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Security minister Omar Hashi attacked after coming back from Ethiopia into Hiiraan

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Wasiirka Amaanka Qaranka Somalia Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan oo lagu weeraray Deegaanka Mustaxiil ee soonka 5-aad ee Soomaalida Itoobiya



Mogadishu Friday, 29 May 2009 SMC


Wararka naga soo gaaray Deegaanka Mustaxiil ee Soonka 5-aad ee Soomaalida Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in weerar lagu qaaday wasiirka amaanka Qaranka Somaaliya Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan isagoo doonayay inuu kaga soo gudbo Gobolka Hiiraan.


Lama oga cidda ka dambeysa weerarkiisa ayaa haddana wararku waxay sheegayaan in khasaare dhimasho iyo mid dhaawac loo geystay ilaaladiisii qaaska ahayd, iyadoo aan la garanayn khasaaraha wasiirka gaaray, waxaana la sheegayaa in ciidamada Itoobiya ay halkaasi gaareen.


Col. Cumar Xaashi oo todobaadyadii ugu dambeeyay ku sugnaa dalka Itoobiya ayaa la sheegay inuu deegaanka Godey ee Ismaamulka Soomaalida ku soo gaaray diyaarad gaar ah, dabadeedna uu halkaas kasoo bilaabay inuu dhulka soo maro, isagoo ku soo socda Magaalada B/Weyne ee Gobolka Hiiraan.


Wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in Saraakiil ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya ay cadeeyeen in qorshaha wasiirku uu ahaa inuu dhinaca dhulka ku tago degmada Baladweyne ee Gobolka Hiiraan.


Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”

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General Do you remember how Xaashi was speaking from Xarunta Xisbiga in Muodishu and declared the former president committed khiyaano qaran when he visited Mustaxiil. I see he didnt get a rosy welcome huh.... Loool This just shows almost all of the so called politicians from a specific clan resisted Yey because he was from one specific clan but when they're one gets the top post all the so called khiyaano qarans become legitimate :D:D

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^^^It was all so simple then. Now they dont know what to do. Also their "resistance" was on the media and organising protests. The fighting was done by others. They took the credit. the problem for Hashi, Ahmed Diiriye & Sharif Ahmed is the men who did the hard labor neevr left and are now taking what they see as theirs the power of the south.

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BELETWEIN, Somalia May 28 (Garowe Online) - Somalia's security minister was attacked as he traveled by road from Ethiopia on his way home by suspected insurgents, Radio Garowe reports Thursday.


Col. Omar Hashi, who has been in Ethiopia alongside Somali Finance Minister Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden in recent days, landed at the airport in the Ethiopian city of Godey and reportedly traveled by road towards Hiran region, in central Somalia where he hails from, sources said.



Col. Omar Hashi, Somali Minister of Security

The number of casualties could not be confirmed independently, but the sources said the Security Minister's vehicle convoy was attacked in Mustahil district of eastern Ethiopia and that there were unconfirmed reports of death and wounded persons.


Mr. Hashi is reportedly safe, but his whereabouts remain unclear.


No group has claimed responsibility for this attack, but Islamist rebels waging war against Somalia's U.N.-backed interim government have regularly targeted government officials and their allies.


Security Minister Hashi has been an outspoken critic of Al Shabaab, accusing the rebel faction of having 'foreign fighters' among their ranks. Al Shabaab commanders have since confirmed his allegations.


Al Shabaab guerrillas have fought pitched battles in parts of Hiran region this month as they attempt to overthrow the pro-government Islamic Courts Union (ICU) militia that controls Beletwein, the provincial capital of Hiran.


Somali government officials in the capital Mogadishu have not commented on this story.


Source: Garowe Online

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The new unholly alliance---



Maleeshiyooyin Farabadan oo lagu Aruurinayo Feerfeer

By Somalimirror on 29 May, 2009 2:24 PM in Main, Wararka


Maleeshiyooyin aad u farabadan oo laga kala aruuriyay Gobollada Hiiraan iyo Galguduud qaar ka mid ahna ay tababarro u soo xirmeen ayaa la’isugu geeyay Deegaanka Feerfeeer ee Dhulka Soomaali galkbeeg ee ay gumaysato Itoobiya.




Maleeshiyaadkan oo boqolaal kor u dhaafaya ayaa intooda badan wuxuu tababar ugu soo xirmay xero ku taalla duleedka Mustaxiil waxaana tababar iyo qalabaynba u sameeyay Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan Gobolka Godey ee dhulka la gumaysto.




Maleeshiyooyinkan oo ay weheliyaan Saraakiil iyo ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa waxay hadda si wada jir ah ugu wada sugan yihiin Deegaanka Feerfeer oo kaabiga ku haysa Gobolka Hiiraan waxaana deegaanka Kalabayr dib uga laabtay Maleeshiyooyinkii uu horkacayay Aadan Garaase ee la socday ciidamada Itoobiyaanka oo wali ayagu ku sugan Deegaankaas.




Waxaa sidoo kale jira warar lagu kalsoonaan karo oo sheegaya in Madax iyo Saraakiil ka tirsan DKMG ah ay ku sugan yihiin Degmada Godey ee dhulka ay gumaysato Itoobiya kuwaas la sheegay in ay halkaa u tageen abaabulka Maleeshiyooyinkan iyo taakulooyin kale oo ay Itoobiya ku taageerayso Dawladda.




Maleeshiyooyinkan lagu abaabulayo Deegaanka Feerfeer ayaa la sheegay in ay ka mid noqon doonaan Ciidamada DKMG ah waxayna isugu jiraan ciidamadii hore ee Maamulkii Gobolka Hiiraan ee laga qabsaday Gobolka, maleeshiyooyinka isku magacaabay Ahlu-sunna Waljamaaca iyo kuwo cusub oo hadda la aruuriyay waxayna wararku tibaaxayaan in ay ku wajahan yihiin Gobolka Hiiraan iyo Galguduud si ay halkaa ugula dagaalamaan Xoogagga ka soo horjeeda DKMG ah ee Alshabaab iyo Al-Xisbul-Islaami.

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