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General Duke

The Mugger no more ? Latest from NW Somalia!

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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

GD, it's better than chewing with miserable pirates.

Stop chewing full stop, I know the Mugged ones have been happy these past few days, but thats no reason to ruin your health brother. :D

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The mugged 1's are no longer mugged as they have seen the light unlike pirateland who continue to be ruled by a taxi driver who is driving piretaland into it's last coffin. :D

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Originally posted by Qudhac:


what do we have here, the defeated lot once more crying their eyes out


i wonder who is going to be the next baffoon to their pirateland they had the petrol station worker




and cab driver




i heard its going to be PLUMMER next.





indeed the defeated lot are alot are alot of comedy.

None of those profession have blood on your hands. Now, lets compare all the NW Somalia leaders and how much blood they have on their hands.


Riyaale worked for a murderous National Security Service in the same area that many war crimes took place.


Lets not start with the SNM,


Mohamed Said Barre is not alone in his guilt for these crimes against humanity, for which no-one has yet been prosecuted. Some of the other key architects of this policy of annihilation, men like Mohamed Saeed Morgan, Mohamed Hashi Gaani and countless other collaborators, continue to wreak havoc in Somalia. Others, including Mohamed Ali Samater, live in comfortable exile in the United States and elsewhere in the world.
And then others are right here in Somaliland. And they include President Dahir Rayaale, who was head of the feared and powerful secret service, the National Security Service (NSS) in Berbera. President Rayaale is named in A Government at War With Its Own People.


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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

^^You're catching feelings ya lil dhocil. Man-up my dude, I hear that you have kids even, now thata a damn shame.


ps. Go ahead, ask Jac about me.

Ok. Lets just leave it there, I can't pick on someone who cries about my age. For people will soon start quoting you and asking me to leave the little kid alone. I truly apologise for my dhocil tendencies, adeer. i saamax.



If JB vouches for you I'll believe it.

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Originally posted by Freedomfighter007:

Duke Aka cowke stop with your crazy talk

You are a baby in this site, so how could you have come to such a conclusion? Or are the secessionists coming out of the closet. :D

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