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Hard Copy of Death Threats issued by Al-Shabab to Clerks and Governors

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Koore, the reason they rounded these children is to frustrate current talks...there are some who don’t see any benefit in this initiative.

^It might be true but we have no evidence. Al-Shababs were reported to have initiated the hostility.

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We have proof of children being paraded with guns.


We have proof of corpses being mutiliated and prisoners beheaded.


We have proof of civilian houses being used as morar launch pads.


We have proof of who started this war, same people who occupied and ethnicly cleansed Mogadishu, Kismayu and Marka,.


They are all the same, why are we fooling ousrelves>?

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^^^My proof is in pictures adeer, ones your ignorant groups posted. It is a fact, yours is made up as the "Jihad" they claim.


These ****** are not coming back like all the fools before them.

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

General Duke, you are being strict with the truth. Better to to treat it leniently.

Koora,Ma falantahay? You are telling me Gen.Duke being strict with truth? Truthow xaal qaado.


He wouldnt know the truth if it sat on his lap and called him Mama.(100s of posts right here in sol to prove it,Dare me!!!) smile.gif


You know what? I take that back, i dont think the TRUTH will ever sit on Duke's lap..Truth Kulaha .


*Back to hibernation* smile.gif

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