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Mustafe Cabdi Ciisse’s head is on the plate!!!

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What JB doesn’t want you to know!!


Will the criminal SNM gang order the slaughter of SOLJA’s Mustafe Cabdi Ciisse in Hargeisa’s riverbed? As this piece of news from indicates Mr. Ciise has agreed to dismantle his entity and incorporate his operations with Ururka Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliya (National Union of Somali Journalists). To gage the magnitude of the seriousness of the news, you have to remember the owner of the source is the odd personality from Mogadishu that seems to have peculiar sympathy for Faisal Warabi’s impossible dream for dismembering the Somali Republic.


Mr. Mustafe Cabdi Ciisse is the middle pillar (udub dhexaadka) of the propaganda network of Riyaale’s SNM gang in the body frame of a daily, the so called Maandeeq. But, he seems to be waking up from the Rip Van Winkle's dream and start re-smelling the reality of the Somali unity.


Here is the piece. Good lucky with the Somali.


Gudoomiyaha Suxufiyiinta Somaliland ee Solja oo shaaciyay inay la mantaan noqdeen Urur Suxufiyiin Qaran Soomaaliyeed!! Maxaa iska bedelay qadiyadii dalkaas.


Hargeysa , Isniin, August , 06 , 2007

Gudoomiyaha Ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland ee SOLJA Mustafe Cabdi Ciisse oo loo yaqaan Shiine,ahna Gudoomiyaha xilligaan ee Wargeyska ku hadla Afka Xukumadda Somaliland ee Maandeeq ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka soo muuqday shaashada telefishinka Universal ee Caalamka oo dhan ay ka daawadaan Shacabka ku hadlo Af Soomaaliga .

Gudoomiye Mustafe Shiine oo uu ag fadhiyay nin dhalinyaro ah oo sheeganayay inuu yahay Xoghayaha Ururka Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ,ayaa ku dhawaaqay in Ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland metela ee SOLJA uu la mantaan noqday Ururka Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliya kadib markii Ururka Suxufiyiinta Aduunka ee IFJ sheegay inuusan aqoonsaneyn Somaliland oo aqoonsan yahay Somalia,uuna wada shaqeyn la yeelan karo urur kasta oo hoosa taga urur ay aqoonsan yihiin oo lagu magacaabo National Union of Somali Journalists “ Ururka Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliya”

“ Ururka Suxufiyiinta aduunka ee IFJ waxay noo sheegeen inay dal walba ka aqoonsan yihiin hal urur sidaas daraadeedna maadama aysan aqoonsaneyn Somaliland ay Soomaaliya ka aqoonsan yihiin NUSOJ oo ah ururka kaliya ee metela Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliya ee aanu deriska nahay,sidaas daraadeed ,waxaan laga bilaabo maanta Urur ahaan la mantaan noqonay Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliya”ayuu yiri Gudoomiyaha Somaliland Journalists Associated { SOLJA}ninka lagu magacaabo Mustafe Cabdi Ciisse ,oo dhinaca kale qaab la mida guulwadayaashii Kacaankii Maxamed Siyaad Barre u difaacayay warar ay qoreen Wargeysyadda Somaliland oo lagu sheegay in urur metelaya Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Somaliya,sharci ahaana hoos taga Wasaaradda Warfaafinta ee DFKMG ay seminaaro iyo tababaro ku qabanayaan Hargeysa.

Mustafe Shiine oo ay hadalkiisa ka caroodeen xubno badan oo ka tirsan ururka uu Gudoomiyaha ka yahay ee SOLJA wuxuu aflagaadeeyay Warbaahintii faafisay in ururkaas uu hoostago Wasaaradda Dowlada Cabdilahi Yusuf,wuxuuna ku sifeeyay kuwa aan Saxaafad waxba ka aqoon oo iska sheegta.

Hadalka Mustafe Shiine ayaa wuxuu shaki badan geliyay Shacabka Somalia iyo Somaliland waxayna badankood qabaan in qadiyadii Somaliland ee madaxbanaanideeda wax iska bedeleen oo ay ka soo dabacday moowqifkii ay taagneed 16-ka sano maadama Gudoomiyaha Suxufiyiintooda ,ahna Tifaftiraha iyo Gudoomiyaha Wargeyska codka dowlada ku hadlo ee Maandeeq uu Warbaahinta ka sheegay inay hoos tageen Qaranka Soomaaliya urur metelaya oo wato magac ahaan.

“Somaliland hadii ay aqoonsato ama mantaan la noqoto urur wata magac Qaran Soomaaliyeed waxay u macna tahay inay aqoonsan tahay dowlada federalka ,waayoo Qaran kale Soomaaliya kama jiro,Dowlada Mbaghati ma aqoonsana Somaliland sidaas daraadeed ma jirto sabab Somaliland ku aqoonsan karto Dowlad ka jirta Soomaaliya,wuxuuna ururkaas la mid yahay shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya”sidaas waxaa ku waramay Suxufi ka tirsan Wariyaasha ugu da’da wayn Soomaaliland.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee,Xukumada Somaliland ayaan wax wara ka soo saarin heshiiska la yaabka leh ee Somaliland Journalists Association ay ku hoos tageen ama isugu lamaaniyeen National Union Of Somali Journalists.

Khudbada Mustafe Shiine oo muuqaal ah ka daawo Universal kadibna ka soo dhiibo fikirkaada ,wixii kaaga soo baxo nuxurka hadalkiisa

Mohamed Omar Hassan


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Nayruus always so disparate to advocate for a dead cause. "Horaa loo yiri nin daad qaaday xumbo cuskay" hadda ma sheekadan ayaad miciin biday? May Allha show you the right way that you join your fellow Somaliland citizens and build the nation.

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Originally posted by Caravaggio:

Nayruus.....Waagacusub ma ahoo da same people claimed askari Amxaar shan mar madaxa iska toogtay.

:D:D:D:D ......



Nayruus, For your information:


I've just called Mustafe and the whole thing is a comeplete and nake lie ........


Now what do you say ???


hubsiino hal baa la siistaa ......

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JB, it is nice to know Mr. Mustafe is still alive. Thank ALLAh; it is His command that this changed and contrite journalist hasn’t yet been slaughtered in Hargeisa riverbed. You and I will never know what has prevented the SNM gang from misbehaving. SOL and the internet might have an impact on them. By starting this thread to indicate to the jeopardy on his life, it is possible (and you will never know as I said before), that his life is spared at least for now. I know you will refuse outright to give me that credit but do not take lightly the impact of this site on the gang. You remember my articles on Siilaanyo being blocked from visiting his constituency in Burcoa and areas for more than seven years. Right in middle of our debate, the guy was allowed to go there albeit with heavily armed escorts from the gang. I suspect you are the middleman to advice the gang on what is being said to the world about their actions and you so smartly and quickly recommend them corrective actions. ;)


But, I can not stop laughing at your simplistic logic in this case. If you want to verify the authenticity of the article why don’t you order a video copy of Mustafe Shiine’s speech from Universal as the author of the article recommends “ Khudbada Mustafe Shiine oo muuqaal ah ka daawo Universal kadibna ka soo dhiibo fikirkaada,…. ?


Boy, mercy on you…

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looooooooooool ,,, so you think you are that important ?? :D


Siilaanyo went to burco right after you posted that topic which has proven your sources are not reliable and based on wax aynaan garanayn.


Tomorrow, or may be soon Mustafe will speak up and give all the details just another slap on your face :D


I already have the khudbada mustafe shiine and i have all the details of the story ,,,, in general it is what you don't like :D

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Somaliland and Somalia's journalists sign landmark MOU - First such agreement since 1991


HARGIESA, Somaliland- The Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA) and National Union Of Somali Journalists ( NOSOJ) have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) in Somaliland for the first time and agreed to work closely together with both parties recognizing one another.

The signing of MOU is believed to be a good sign to cut through the rising tensions between Somaliland and Southern Somalia. Also included in the agreement is to allow the NOSOJ to come and hold training programs in the relative safety of Somaliland.


Mr. Mostafe Abdi Isse, SOLJA chairman at the signing ceremony noted that the signing would allow the opening up of opportunities for collaboration and professional exchanges between the two organizations.

Mr. Omer Farouq Osman, NOSOJ ‘s General secretary mentioned his delegation’s pleasure in forging a partnership with SOLJA and the warm welcome accorded to it.


“The reason why we tabled this MOU with Somaliland journalists is because they are our neighboring countries whose media have no limitations of freedom of expression and when it comes to workshops we prefer to hold them in a safe, secure and peaceful country which does not exist in Somalia”, said the general secretary.

Mr. Farouq went on to state that he truly believed that there were further opportunities of collaboration between Somalia and Somaliland journalists and urged SOLJA to join regional and international journalist bodies.

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This is a reaction to the news that the secessionist media have recognised that Somalia is one. Waagacusub...


Somaliland goormee Dowlada Mbagathi u aqoonsatay Qaran? Daawashadeydii Universal TV.

Hargeysa , Isniin, August , 06 , 2007



Telefishinka Universal ayaan ka daawaday Gudoomiyaha Suxufiyiinta Somaliland ee SOLJA Mustafe Shiine nin magaciisa ku sheegay oo ku dhawaaqay inay la mantaan noqdeen oo hoos tagaan Ururka Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed urur uu ku tilmaamay,taas oo igu abuurtay la yaab iyo fajac aan isku waydiiyay su-aalo badan.


Fajaca iyo la yaabka waxaa igu abuuray waxaa la ii sheegay
in Mustafe Shiine yahay Tifaftiraha Wargeyska ku hadlo afka Dowlada ee Maandeeq,markaa iswaydiimaheeyga waxaa ka mid ahaa,maxaa iska bedelay moowqifkii adkaa ee Somaliland xagsaneysay 16-ka sano?goormee Somaliland Dowlada Mbagathi [TFG] u aqoonsatay Qaran?wiilka sheeganaya magaca masuulka sare ee Suxufiyiinta Somaliland miyuusan akhrin oo higaadin micnaha NUSOJ.
miyuusan ogayn inay tahay National Union Of Somali Journalists!!? Hadii uu sidaa u ogyahay ma sheegashada dowlada Mbagathi ayaa saxa oo iyada ayey hoostagtaa Somaliland,su-aasheeyda ugu dambeysana waxay tahay ,wiilka wuxuu qiil ka dhigtay IFJ ayaa na tiri Somaliland ma aqoonsanin,miyuusan wadani ahayn,maxaa u diiday inuu ku jawaabo hadii aadan aqoonsaneyn Somaliland anagana idinma aqoonsanin ee na dhaafa.


Tani waa fadeexadii ugu horeysay ee laga maqlo Wadani ama Mas’uul Somalilander ah,waxaase muhiimadu tahay inaysan shacabka ka aamusin ,oo ka hadlaan qadiyadooda u muuqato mid wajigeedii hore la iibgeeyay oo la dhaafsaday kis yar oo sandareero ah.


Ma doonayo inaan ku fogaado xumaanta iyo dhaawaca sharafeed ee erayada Mustafe ay ku leeyihiin Calanka quruxda badan ee lagu hardhay kalmadaha laa ilaaha ila laa ee Somaliland astaanteeda Qaranimo ku muujisay,waxaanse rajo badan ka qabaa inaysan arrintaas noqon doonin mid shacab iyo xisbiyo la isku raacsan yahay.sidoo kalana waxaan shaki iyo humaag badan ka muujinayaa,ogaalka arrintaas ee Xukumadda,dabcan way ila tahay in Wargeyska Xukumada ee uu maamulo uu ku qoray sheekadaas.


Xubnaha wadaniyiinta Somaliland ee SOLJA ka tirsan waxaan leeyahay”Dastuurka u degsan ururkiina dib ugu laabta,oo hadii uu sheekadaan u qabo qiyaano Qaran la xisaabtama,sidoo kalana Shacabka waxaan leeyahay dastuurka dalka eega,oo maxmiyada cusub iyo qandaraasyada ka hortaga,isuna muujiya sida aad u muuqateen 16 sanadood.



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Ururka Suxufiyiinta aduunka ee IFJ waxay noo sheegeen inay dal walba ka aqoonsan yihiin hal urur sidaas daraadeedna maadama aysan aqoonsaneyn Somaliland ay Soomaaliya ka aqoonsan yihiin NUSOJ oo ah ururka kaliya ee metela Suxufiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliya

Are you contradicting the above? Are you saying the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) recognizes you boys as sovereign? AND, as it is buried in your words, has the queen of London released a degree moving us from “the illegitimate children of the great queen Victoria” status to legit status? :D:D


******** OOD, contributes so much cognitive resources on the leadership in the destruction of the fabric of Somali society by untiringly spending tremendous energy and time to spread falsehood and makeup hypotheses not even half truths in the cyberspace because the ******* is drunk with sovereignty inducing toxic.


I can not speak for the other Somali nationalists that frequent here and who have phobia in calling “a spade is spade”, but I promise whenever I have time, I will keep unclothing the ******* and show the world the holes of his logic with minimum effort. :mad:


[ August 14, 2007, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^^^^^^It will be short, sweet and to the point, I promise you, ******. I will dry up your rivers of crocodile tears for the Queen, your only bargaining chip (worthless as they are). icon_razz.gif


[ August 14, 2007, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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