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The Funniest Court Cases during the Last Somali Government

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Sheekadani waxay ku dhacday Muwaadin soomaaliyeed oo markas la soo xidhay lana hor keenay maxkamadda xilligii dowladii Siyaad Barre. Maxkamadii markii la soo hor joojey ayaa xeer-Ilaaliyihii kiiska ku oogayey yidhi, Ninkani waxa uu ku eedeysanyahay isaga oo ku qoslay sarkaal kabtan ah oo kufay .


Maxkamaddii ma odhan hadduu sarkaalku kufay muxuu u kici waayaye, ninkii ayay xukuntay oo jeelkaa loo diray.


Ninkaas dembigii loo xidhay ee buugga OP ga la yidhaahdo loogu qoray wuxuu noqday "Ku Qosle Kabtan Kufay". :D






A lot of Similar stories and case courts happened during that period. Please contribute the ones you know, heard or happened to you during that time.

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^^Jacayloow, Kawaran ninkii odayga ahaa ee ka soo jeeday Somaliland ee lagu xiray Hargaysa ayadoo lagu eedayay inuu ka qaybgalay "Shir lagu heshiisiinayo Soomaalida"


U fiirso hadalkaas, kamuusan qaybgalin shir wax lagu yeelaynayo jiritaanka Soomaliland


There are more to come! :D

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lool@Dhubad. Classic!


Jacayl, what do you say about Dhubad's point. Is it true? Don't tell me the poor judge who uttered those words is now promoted to the Somaliland supreme court. He should be punished for failing to "word the case" in a politically correct manner. :D


Here is a funny true story from General Afgaduud during his days in Kismayo.


Afgaduud ayaa isagoo ciidan tiro badan wata ayuu tagay Tuulo Yar oo u dhaxaysa Kismayo is Badhaadhe. Ciidankiisii ayaa maqaaxi cunto ka dalbaday. Gabar yar oo qurux badan ayuu arkay markaas ayuu waydiiyey ina ayaheeda.


Afgaduud: adeer, ina ayaad ahayd?

Gabadhii: adiga waxba isuma nihin. Taas unbaa muhiim ah. :D [/b]


Afgaduud ayaa xanaaqay oo gabadhii u sheegay askartiisa inay Jeelka tuulada geeyaan waxaana lagu soo eedeeyey dambiga ah: "JIKRAARID SARKAAL LEBISAN". :D


Hiiraale and Morgan who have controlled Kismayo at different times are for the most part humble dudes. This dawg however was and still is an arrogant dude. :D


There you have it ... I gave the thread a POLITICAL TWIST. Now it doesn't need to be moved to the jokes section. :D

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Waa dhowr iyo siddeetankii ,,,, waana xilli dambe oo habeenkii ah markii uu dariiqa badhtamaha magaalada Hargeisa soo maray nin malaa qayilaad iskaga habsaamay oo sii hoyanaya. ciidankii booliska ayaa eegay mise waxay arkeen ninkan oo xilligan dambe soconaya oo weliba aan toos u soconayne hareeraha eeg eegaya oo kolba dhinac u jeesanaya.


Way joojiyeen oo u yeedheeen ka dibna iyagoon waxba waydiin baa saldhigga lagu xidhay. Subaxnimadii markii dadkiisii ******** in ninkii xidhan yahay baa saldhigii lagu soo yaacay si loo ogaado dembiga lagu xidhay.


Markii buugii la furay ayaa la ogaaday dembiga ninkani ku xidhan yahay oo ah:



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