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Nationalist elements of the ARS support Sheik Hassen Dahir Aweys

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This is no mean feat. It is not Alshabab and Indhacadde who are speaking out now. Renown Somali nationalists like Jama Mohamed Qaalib (the deputy chairman of the ARS) and Zakaria Mohamed Haji Abdi are supporting the indefatigable Sheikh Hassen. Xaqu wuu dilaacaa!!!


Read the story from the VOA.


Somali Opposition Splits Amid Conflict Alisha Ryu


29 May 2008


Divisions within Somalia's Eritrea-based opposition group have turned into an open conflict amid reports the faction headed by hard-line Islamist leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys is seeking to remove moderate Islamist Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed as chairman. Aweys supporters say the move is in response to Ahmed's acceptance of U.N. efforts to initiate peace talks with Somalia's Ethiopia-backed interim government. VOA correspondent Alisha Ryu has the story from our East Africa Bureau in Nairobi.


The deputy chairman of the Islamist-led opposition Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia, also known as ARS, tells VOA that he and many others in the group are supporting Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys' call to replace the current chairman.


The deputy, Jama'a Mohamed Khalib, says Chairman Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed crossed the line when he sent a delegation to Djibouti earlier this month to participate in the U.N.-mediated peace talks, even though Ethiopia, which many Somalis view as an occupying power, has not withdrawn its troops from Somalia.


The pullout of Ethiopian troops had long been a key ARS condition for the start of any talks with Somalia's secular transitional federal government, which took power from the Islamists in late 2006 after a U.S.-supported Ethiopian military intervention.


Khalib says Ahmed had no right to begin negotiating openly without first forcing the Ethiopians to leave Somalia. Khalib says the opposition general assembly - made up of Islamists, former parliament members and members of the Somali diaspora - will vote on June 15 to remove Ahmed from his post.


Meanwhile, Ahmed and the leader of the ARS general assembly, Sharif Hassan Sheik Adan, are in Yemen, reportedly receiving advice from senior Yemeni officials about how best to proceed toward direct negotiations with the Somali government.


Ahmed declined to speak to VOA about the growing rift within ARS, but earlier this week, Ahmed accused Eritrea of meddling in the group's affairs.


The two top Islamists in ARS, Ahmed and Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, had an uneasy alliance in the Islamic Courts Union before the movement was ousted after six months in power. The men fled to Eritrea, where they established the opposition group last September. From Asmara, the ARS has led a bloody 16-month, anti-Ethiopian, anti-government insurgency that has killed thousands of people and has displaced more than one million others.


African-analyst Richard Cornwell at South Africa's Institute for Security Studies says he believes it is likely Eritrea is backing Aweys because Asmara, too, opposes any moves to reach a deal with a government backed by Eritrea's bitter rival in the Horn, Ethiopia.


"Eritrea has absolutely no interest in there being a reconciliation between the ARS and the TFG [transitional federal government]. None. The longer it can keep Somalia boiling, the more they like it," said Cornwell.


The temporary chairman of ARS and an ally of Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, Zakaria Mohamed Haji Abdi, says it is not Eritrea, but the United States and the United Nations that are causing trouble in the region.


"They are trying to divide us," said Abdi. "Whoever accuses Eritrea for interfering in the alliance is lying. It is the only country who supports us in our struggle to re-liberate our country."


Somali media is reporting that Ahmed has moved his faction of the alliance to Djibouti and has no plans to return to Asmara.


It is unclear how the split in the ARS will affect the peace talks, which are due to resume on Saturday.

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Shiekh Sharif, I am afraid, achieved naught but to cause a small melee of discord among the party he sought to represent. He neither had the capacity to deal on behalf of the armed resistance in Somalia, who altogether labeled the group in Eritrea as "cilmaani" nor does he now enjoy the legitimacy to represent the teeth-less Alliance in Eritrea.


Bal maxaa daarayay Shiiqa?


The Bush administration is essentially a lame-duck administration. Wasting time on Somalia is the least of their worries and the U.N moves not a finger towards "terrorist" hot spots, which the naming of Al Shabaab as a terrorist group was supposed to garner for Somalia. The Shiiq must understand the lines are drawn internally and he seemed to have criscrossed on a very pivotal point; addressing negotiation with the presence of Ethiopian troops in Somali Republic soil. What was he thinking? Even the TFG's mandate is coming close to an end and will not even have the wretched symbolic legitimacy it holds now.


Yaa laga dhaadhacsiiyey ayuu la heshiin?

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

This is no mean feat. It is not Alshabab and Indhacadde who are speaking out now. Renown Somali nationalists like Jama Mohamed Qaalib (the deputy chairman of the ARS) and Zakaria Mohamed Haji Abdi are supporting the indefatigable Sheikh Hassen. Xaqu wuu dilaacaa!!!

Indeed xaqu wu dilaaci - but tell me something - Zakariya is from Dhumoodle and Ethiopians are stationed - and Qaliib is from Hargeysa, where are today celebrating the anniversary of their revolution.

So tell me who is more concerned with the dying and destitute people in Xamar Sheikh Sharif or these two.

Hassan Dahir Aweys has a genuine case to argue but his contradictory will be pointless if Sheikh Sharif manages to bring about a peaceful change in this corner of Somalia, and succeds in his negotiation for the withdrawaql of Ethiopian troops and their replacement by UN troops.

That is the bottom line if Sharif wins in his negotiations and attains the sovereignty and dignity of the Somali people he is and will be the undisputed leader of the Isbaheysiga.

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A & T, Zakariyee waa warlord tabar yar, always has been. Asaga iyo ina caydiid ba macno badan ma laha runtii...


Gen. Ghalib has a great character, and if Jabbuuti talks succeed he will come around and will imbrace the peace agreement,


Sh. Hassan Dahir is in many ways a true tragic hero, and there is an international regime that's unfairly targeted him and intentionally worked to isolate him. He may not play the role he deserves to play, but as millions of somalis he will sure enjoy if a peace agreement is struck as we hope it will be.

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Juju sxb xamaasad qabiil ayaa kugu dheehan. Adigu Al Shabaabna taageero uma haysid, qoloda Dahir Aweys ee Asmarana umaad ahayn. Quwad aan qolyaha ahayn miyaa ka jira Xamar ama Benaadir, haday ka jiraane waayo?


Teeda kale adeer Xamar waa caasimada Soomaaliyeed, mar un muda yar ahayd ayaa lagu kala tagay waana tii 1991. Teer iyo waqtigaane bulshaweynti Soomaaliyeed ayaa kusoo laabanayse.


Adigoo aabahaa Hobyo ku aasanyahay degnaana Xamar waxaan dhawr sanadood ka badnayn intaan qaxii la gelin, side ayaad Xamar uga xigsanaysaa Zakariye ama Qaalib ama rag kaloo cimrigoodi ku dhamayste meesha iyada ah?



p.s. Dee hadalkeyga xumaan hau qaadin, waad ogtahay inaan xumaan ka wadin. smile.gif

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

p.s. Dee hadalkeyga xumaan hau qaadin, waad ogtahay inaan xumaan ka wadin.

Horta Asalama Caleykum HA - salaan kadiib hadalkada waa xuman aan geed lagu so gamban. Hadu rayiigada wax iska bedelayo xudunteyda waxay ku dugan tahey Xamar Jajab.

But that is beside the point. I dont Zakariya , as for Qaliib I dont doubt his Xamarawism and anyone who grew up within the vicinity of Shinemo Nasser will know him.When Zakariya on one side campaigns for funds to extend the education facilities in Dhumoodle and on other hand preaches for the fight to continue in Xamar I smell a great big hypocrisy if not a calculated cunning in here.

Yes you are right - Xamar ciid walba ayey ka dhaxeysa lakiin hada ciid walba lagu gumadimayo - therefore when Sheikh Sharif and Odayasha Beelaha are in Djibouti in seek of means to bring an end to this massacre those who shout by the sidelines have a different Agenda.

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@ Juje,You could have chosen a better argument against these men rather than accusing them of double standards based on their home towns! If being from a particular home was equivalent to being caring and compassionate, then many Xamar Warlords and their supporters would be opposing the Ethiopians and building hospitals!


Sheikh Shariff seems to be taking a very big risk which could either bring peace( as some say) or it could........ we will see waxay keenaan!

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Originally posted by Juje:

salaan kadiib hadalkada waa xuman aan geed lagu so gamban.

Walle inaadan reer Mudug ahayn Juujoow, haatan ayaad i ogeysiisay haduu alahay alle yahay. :D:D


Ka bood, adeer kolay anigu ku oran maayo Zakariye iyo Qaalib qabiil baad u kala saartay waayo anigu ma oran karo been ayaad ka sheegeysaa maadama aan war ka hayn Zakariya waxuu bulshadiisa u qabtay ama uqaban. Laakin adeer anigu waxaan rabaa inaan ku ogeysiiyo Xamar waa caasimada Soomaaliyeed, gobolne kama mid ahan, beelna kuma magac leh, cidii Soomaali ah oo danta guud ee Soomaaliyeed doonaysa inay ka hadasho ayaa ka hadli karayso cid ka xigto aad adigu ugu horaysidne majirto Juujow.


Xamaasad qabiil oo runtii fool xun (inkastaan laftigeygu tani kugu qabin karin maadama ay bahashu nawada galaaftay) intaad lasoo boodi lahayd ina adeer waxaa ka fiican inaad tiraahdo kala aragti siyaasadeed ayaan leenahay. Meeqa kula qabiil ah ayaa la jaan ah siyaasada Zakariye laga bilaabo Hassan Dahir Aweys iyo Cayroowgi Dhuusa-mareeb looga dabo taagay. Marka sxb arintaanu intaad dhan qabiil u rogi lahayd waxaa ka haboon inaad siyaasad ku ekeysiisid maadama ay tahay waxaad ragaas ku kala tagteen, aadana ka dhigan qabiil iyo kani baa reerkiisa meesha degin danta bulshadana cuskan maayo. Aad baa looga fiicanyahay fikradaas oo kale. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire:

Sheikh Shariff seems to be taking a very big risk which could either bring peace( as some say) or it could........ we will see waxay keenaan!

You got it yaa Geelka! Risk taking is the hallmark of leadership. Leadership, simply put, is the ability to take a calculated risk, lead toward a vision, and influence others.


A change is coming to Somali politics. Some will resist it. Some will embrace it. The day when Somali leaders of a very different background work together to gradually revive Somalia, and roll back Ethiopia’s influence is not far away. Strategies that worked yesterday for some may not be viable any more.


So yes Sharif is taking a big risk here. And success in not a sure thing! But what is the alternative yaa Jammaacah? Continue the course?


I guess not!

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Xiin is right, the Sharif must be supported and if this risk pays off he will be our new unifying national leader.


Lets compromise and put the guns away.

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^Saaxib, they are lost thatd why they bring forth old insignifact names, who knowd Zakirya ho? or cares Jamac Qaalib, Shariifka is gone from the group forever thus the aim is to underestimate his influence by naming names...


The whole UIC was nothing had it not been for Shariif Ahmed's popularity, now they want to downplay the role he played in the UIC... but who cares, the whole world and most of the Somali people know that Shariif Ahmed represents the face and body of the all the opposition groups and he's willing to negotiate.... Waxaa rabtiin magacaaba, waa useless

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Waan ku taagersanahay. Laakiin, General Duke iyo dadkan kale ee baroorta kugu darsanaya, Isku xanaaq ma nihine inoo kala duwa oohinta ku dheh!!


Anigu koley Shariifka waan ka war sugi. Wax badanna Ethiopian iyo Eritreanka Dabeecadooda waan ka aqaan. I have no doubt they will undermine his genuine peace efforts.


Zakariye wuxuu ahaan jirayba, he has taken the right course in the last two years. Qofka in waa wuxuu ahaa lala dabasocdo ma haboona!



I don't think you have any bad intentions in your comment. But you must know any Somali can speak about the plight of the other Somali whether he comes from there or not. I have not lived in Somalia, but Allah is my witness, what happened in Muqdisho in the last two years got me grey hair. If someone implies those from a given clan will necessarily more concerned of the plight of their community, Gacmadheere and Mohamed Dheere are living examples to disprove that assertion.

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