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Sharif Shiekh Ahmed isolated, alone and irrelevent.. according to a supporter

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Waa ayo Sheekh Shariif Maanta?!!!



Qalinka runta 2007


Waxaa loogu yeeri jiray "Amiirka muminiinta" [oh],waxaa kale oo uu ahaa Gudoomiyaha gudiga fulinta ee Maxkamadaha Islaamkii la barakiciyay balse maanta waa dibad joog siyaasadeed ee wali loo magacaabayo xilal aan la garaneyn waxa uu ku fulin doono iyo goobta uu ku heysan doona.


Sheekh Shariif oo ay dad badani ku qadiriyaan hadalo siyaasadeed degan marka wareeysiyada uu bixinayo waxaa la isweydiinayaa maanta wax ku oolnima siyaasadeed ee uu ku soo kordhin karo dhibaatada murugsan ee dalka Soomaaliya.


Shariifka waa qof magan ku nool ee aan ku sugneyn dalka gudahiisa islamarkaana dad badani ay aaminsan yihiin inaanu wax tar siyaasadeed ka geysan Karin dalka islamarkaana aanu lahayn awood gorgortan siyaasad ee lagula qeybsan karo awooda maadama wax uu gacanta ku hayaa aysan jirin.


Hadaba Shariifku ma wuxuu sameeyn doonaa duulaan melleteri oo balaaran?? oo u heli doono cudud dagaal mise waxaa uu sameyn karaa kacdoon shacbi ee uu taageero uga helo dadweynaha Soomaaliyed mise wuxuu qaadan doonaa masuuliyada bamba gacmeedyo la tuuray iyo miinooyin todobaadkiiba mar la dhigo,lana rumaysan yahay inaysan wax isbedel siyaasadeed keeni doonin. ???


Qormadan loolama jeedo in lagu waxyeeleeyo Shariifka oo lagu buunbuuniyo maamulka ay shisheeyahu gacanta ku hayaan ee ka jira Muqdisho balse waxaa la doonayaa inay fahmaan dadka rajada buuran ka qaba isbedel uu Shariif Sheekh Axmed keeno,inay yihiin qaar ka fog xaqiiqada.


Kaalinka uu lahaa Shariifka waxaa uu dhamaaday markii lagala wareegay gacan ku heynta Muqdisho maadama uu curin kari waayay hanaan siyaasadeed ee u hiiliya dib u heshiisiin xilligii uu hayay hogaanka Maxkamadihii Islaamka oo ay u furneed wada hadalo ay la galaan dowlada tabarta yar ee Meel ku gaarka oo markaa ku aruursaneed Magaalada Baydhabo laakiinse taasi isaga dhaliil kuma lahan maxaa yeelay wuxuu dad badani ula muuqday boor aan awood badan lahayn oo ay isteerinka u hayeen,Aadan Xaashi Cayroow,Abuu Maansuur ,Ibrahim Xaaji Jaamac Meecaad,Sheekh Mukhtaar iyo Sheekh Mukhtaar Rooboow.


Shariifka waxaa kale oo uu ku guuldareystay inuu mideeyo garabyada kala duwan ee ka jiray Maxaakiimta gudaheeda si markaa loo helo isfaham siyaasadeed oo ay la yeelan kareeen wixii ka baxsan Maxaakiimta,sida bulshada rayidka,aqoonyahanada iyo dowladii jirtay markaa oo ugu yaraan heysatay aqoonsiga caalamka ee dalka Soomaaliya.


Shariifku haatan malaha awood siyaasadeed,dalkana kuma lahan taageero weyn oo dhinaca beeshiisa maadama beesha uu ka dhashay ay taageersan yihiin Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo Cali Mahdi Maxamed oo labaduba aan ogolayn wax ku oolnimada Maxaakiimta Islaamka.


Sidoo kale waxaa iyadana Shariifka dhib weyn ku ah xoghayahiisa cusub ee gaashaandhiga Yusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indhacadde iyo Kaaliye Sheekh Mukhtaar Rooboow Abuu Maansuur oo midkoodna ka amar qaadan.horena la rumaysan yahay inay u fashiliyeen hadiiba uu guula siyaasadeed ka gaari lahaa,toowradii soo martay bilaha kooban ee rajada nabadeed xambaarsaneed.


Sida la rumaysan yahay Shariifka Waxaa iyadana dib u dhac weyn ku ah dhaq dhaqaaqa Shabaabka ee ka dagaalama Muqdisho oo iska fogeeyay siyaasadiisa islamarkaana ku tilmaamay hoowlgaladiisa siyaasadeed mid Cilmaaniya oo aan wax tar weyn ku kordhineyn halganka mar hadeysan ku saleysneyn hergelinta Shareecada Islaamka,waa sida ay hadalk u dhigaane.




Ugu dambeyntii Sheekh Shariif oo magaciisu siweyn inoo soo maray sanadkii aanu soo dhaafnay lix bilood oo ka mida xilli uu cimaamad iyo macaawis watay,hada oo uu qaatay Suite ama isku joog qaaliya oo siyaasiyinta lagu yaqaan ,wuxuu u muuqdaa mid ku dami doona Dalka Ereteriya oo isagaba ku jira godoon siyaasadeed oo Caalamiya.sida ay qabaan labada Shabaab ee Islaamiyiinta iyo Masiixiyiinta Soomaaliya ku wada sugan ee bam gareynta iyo qalalaasaha astaanta looga dhigay.maxaa yeelay Shabaabka Aadan Xaashi Cayroow iyo Fu-aad Shongole fikirkooda waa mid liiska Cilmaaniyiinta ku daray Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.

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I remmeber the article written by Hosh, in which he highlighted the fact that the Asmara group were made up of..


leading personalities of the Asmara group are
notoriously deficient in the trust department
in that they have in the past been known to betray their political colleagues, and also renege on their promises: At least two leading personalities in this group betrayed friends and colleagues both in Arta and also in the TFG; Another is a notorious back stabber even if one does not take his emotional instability into account; The former Speaker,
Sharif Hassan
does not need any elaboration as he is remembered for betraying the TFG and the Somali public in favor of his criminal business partners in Mogadishu as well as his personal pecuniary interests;
Yusuf Dheeg
was the Ethiopian spy master inside the cabinet of the Arta regime in 2001 and his handler was the late Ethiopian Ambassador Abdulmajid; The good Shiekh,
Shiekh Sharif Ahmed was on the phone with the Americans and plausibly the Ethiopians in December 2006
while his brainwashed, forcefully conscripted child-soldier Mujahiddiin were being annihilated by the Ethiopian killing machine, a machine he personally provoked to engage in combat. Would one buy a used car from any member of this lot, let alone negotiate with? Not likely!

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"If the TFG negotiates with this rebel group, it would set a uniquely immoral precedent by rewarding bad behavior”
. I concur with him. Why negotiate with a non-entity that cannot deliver the goods that the TFG wants to trade with, namely, Peace and stability.

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The opposition to the TFG is a motley group. It includes an increasingly violence-prone congregation of religious extremists within the now defunct Union Islamic Courts known by their Arabic moniker: "al-Shabaab" and their diehard neo-clanist allies. Both factions have demonstrated certain disdain for pursuing peaceful, negotiated settlement of political differences. Even if they come to the realization that Somalia's central government is—as all indications would suggest—on its way to success, neither group would be satisfied to go along with the new dispensation until and unless one of their numbers—an exchangeable cadre—is at the helm.

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The Hizbul Shabaab is only very tenuously linked to the UIC, and none of their top leaders have seats in the Asmara group.


Adan Ayro and Mukhtar Robow lead the Hizbul Shabaab.


Hassan Turki leads a seperate organization, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, which is essentially al-Qaeda in Somalia.


The UIC forces are led by Mohamed Bilal and Indha'adde.


They were sort of disagreeing on principles when the Ethiopians invaded, and have now each essentially taken a different path. Ayro and Robow do not agree with Sharif Ahmad's consensus driven policy, and Hassan Turki wants Somalia to be like Afghanistan, full of foreign Mujahids.

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Hassan Turki wants Somalia to be like Afghanistan, full of foreign Mujahids.

^So the Tigreys in Mogadishu massacring somali children adn raping our women are not Foreigners eh? They are our african brothers and neighbours haye? They are doing a favor by saving us from the Crazy wadaads right? :confused: :mad:

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I wasn't implying anything my friend, relax. I was just pointing out differences in policy. Bringing in "foreign Mujahids" was opposed by the UIC on political grounds, not because they couldn't have helped. The UIC consistently wanted to at least appear to be entirely a grassroots Somali organization, and bringing in foreign fighters gives their adversaries reasons to criticize them.


Sharif Ahmad's consensus driven approach was discredited in July 2006 because it wasn't getting anywhere, and Aweys switched policy to a more aggressive stance.


It will be up to history to decide which was the correct and incorrect path.

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Originally posted by Armchair Politician:

Sharif Ahmad's consensus driven approach was discredited in July 2006 because it wasn't getting anywhere, and Aweys switched policy to a more aggressive stance.

It will be up to history to decide which was the correct and incorrect path.

Well history has already spoken and proved that Sharif was/is right at the same time facts prove is a little pawn within the Islamic Courts and that they are dominated by hard line militants. Sheikh Aweys needs to be firm in here and give the moderates a chance and stamp out the militants ( that is if he can). We will see , at present stage they cannot mount any serious challenge to the TFG and its masters Ethiopians in World political Arena cause the ICU have been marked out as 'international terrrorists' and rather than fighting to prove that wrong they seem to be indulging it.

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