the rope of Allah that holds Muslims kin and kith together – as you guys are doing with the exception of Che and two sisters.

People (and i am being kind here when i call you people) have sense of shame and limits. Where are your empathies, honour and your God given intellect to differentiate what can and cannot be tussled as if though you were discussing football teams. The subject matter is your kin and kith, your fellow Muslims lives and freedom being wasted and tramped on.

Please show some decorum and taste – fear Allah and stop what you are doing. You can have difference of opinion, political stances, without resorting to cheering for your Muslim family members being killed.

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^^^^ Oh please save us the tears, were was you when the likes of General Duke, Mr_Somalia etc were celeberating the killings of Atam's bodyguards and supporters? and for your information there is alot of muslims in the Ethiopian Army be it Oromo, Somali etc, it's even alleged it was Liyuu border police that committed most of the killings , so don't speak about something you have no knowledge about.

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50% - 55% of Ethiopia is muslim to label a whole place infidels is no excuse ya sayyid, no excuses there unless you can proof the soldiers religion orientation ha isku dambabiin they could be liyuu police massacring the trepassing ONLF for all we know.

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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

A_Khadar, who made you the babysitter of ONLF?

NinaNC said enough to you if you have the righ mind. This type of things are not pradable. Your mentality is not beyond your clan.

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^^^ Says the man who has SSC tribal movement on his location? the irony ma hore ba la yidhi Tribalist, intaadan Tribalist oran bu Tribalist kugu dahaysa.

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to the originator of this thread:

Your stance is disgrace to anything resembling let alone being of humanity and humility.

My last advice to you is delete and desist – i am not here to argue with you.


che & nina - we can only advice.

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Why should i delete news regarding the deaths of a rebel group who trepassed and got killed on their own fault? war aniga kibirkas ha ila Imaniin, If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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General Duke, no insults from my side , wa la yaqaana daadka qararay markii excellent news source la so dhiigay like i said if some can't handle the heat , they should get out of the kitchen.

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This is one of the ugliest thread in SOL history. I am truly saddened by what is being typed by the guys who calling themselves Somalis and more importantly Muslims. ...but is another thing (on another level to extent it can take you out of the fold Islam) to cheer on the killing of your fellow Muslims on the authority of infidels whilst your untie the rope of Allah that holds Muslims kin and kith together –... The subject matter is your kin and kith, your fellow Muslims lives and freedom being wasted and tramped on.

Holy Muslim Sheik Sayid Somal, I wish Al shabaab listens to you and stops butchering Muslims in Mogadishu like halal meat. :D

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I am truly saddened by what is being typed by the guys who calling themselves Somalis and more importantly Muslims. It is one thing to exchange harmless banter and call each nicknames and what not – but is another thing (on another level to extent it can take you out of the fold Islam) to cheer on the killing of your fellow Muslims

Did this apply to the 1988 killings & shelling of the civilians ??? .......... mise markaa gaalaa la laynayay ?? ,,,,,,,,,



What u said is right but it is كلمة حق يراد بها الباطل

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