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General Duke

President Yusuf holds press conference..Villa Somalia PICS

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Yes he does I agree maahsallaah. Gone is the cimaamad and the traditional shirts and western trousers he was wearing. This is the new him, just look at his clothes carefully. Him and the President seem to be dressed in the same gear now. Say's alot about their relationship I guess.


He looks now as a respectable and proper member of the government and as you said he indeed looks very sharp maashaallaah is all I can say.

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

What's Sharbo-dheere doing in the picture? Didn't they report he left the scene altogether? I guess qabiil & caqli xumo are way too addictive.

That is what I heard too. Clan and power are addictive indeed.

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This is the good Morgan Duke:




Eating pasta somewhere in Mogadishu maybe Hotel Sahafi, who knows?


And then there's the bad Morgan:




Sitting in Villa Somalia and reading carefully crafted speeches and instructions from the Presidents personal spokesman Ina Xuubsireed as the person in charge of th Security and Stability of the capital city of Somalia.

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Indeed, this is a man(Morgan) my own mother attended his mother's funeral in Muqdisho. I am surprised he is working with criminal A/Y who has more blood in his hands now than when he was the warlord-elect languishing in Baydhabo and Jowhar. I used to defend Morgan assuming he changed. I see I am proven wrong.


If he had any conscience, he wouldn't sit with A/Y knowing the dead that is rotting in Muqdisho, the thousands upon the thousands of the displaced, are the same people who protected him, who returned his property to him, who gave him safety and security when his own clansmen wanted him dead, they are are the the victims of the same man he sits next to. He didn't say a single word on the radio promoting peace on behalf of these victims who did much good for him. Just shows how deeply corrupt the man is. Indeed, the TFG is nothing but criminals inc.


It reflects poorly on the former soldier who already had bad reputation for massacring other somalis, and who was alleged to have repented.

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Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo maanta ka qeyb galay kulanka golaha Wasiirada magaalada Muqdisho


Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 29/04/07


Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Fkmg ee Somalia Md. Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta ka qeyb galay kulan ay isugu yimaadeen golaha Wasiirada xarunta Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa uu kaga warbixiyey safarkii uu ku tagay dalka dibadiisa gaar ahaan dalka Ethiopia.


Madaxweynaha ayaa wasiirada ugu faahfaahiyey kulankii uu la yeeshay madaxda dalka Ethiopia wuxuuna sheegay inay isla soo qaadeen sidii loo sii xoojin lahaa xiriirka ka dhaxeeya labada dal kulankaassi ayaa waxa uu ku tilmaamay inuu ku dhamaaday si guul ah.


Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha Somalia Md. Yuusuf waxa uu golaha wasiiradda uga waramay xaallada guud ee uu haatan dalka kusugan yahay iyo sida looga baahan yahay in lagu dar dargaliyo hawlaha hor yaala dowlada iyo waliba xukuumada sidii gacan bir ah loogu qaban lahaa amaanka magaalada Muqdisho iyo guud ahaan dalka Somalia.


Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya ayaa kormeer guud kusoo bixiyey xarunta C.I.D-da ee magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo meelo badan laga dayactiray meelo kalena ay hawlo ka socdeen kormeerkiisa ayaa waxaa ku wehliyey Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Xkfkmg ee Somalia Prof. Cali Maxamed Gedi waxaana warbixin kasiinayey General Darwiish oo ah jananka ugu sareeya hay'ada danbi baarista kaasoo faahfaahin ka bixiyey dhismayaasha la dayactiray iyo kuwa haatan shaqadu ka socoto

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Madaxweynaha DKMG oo sheegay inay guulaysteen

By VOA News




Madaxweynaha DKMG Cabdullahi Yuusuf

Madaxweynaha Dawlada Kumeelgaarka ah Cabdullahi Yuusuf Ahmed ayaa sheegay in isbahaysiga dawladiisa iyo kuwa Itoobiya ay gaadheen guulo wax ku ool ah oo laga guulaystay Xoogaggii Islaamiyiinta magaalada caasimadda ah ee Muqdisho.


Madaxweynaha ayaa dadka ku guubaabiyey dadkii hore uga qaxay Muqdisho inay dib ugu soo laabtaan, ka dib sagaal casho oo dagaal ka socdey magaalada ayna ku dhinteen ilaa 400 oo qof.


Askarta dawladda ayaa waardiyaynayey jidadka iyagoo gawaarida ka baarayey hub magaalada caasimadda ah gudaheeda, Sabtidii, oo ahayd maalintii labaad oo degganaansho ka jiraan magaalada iyadoo dagaalkii joogsaday.


Kooxaha xaquuqda bani'aadaminnimada ayaa sheegay in 400 oo kun oo qof ka carareen guryahooda ilaa iyo intii dagaalladu ka bilawdeen Muqdisho bishii Feebaraayo.


Ciidammada dawladda oo ay taageerayaan kuwa Itoobiyaanku ayaa ka caydhiyey dhaqdhaqaaqii Islaamiyiinta magaalada Muqdisho bishii December ee la soo dhaafay.


Intaa wixii ka dambeeyey, mallayshiyada daacadda u ah Islaamiyiinta ayaa sii laba jibbaaray weerarro gaadma ah oo ay qaadayeen. Boqollaal shacab ah ayaa lagu dilay madaafiic iyo rasaas ka dhacaysey qoryaha kala duwan.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

Indeed, this is a man(Morgan) my own mother attended his mother's funeral in Muqdisho. I am surprised he is working with criminal A/Y who has more blood in his hands now than when he was the warlord-elect languishing in Baydhabo and Jowhar. I used to defend Morgan assuming he changed. I see I am proven wrong.


If he had any conscience, he wouldn't sit with A/Y knowing the dead that is rotting in Muqdisho, the thousands upon the thousands of the displaced, are the same people who protected him, who returned his property to him, who gave him safety and security when his own clansmen wanted him dead, they are are the the victims of the same man he sits next to. He didn't say a single word on the radio promoting peace on behalf of these victims who did much good for him. Just shows how deeply corrupt the man is. Indeed, the TFG is nothing but criminals inc.


It reflects poorly on the former soldier who already had bad reputation for massacring other somalis, and who was alleged to have repented.

I remember responding cynically when Libaax-Sankataabte brought an article about Morgan's "change" a while ago. Morgan is the most opportunistic public Somali figure and will change spots quickly for the next best feed. Let the Ethiopians leave or even a minor setback occur, I do not expect anything from Morgan other then to lead the "patriot's war" against the TFG. :D


I am surprised at Abdullahi though. Is that clan that short of qualified military men with name that he hangs on to yesterday's disowned?


As for Morgan; the man is wanted everywhere from Somaliland to Kismaayo and now he stabs in the back the people who accepted him and gave him shelter when disowned from Puntland. Taking into consideration Somalia's temporary and fluid politics, pray where will Morgan find his next shelter from :confused:

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Morgan has done nothing wrong here, he is sitting next to il-President.


From all accounts he has retired from politics.

Let's hope so. smile.gif

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^War ninkan ileen wuxuu doonu kuhadlaa


As for Morgan; the man is wanted everywhere from Somaliland to Kismaayo and now he stabs in the back the people who accepted him and gave him shelter when disowned from Puntland. Taking into consideration Somalia's temporary and fluid politics, pray where will Morgan find his next shelter from

Very amusing :confused:


AFter all that silly talk, you finished with the most absurd line of all. FYI, Morgan is a Puntlander by clan and fears no one, a political monourivering is one thing and being under the shelter of some else in another, better clarify your points. Let me just ask you one question, Im sure Hiiraale is wanted in Some parts of Somalia, where would he get a shelter from? :D


Somaliland and Kismayo wants him... lol, May be he is threatened by them :D , ooh No perhaps its the other way they are threatened by him, and him alone.


N/AA sometime the way you present yourself bring out the best of your emotions..

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Africa, Africa, Africa


How come we always pick the thugs and butchers to walk free shame on TFG for allowing a man with his past in government. Its funny they talk about reconcilations for somalis but yet they apoint the same men that brought death in power wooow.


Emperor your comments are coming from view that lead to the state of somalia today. Somaliland and Kismayo threatened by him please were in did you get that idea from, cause the reality is different. That man cant enter those areas without the fear of being killed. Amazing that a somali as to fear were he goes huh Emperor.


The weaknest of the TFG is its lack of support by the full of somali soceity and its appointment of people like morgan in government. If there is free democractic elections for somalia i know for sure no one would vote for all those men in the TFG.

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