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Hand grenade hurled into a Cinema hall, one dead, four wounded

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Whoelse would do other than the misguided and brainwashed Alshabaabs



Shineemo lagu weeraray bam gacmeed

21 Jun 21, 2008 - 6:38:15 PM


Inta la og yahay hal ruux ayaa ku geeriyooday Afar kalena dhaawacyo kala duwan ayaa ka soo gaaray qarax bam oo kooxo hubeysan ay ku weerareen goob lagu daawado aflaanta oo lagu magacaabo Shineemo Afrika kuna taala degmada Xamar Jajab ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Lama oga kooxihii ka danbeyay weerarkan bambano, iyadoo dadkii ku dhawacmay ay ahayen dhalinyaro dawaneysay Filim Hindi ah oo lagu turjumay afka Somaaliga.


Kooxihii ka danbeeyay qaraxaasi ayaa goobta ka baxsaday waxaana daqiiqado kadib halkaasi soo gaaray ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda KMG oo isku gadaamay agagaarka shineemada, mana jirto cid loo qabtay qaraxaasi.


Kooxaha kacdoonka ka wada magaalada Muqdisho iyo gobolada dalka ayaa horay dhowr jeer oo hore digniino u jeediyay Shineemooyinka lagu daawado aflaanta kala duwan iyadoo aysan aheyn markii ugu horeysay ee qarax noocaan oo kale ah lala beegsado Shineemo, waxaana la xasuusan yahay degmada Baardheere in shineemo ku taala lagu weeraray bam gacmeed.

Garowe Online,Muqdisho

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

Whoelse would do other than the misguided and brainwashed Alshabaabs

A misguided and brainwashed dabodhilif?

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Muqdisho: Weerar bam gacmeed oo caawa lagu qaaday Shineemo lagu daawado Aflaamta


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)-Caawa fiidnimadii ayaa weerar Bambaano ah lagu qaaday Shineemo Afrika oo ku taala Degmada Xamar Jajab, xili dhalinyaro fara badan ay daawanayeen Filim Hindi ah, waxaana halkaasi ku naf waayay mid ka mid ah daawadayaasha shineemada Afar kalena waa ay ku dhaawacmeen.


Qaraxaasi bambaano ee lagu weeraray Shineemada ayaa kooxihii geysatay ay ka baxsadeen goobta iyadoo aysan jirin cid sheegatay weerarkaasi bambaano, sidoo kalena cid loo qabtay aysan jirin, waxaana goobta qaraxa uu ka dhacay durbadiiba soo gaaray ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda KMG oo mudo kooban ku sugnaa halkaasi.


Dhalinyaradii daawaneysay Shineemada ayaa markii uu qaraxaasi dhacay kadib kala cararay waxaana isla markiiba la xeray Shineemada.


Arintan oo ah mid aan ku cusbeyn shacabka Soomaaliyeed, waxaana horay sidaan oo kale loo qarxiyay Shineemo ku taala xaafadda Siinaay ee magaalada Muqdisho, xiligaasi oo lagu daawanayey ciyaaro, iyadoo Milkiilayaasha Shineemooyinka mar walba ay helaan digniino ugu imaanaya kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dowladda oo ku wargeliya in aan la furi karin shineemooyinka.




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lol@koora. Don't mind castro, nin caadi ah maaha.


Where is Kasha? Care to comment? After all hal geeri, labo geeri, or 100 geeris are all worthy of a mention. Geeri is geeri.


This past weekend, while you were enjoying a good film at the comfort of your own couch or at the theater(depends if u have your own home theater), your brothers and sisters in islam bambo ayaa la dhaxdhigayay by none other than your idols.


How do you justify these types of attacks? Will you quote a verse or two for me? pretty please?

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Many wounded in Somalia cinema bombing

22 Jun 22, 2008 - 6:04:25 PM


BAIDOA, Somalia June 22 (Garowe Online) - Ten people were wounded Sunday in southwestern Somalia when a bomb exploded inside a movie theater for the second time in two nights, Radio Garowe reported.


Somali police in the town of Baidoa, where the country's parliament sits, have not yet apprehended any suspects in connection with the bombing.


But Baidoa residents said extra police units were deployed across the town tonight, with security at checkpoints tightened.



This man was wounded at Mogadishu cinema bombing/GO

A cinemagoer who escaped unhurt told Radio Garowe that they were watching a European soccer match when the explosion tore through the cinema.


In an unrelated incident, one person was killed and four others wounded when a bomb exploded yesterday inside a cinema in Mogadishu, the Somali capital.


No group has claimed responsibility for the bombings, but Islamist-linked groups have spread out flyers warning cinemagoers about possible attacks.


In 2006, when the Islamic Courts ruled much of Somalia, Islamist gunmen forcefully shut down cinemas where Somalis watched World Cup soccer games and Indian films, under the pretext that such viewing is un-Islamic.

Source: Garowe Online

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