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Hard Copy of Death Threats issued by Al-Shabab to Clerks and Governors

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^Here is the latest. I am not sure of why the Kor'anic teens were first detained by the Somali Police.


The Islamist insurgents -- remnants of a sharia courts movement ousted from their strongholds in Mogadishu and much of southern Somalia at the end of 2006 -- view the presence of traditional foe Ethiopia in their country as an "occupation".


Somali police said on Thursday they had freed 37 young people, mainly Koranic students, taken in the mosque raid, leaving just a handful still in custody.


Civilians have borne the brunt of the Somali conflict, which a local rights group says killed 6,500 people last year. One million Somalis live as internal refugees


Source: Reuters

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^^^They are warriors when they fight, then everyone cries including those who sent them to their deaths when they die.

Its a shame these children are being used by clan movements to fight on their coward leaders behalf.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^They are warriors when they fight, then everyone cries including those who sent them to their deaths when they die.

Its a shame these children are being used by clan movements to fight on their coward leaders behalf.

So these " Koranic students" and the Sheikhs that were killed were supposedly fighting, miya?

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^^Adeer if one wnats to kill Koranic students and teachers they are found in every single village in Somalia. So what was so special about these ones? And who are the Shabaab fighting are they not kids, teens paid and sent to their deaths who wear no uniform?


Answers are required adeer.

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^^ Any ideas as to why the Tabliiq Sheikhs were killed? I presume their students were supposedly found innocent by the Ethiopians..........

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^^^Adeer answer the questions? Why that school, that area and not the rest of the country?

As for the Shiekh who killed him again? I know what not to trust the Al Shabaab and Asmara group, they told us the Ethiopians killed Ahmed Diriye before, so lets not take they words as any truth.


This story is so much hyped up, as IndaCade's decleration of Jihad.

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^^Duke, don’t you know you can support the entity yet disown it when it or its helpers round up 9 yrs and put them in jail? This is a moral scandal adeer and it came when there is a great momentum for peaceful dialogue…


Koore, the reason they rounded these children is to frustrate current talks...there are some who don’t see any benefit in this initiative.

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^^^Adeer we are of the same moral position. Kids are being sent to fight for nothing other than clan fascist reasons. Even in these times, they stepped up the attacks and over confident as usual they went on a spree from Jowhar to Bule Burde to Mogadishu this battle was fierce and it was started by them even Nur Cade came out and stated this was self defence.


As for the children even those armed are innocent, brainwashed and abused

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Adeer answer the questions? Why that school, that area and not the rest of the country?

Big difference between Ahmed Diriye and this case: He's alive and well. Kids taken out of a masjid and arrested! By who? Xabashis! Tabliiq Teachers found dead !If indeed Xabashis arrested and took these kids and then the Sheikhs are found dead in the very same masjid, then logically people( who happened to be in the area) are going to put two and two together!

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Adeer again you did not answer the question. If they lied about Ahmed Diriye, beheaded people before, mutilaited corpses, dug up graves, killed Imaam's and threatened the rest and assasinated unarmed individuals who is to trust what they say?


I know I dont, this is the action of the coward. They kill maim and loot and then cry when they can not do this. All this fake religious talk was over when they started tod ance on dead corpses.

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"Islaam diidow, silac u dhimo"


Are you kidding me?



LOL, this is what I mean by these folks being confused, where do their priorities lie?


How can anyone with real aqli trust any man or group talking like this: "Islaam diidow, silac u dhimo"

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