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Thanks to the TFG, Lower Shabbele is liberated..

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Mr. Jorge Mera wrote, “ Disclosure of the truth is part of ensuring that justice will be done, but it does not replace justice”. As the series of the untold stories continues; the focus remains on unleashing painful realities about Somalia that never gets into the headlines. The most afflicted regions of the country are the Lower Shabelle and Jubba with gangs teaming up to keep the natives of these regions under continuous suppression.

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Burburkii Dowlladdii militeriga ahayd ka dib Gobolka Shabeellada Hoose wuxuu ahaa goob ay si weyn isugu haysteen kooxo qabaa'illo ah iyo hoggaamiye kooxeedyo, mid kasta uu doonaayey inuu maroorsado, kheyraadka Gobolku hodanka ku yahay. Haysashada Gobolkan horraantii sagaashameeyadii waxaa ka masuul ahaa hooggaamiye kooxeedkii geeriyoodey, ee Gen. Maxamed Faarax Ceydiid. Geeridiisa ka dibna waxaa Gobolka qabsadey kooxo ka mid ah beeshiisa oo inta badan uu awoodda isagu gacanta u geliyey.


Wixii markaa ka dambeeyey waxaa Gobolka tagey kuwo sheeganaya Maxkamad Islaami ah oo uu horkacaayey Sheekh Xassan Daahir Aweys oo markaas taliyaha ciidankiisu ahaa Yuusuf Indhacadde. Dadweynnaha Gobolka oo ay aad u dhibeen ********* abaabulan, ayaa si weyn u soo dhoweeyey Maxkamddii Islaamiga ee Gobolka, iyagoo markaa quud darreeynaayey inay Maxkamaddani ay Shareecada Islaamiga wax ku maamuli doonta.


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One of the merciless war booty mafia bosses is Mr. Yusuf Mohamed Siyad (Indha cadde) . Mr. Yusuf M. Siyaad (Indha Adde) who calls himself the Governor or the Ultimate Sultan of Lower Shabelle is a man who benefited from the lawlessness of the country. His militias employing heavy technicals are engaged in clan-targeted killings of unarmed civilians, killings of defenseless Somalis, kidnapping and systemic campaigns of rape and terror. Mr. Indha Cadde has served as the leader of the Islamic court in Merka; for many years
he used Islam to subdue the poor Somalis in the Lower Shabelle


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Murder, slavery, beatings, theft in Somalia

Ali Musa Abdi


June 23, 1995

MOGADISHU, June 23 (AFP) - Farmers in Somalia's fertile lower Shabelle region came forward Thursday to tell stories of an area ostensibly at peace but where they say militiamen beat, murder, enslave, tax, steal and expropriate.



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13 Human Right Groups in Somalia have accused him [indaCade]of being massively engaged in confiscation of family owned farms and growing narcotic drugs along with forcing the farmers to work as slaves on the field. Not long ago he ordered the closure of all stores and business centers in Bulo Marerta and told the locals that he would only allow them to continue their business if they abide to his newly adapted taxing system for his self-proclaimed administration. He also jailed several local elders in Bulo Marerta after complaining against the confiscation order issued to their farms. His militia establishes and reins uncountable checkpoints. They force the bus and truckowners to pay money at each checkpoint, causing daily price increases of the public transportation and therefore, making traveling between cities absurd. Some analysts believe that the region is doomed to perpetual poverty and economic slavery because of Mr. Indha Cadde's heinous activity. The daily life and destiny of the Somalis in the south have become telling stories of bloody and tear-jerking events. The statistics bear grim witness to the plight of the Somali children in the south. The mortality rate of the children under five years is more than 40%, higher than any other African nation. The number of native children who have access to education is less than 0.001%. Among the Somali children, the children in the Lower Shabelle have the worst life chances in the world. They usually end up of being orphans at very early age of their life because of the economical genocide facing the region as well as the killings that is occurring continuously. Even those with parents do live under extreme poverty due to lack of jobs and with basically no sources of income. After losing their farms, their financial belongings & their freedom,
the natives of the Lower Shabelle remain the most brutally abused human being on earth.
Many of the natives of the Lower Shabelle are transformed to beggars in the streets of Mogadishu . Because of the chronic hunger affecting the region, Lower Shabelle has the
most tuberculosis cases in the nation.
This is a generational genocide that will have a catastrophic impact to the human race


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^^^Its not just IndaCade but Haji Xasan Dahir who was the master of that occupation and who benefited from it directly. Who defended it and now thanks to the Somali government those people have been liberated.

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A lot of concerns for lower shabelle and a cheer up for killing the people in banadir? Its clear to us that you dont realy care about lower shabelle its only a tool you use for your propaganda other wise why blunder from the crimes comitted by your uncle Abdullahi dabbadhillif. Inshallah hes days are numbered and he will become double loser firs being amxaro dabbadhillif and two becoming on the losing side despite being dabbadhillif to amxaro kkkkkkkk

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^^^It does not matter what anyone thinks I intend by this,the Duke never wroote any of these articles nor drew the images.


The fact is that the rights of a whole people have been taken away by Xasan Dahir, IndaCade and others.


These armed groups are the same ones who are fighting amongst the people of Banadir right now. They started this war and by God they do not have the upper hand.


Today the people of lower Shabbele and otehr regions ahve a chance to play a key role in Somalia.




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The cyber warriors wont like this, Afgoyee, Lower Shabbele is back in the hands of the locals, with no fuss. The TFG has done in days what Xasan Dahir, Sharif Ahmed where not prepared to do in 6 months, and who they occupied for over 10 years. Give the locals their district.


AFGOOYE: Maamulkii Degmada Afgooye oo dhawaan lagu wareejiyay dadka u dhashay Deegaanka


Posted to the Web Jan 07, 09:30



Afgooye (PP) – Xaflad dhawaan ku soo gabagabowday Degmada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabeellada hoose ayaa laga wareejiyay maamulkii ka jiray Degmada Afgooye ee u madaxda ka ahaan jiray Xuseen Cali Wehliye (Cirfo).


Maamulka ayaa lagu wareejiyay xubno ay dhawaan u magacowday Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya Degmadaas oo ka mid ah degmooyinka Gobolka Shabeellada Hoose, waxaana wareejinta maamulka gobolkaas si weyn maanta u soo dhaweeyay xubno ka tirsan dadka deegaanka oo xafladda goobjoog ka ahaa.


Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Xuseen Caydiid oo hoggaaminaya wafdi ka tirsan dowladda ayaa uga qaybgalay dowladda xafladdaas wareejinta ah, waxaana hadal uu halkaas ka jeediyay ku sheegay sheegay Xuseen Caydiid in dowladda Federaalka ay doonayso inay cid walba xukunto deegaankeeda oo aanay xukumin xubno kale oo aan u dhalan deegaanka.


Sidoo kale Xuseen Cirfo oo halkaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in uu ka codsanayo dadka deegaanka inay cafiyaan sidoo kalena isaga uu cafiyay dadka deegaanka, waxaan carrabka uu ku dhuftay in xilligii uu maamulayay degmada Afgooye uu ka qabtay wax badan oo ay ka mid tahay sugidda ammaanka degmada Afgooye iyo hareeraheeda.


Dadka deegaanka ayaa aad ugu faraxsanaa maanta wareejinta maamulka lagu wareejiyay gacmahooda muddo 16-sano ah oo uu dalka ku jiray fowdo kaddib, waxayna sheegeen inay dowladda uga mahadcelinayaan arrintaan. Arrintan wareejinta dadka deegaanka lagu wareejiyey maamulkooda ayaa waxay tusaale u tahay gobolada kale ee soomaaliya , taas oo soo afjaraysa dhibaatooyinkii horay loogu hayey meelo ka mida gobolada Koonfurta , siiba dadka laga tirada badan yahay oo deegaanadooda lagu haystay xoog inkabadan 15 sano.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Dadka deegaanka ayaa aad ugu faraxsanaa maanta wareejinta maamulka lagu wareejiyay gacmahooda muddo 16-sano ah oo uu dalka ku jiray fowdo kaddib, waxayna sheegeen inay dowladda uga mahadcelinayaan arrintaan. Arrintan wareejinta dadka deegaanka lagu wareejiyey maamulkooda ayaa waxay tusaale u tahay gobolada kale ee soomaaliya , taas oo soo afjaraysa dhibaatooyinkii horay loogu hayey meelo ka mida gobolada Koonfurta , siiba dadka laga tirada badan yahay oo deegaanadooda lagu haystay xoog inkabadan 15 sano.

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Maamulkii cusub ee Degmada Afgooye oo maanta xilka lagu wareejiyay.


Muqdisho, Axad 07 Jan 07 Simba Radio


Maamulkii hore ee Degmada Afgooye ayaa maanta xilka ku wareejiyay maamulka cusub ee dhawaan Dowlada Federaalka ay halkaasi u magacowday.


Xaflad aad u balaaran oo lagu qabtay Beerta Sheekh Saa'id ayaa waxaa kasoo qeyb galay Mas'uuliyiin aad u fara badan oo ka kala socotay qeybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada iyo DF.


Gudoomiyihii hore ee Maamulka Degmada Afgooye Xuseen Cilmi Wehliye Cirfo oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay xilka uu maanta wareejinayo isagoo sheegay inuu la shaqeyn doono maamulka cusub isla markaana ku booriyay iney howlahooda dar dar galiyaan.


halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa ku booriyay maamulkii hore ee degmadaasi sida sharafta leh oo ay usoo dhaweeyeen xilka ay DF ka qaaday, isagoo ugu baaqay maamulka cusub iney si weyn wax ugu qabtaan xaalada degmada.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Maamulka Cusub oo helkaasi loo magacaabay ayaa waxaa ku jira dhamaan beelaha dega degmadaasi.

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In a matter of days without any fuss the TFG transfered these districts ti their locals..


While the clan courts kept playing games and promoted IndaCade thanking him for the occupation.

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MUQDISHO: Sheekh Shariif: "Ruux walba oo jago ka hayay gobolka wuxuu sii hayn doonaan jagadiisa"


Posted to the Web Sep 30, 17:10


Muqdisho (PP) – Iyadoo maxkamadaha lagu wareejiyay maamulka Gobolka Shabeellada oo aan wax ciidammo iyo tikniko ah aanay wehlin ayaa waxaa haddana uu sheegay Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadaha Sheekh Shariif in nin walba oo ka tirsan maamulayaashii Gobolkaas uu jagadiisa sii hayn karo inta laga wareejinayo.


Sheekh Shariif ayaa khudbad uu aqriyay wuxuu ku sheegay in Gobolka uu ahaa midkii gacanta ku siiyay Maxkamdaha inay la wareegaan goobaha ay hadda gacanta ku hayaan isla markaana ruux walba oo jago ka hayay uu meeshiisa joogayo inta laga wareejinayo.



"Ruux walba oo jago ka hayay gobolka wuxuu sii hayn doonaan jagadiisa, inta laga badalayo, waxaana caddeynayaa in ruuxii jago laga badalo howl kale oo uu qaban karo loo dhiibayo" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ah Guddoomiyaha Golaha fulinta iyo Maxkamadaha Midoobay.


Hadalkaan uu jeediyay Sheekha ayaa waxaa dadka intiisa badan ay ku tilmaameen inuu yahay mid caddaaladda ka fog, waxaana shacabka Reer Afgooye ay inta badan ku wareersanaayeen hadalka Sheekha, waxaase dadweynaha Degmada iyo kuwa gobolka ee xafladda yimid ay sheegeen in xaaladdu ay ahayd ISAGA KA QAAD ISAGANA U DHIIB.


Dhanka kale, ma jirin wax gawaarida dagaalka ah sida caadadu ahaan jirtay oo laga wareejiyay maamulka Shabeellada Hoose, waxaana sidoo kale aan goobta la keenin wax Malleeshiyooyin ah oo iyagana ka tirsan kuwii gobolkaas uu horay u joogi jiray.




Puppet Sharif Ahmed..

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