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Balli-Doogle: Hundreds of millitia being trained for [TFG]

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Maleeshiyo gaareysa ilaa 700 oo laga qaaday deg. Afgooye oo ku wajahan Balli-doogle


Afgooye 31, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Maleeshiyooyin gaaraya ilaa 700 oo laga soo uruuriyay tuulooyin hoosyimaada degmada Afgooye ee gobolka Sh/hoose ayaa waxaa la geeyay xerada Balli-doogle ee gobolka Sh/hoose.


Maleeshiyadaan ayaa laga soo uruuriyay degmada Afgooye iyo tuulooyinka hoosyimaada, iyadoo lagu wado marka ay soo dhameystaan tababarka loogu qaaday Ballidoogle in ay ku soo laabtaan halkaasi si ay uga qeyb qaataam sugidda amaanka sida u shabelle u sheegay Taliyaha degmada afgooye C/laahi Cabdi.


Sidoo kale maleeshiyo tiradoodu gaareyso ilaa 400 oo laga keenay dhinaca gobolka Hiiraan ayaa ku wajahan garoonka Balli Doogle oo ka mid ah meelaha dowladda Somalia Madaxdeeda ay cayintay in hubka iyo maleeshiyooyinka lagu soo uruuriyo.


Xasan mayow


Shabelle Media Network Sh/hoose

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