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Camel Mlik

Somaliland elections rocked by ballot fraud

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Somaliland elections rocked by ballot fraud



September 19 2005 at 10:06AM


Nairobi - The electoral panel in the Somali breakaway region of Somaliland said Monday some candidates in the this month's parliamentary polls had printed fake ballot papers in a bid to rig their way to victory.


The Somaliland Electoral Commission (SEC) said the fraud was being done in collaboration with crooked Somaliland printing merchants, but it was not clear the extent of the scam.


Some "candidates gave the ballots to printing houses in Somaliland after obtaining the sample when commission conducted civic education for voters," SEC chief Ahmed Haji Adami said in a brief statement.


The panel said the scam, which was unearthed by Somaliland security officials, was being probed.


Attempts to sneak fake ballot papers into the electoral boxes during voting on September 29 will result to immediate disqualifaction of candidate, Adami warned.


In addition, the panel urged members of the public to "confront those attempting to use the fake ballots", during the first parliamentary polls in Somaliland since the region declared its independence from Somalia proper in 1991.


The SEC warned that a ballot paper was a legal document and any trader faking it might lose his licence.


Officials said the genuine ballot papers were printed in Britain with a security water mark, unlike the fakes which were printed in backstreets in the capital Hargeisa.


The election board estimates more than 800,000 voters -- out of Somaliland's population of some three million people -- will cast ballots in the polls in which 246 candidates, including five women, are vying for 82 parliamentary seats.


The next presidential election is to be held in 2008 and the next local elections in 2007.


Lawmakers who made up the first Somali parliament that followed the secession in 1991 were appointed by elders. -


Source: AFP, Sept. 20, 2005

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Very disturbing but i'm not surprised after the last elections where won by '82' votes found in a box in a misterious location somewhere in Hargaisa :rolleyes: A repeat parhaps? good that this was highlighted early.

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Sxb you need to remember, it is very hard for two cousins to fool one another. These elections are not between Rayaale and Siilaanyo, these are between locals candidates.


Besides, each party has designated an overseer official at each and every polling station.


Not to mention the ballot papers themselves have extra security features like watermarks which make them hard to be forged. The sample ballots which have been distributed for voter education have different lighter colours then the real ballot papers also. So its easy to distnguish.


But I really welcome the level of readyness from the NEC in this regard. They look like they are doing their job extremely well. Kudos to them.

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Looks like some despereate people tried it, but got busted. :D




WAR DEGDEG AH: Waraaqaha Codbixinta Doorashada Oo Been-abuur Ah Oo La Qabtay

Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 22 September, 2005



Hargeysa (SL. Org) – Madaarka Caasimadda Hargeysa ayaa galabta gacanta ku dhigay waraaqaha codbixinta Doorashada Golaha Wakiillada oo been abuur ah, laguna soo daabacay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta.


Sheekada ku saabsan waraaqo been abuur ah oo lagu soo daabacayo dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa labadii maalmood ee shalay iyo maanta aad la isula dhexmarayey, taas oo xaqiiqowdey galabta 2:30 duhurnimo.


Waraaqahaas iyo raggii soo daabacay waxa lagu hayaa xarunta Baadhista Dembiyada Booliska CID-da ee Hargeysa, saxaafaddana waa loo diidey. Saraakiisha Booliska ayaa iyaguna ka gaabsaday inay wax war ah bixiyaan.


Sida ay sheegeen warar ku dhowdhow CID-da, waraaqahaasi waxay ku jiraan 9 Kartoon; waxaanay leeyihiin tirada taxan (serial number) ee Gobolka Awdal.


Wararku waxay sheegayaan in waraaqahaas lagu qabtay laba nin oo reer Awdal ah.


Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka ayaa dhowaan ka digey isku day la doonayo in la been-abuuro warqadaha doorashada.


Cabdirisaaq M. Dubad, Hargeysa.

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