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Topsy Turvy! UN pulling out of area controlled by ICU? Why?

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Topsy Turvy! UN pulling out of area controlled by ICU? Why?


Is that an indication that the ICUs are able to take care of UN's role in areas under its control? Or is it because ICU controlled areas are no more safe for their personnel?


Some one tell me! Wasn't UN operating in Somalia while the shameless warlords were conducting their street and house to house fight in Mogadisho?


Why is the world so ****** and unable to hear the hear beats of the majority of the peace loving Somalis .. with the exception of the sold out Baidoa politicians?


Why is the world so f***ing cruel to my Somali brothers and sisters? Why are they listening to the shameless mercenaries under TFG?


May Allah hear your innocent prayers my Somali compatriots.


Peace to a unified and tomorrow's mightier Somalia.

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erselam ...... wallahi thats what tryin figur out. i been to xaamar in the warlord era , day in day out there was scrimmish between milites, and you would see U.N workers with heavly guarded driving around cit ironicly, i think they missid that. decieving the somali people they dont want in laala xiisaabtmo . Its all to make Icu weak in the international world , to attract ethiopian troops. wallahi i can say if today icu states they have no issue with igad peace keeper they will not come or they will provok icu and somali people into war. Hate and agression againsts muslim uma will only brings reality and unity among the people , dont worry inshallah somali will survive

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Originally posted by bambo:

erselam ...... wallahi thats what tryin figur out. i dont worry inshallah somali will survive

I am with you brother. inshallah!

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