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Can be prepared up to 20 years ahead.






1 hard-skinned, but flabby (preferably pot-bellied) hubby

1 comfortable sofa

1 TV

1 sporting event




1 TV remote control

6 pack of beer

1 packet chips (crisps)

1 quart of chip dip, garlic optional

1 family size pizza

1 large serve nachos

1 large Italian hoagie

1 weekend beard

15 years patience

Lifetime of loving care

1 ounce of resignation




Cram one thick-skinned hubby into a well-worn, greased and comfortable sofa.


Leave to ferment (probably will take length of one sport show).


Remove from family room, and bring to kitchen to finish filling.


Mix TV remote control, chip packet, pizza, hotdogs, nachos and cheese sandwich on a large tray.


Add six pack of beer (slowly to avoid excess gas), bind with a lot of patience, loving care and resignation.


Be careful to place hubby and filling carefully back in front of the TV so as not to disturb the view of the screen, step aside quickly.


Allow numerous clicks on TV remote control to gain complete cable access to NFL Football, NASCAR, or any WWF event.


Leave to solidify indefinitely.


If excess gas should develop, poke bellybutton gently, run and open windows.


Allow to ferment for another two hours.


After fermentation period is over, knead gently. Roll, flip, smack and burp again.


Bake in hot bedroom for approximately 20 minutes or until ZZZZ's occur.

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